Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1053: Unprecedented treatment

The editor-in-chief of Yao did not expect that the Lu Zhou Plenary chose to think of Riemann as such... such a major proposition was put into a newly established journal for submission. Computer: /

Although he may not care about the division of the journal and the reputation of the journal itself, it is too arbitrarily too...

"...this, Riemann guessed this kind of topic, you still think carefully about it. Although I have no opinion, I feel that you are contributing here..."

Looking at Yao’s editor with a slightly embarrassed expression, Lu Zhou smiled and said.

“Do you think it’s a bit of a shame to put Riemann’s conjecture into our future?”

Editor-in-Chief Yao did not speak, but the expression answer was already obvious. His subconscious mind did have such an idea.

“At the International Congress of Mathematicians, Professor Holden whispered privately to Champagne when he handed it to me, hoping that I would be able to submit formal papers to mathematical inventions.”

“An insignificant research result will not be radiant because it is on the natural or scientific layout, and a sufficiently important research result, even if it is thrown into the rxiv, the impact factor can’t be said. The place will not weaken its light."

“Remember, whether it's a journal or a variety of awards, it's glorious because of contributors and winners, not the other way around.”

"Let's cheer," shot the shoulder of Yao's editor. Lu Zhou said with a smile, "If you think that only the top journals such as nature and science are worthy of Riemann's conjecture research, then try to put our future. Forge, do the same height!"


Recently, there have been many major events in the academic world.

First, the academician of the army was retracted, and the authenticity and credibility of the carbon-based chip were questioned. Finally, the future was born in the future. It made many scholars who were keen on the gossip in the circle eat enough.

With the arrival of the end of the month, in the hope of countless people, the first issue of the future has finally appeared in people's sight.

Almost as soon as this first issue came out, the eyes of countless people were shocked.

There is no reason for him.

The first issue of this journal is actually a special issue of 30 pages. !

And published, it is still Riemann's conjecture at this level of academic achievement.

Looking at the entire academic world, even the science funded by Edison has not won such a privilege at the beginning of the publication. Taking the world-class mathematics puzzle as a starting point, the treatment of this start-up can be said to be unprecedented.

Not just the paper itself published.

The six big mathematicians including Faltins are the special treatments for reviewers, the aura of the author of Lu Zhou himself, and the crown of Riemann’s conjecture, which can be said to be bright. Human eyes.

Although some of them are sorry for Professor Holden, they did not publish the research results in mathematics inventions. However, Lu Zhou did not say that he was too dead at the time. He only said that he would consider it, so he was not considered to be inferior.

At the same time, in addition to the proof of the thirty-page Riemann conjecture published in the future, the most topical is undoubtedly the carbon-based chip technology published in the future issue.

Many people have discovered that the paper is the one that was retracted.

Don't say that the word has not changed, even if a punctuation has not been moved.

This kind of behavior is not written on the face of the disdain and ridicule.

Things got interesting in a flash.

Canteen in a university in Huaguo.

The two research dogs talked about this thing while sitting and eating noodles while sucking the noodles.

"Haha, or Professor Lu is arrogant! I am the first time I have seen such a big amnesty, and I have been retracted and said that I have to run a journal to vote."

"It’s really enough to hang, our tutor has been paying attention to this matter, and I was shocked by this operation."

"You said that someone will go there and what will be submitted in the future?"

"Do you think this is a problem with the influence of the academician of the land in the academic world? I think that if you are worried about whether someone is going to contribute, it is better to worry about it."

"This is also..."

After all, that is Professor Lu.

Even if he let go of his own influence in the academic world, he said that his strong research institute, such as the Jinling Institute of Higher Education, is enough to claim itself in the domestic research field.

He himself is studying material science. I remember listening to the tutors more than once. The researchers at the Jinling Institute of Higher Education and they are no longer a species.

No university or research institution has been able to attract so many overseas scholars to return to the country, and no university or research institution has been so financially so willing. It is said that Lu Zhou has almost invested in half of the annual profit of Star Technology.

It’s no different from the monsters who came out of the place to grab the journal page, and the dunk in front of Yao Ming’s face...

In the academic world, when this future turned out, and the contradictions between the academicians and the academy, there was a lot of anger.

In fact, when Intel, Qualcomm and even South Korea’s Samsung formed a coalition to cope with the crisis, it was proposed to “remove the paper from the top to control its influence and put this pressure on the downstream manufacturers. Mebery, which has shaken the technology of the global semiconductor industry chain, has considered various possible situations.

Including Lu Zhou backhanded the paper to rxiv, and even used his own influence in iene and ature, or simply found a journal in China that could not find his own public relations, but he did not consider this special guy himself. I have a journal.

What is the difference between this and the referee playing football?

No, it’s worse than the referee playing the ball!

It should be said that the player was half kicked by the yellow card, and he played the referee while playing the ball.

If it is just a noisy, but this journal has been sung by him, and even many people think that it is expected to become the third largest comprehensive academic journal with ieneature.

This time, Mayberry is really nothing.

What else can he do?

Can't always ask the president, lobby the lawmakers to ban the sale of this journal in the United States?

Although in theory he can do it, the strength of the alliance of the top companies in the entire semiconductor industry can be said to be quite horrible.


Is it so useful?

Don't say that someone will be cared for with the same look as a fool.

Is the archway of "academic freedom" still unnecessary?

Just then, a knock on the door outside the office, his assistant slammed in.


"what's up!"

Looking at Mayberry, who was on the head, the assistant swallowed and said quickly.

“Haisi sent us an invitation... it was a product launch conference on the Dragon 1 chip.”

Hearing this sentence, Mayberry's eyelids jumped wildly and asked subconsciously.



Mayberry asked in a deep voice: "...only invited me alone?"

The assistant continued: "No, there is Mr. Swan... If you don't want to go, I will help you."

"Go, who said I don't go," Mayberry bit his teeth, almost squeezing out the words from his teeth. "Now go and help me book a ticket! To the day of the conference!"

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