New York International Airport.

In the inconspicuous corner of the waiting room, two unremarkable old people were sitting with big suitcases and small suitcases on their hands.

If people from the physics community pass by here, they will be surprised to recognize the identity of two people, and even sign a textbook on quantum mechanics.

However, unfortunately, knowledge and opportunities are always in the hands of a small number of people. On the same flight, the probability of encountering a peer who can recognize the identity of two people can be said to be less than one in ten thousand.

Even if the imcrc headquarters in Shanghai will hold the first Asian High Energy Physics Research Summit in a few days, this probability will not increase much.

But then again, it is thanks to this, in order to allow Witten to steal half of the peace that is difficult to enjoy in Princeton in this noisy lounge, quietly watching something without worrying about being The person who came to discuss the problem interrupted his thoughts.

Sitting next to Professor Witten, Frank Verzek, who also went to the meeting in Shanghai, took a look at the journal in his hand, and the subconscious mind became a seam.

"3.7ghz integrated circuit based on carbon nanotube film"

What are you doing?

"When did you start to be interested in integrated circuits?"

Although he didn't want to interrupt Yaxing, who read his extracurricular readings, but couldn't stand the curiosity in his heart, Verzek couldn't help but ask the confusion in his heart.

"Although I don't understand it, it looks quite interesting."

Interested in turning over the journals in his hand, Witeng said to himself, "a new chip based on graphene materials, is expected to redefine the concept of semiconductors and lead the industry of electronics industry. .. ...... oh, no wonder ieee will be so anxious to remove this paper."

Although he is in the field of physics, this does not mean that he does not know anything about other industries.

In fact, because he walks in various countries and contacts with various people all the year round, he knows more about certain things than the average person.

Although ieee is nominally a non-profit professional technology society, mainly composed of engineers in the fields of electrical, electronic, computer engineering, etc., this does not mean that they can completely exclude the influence from industry and even politics.

Especially for applications such as integrated circuits that serve specific industries, when the value of research can only be reflected in industrial practice, the boundaries between industry and academia become very subtle.

Moreover, this is an academic organization registered in the United States.

Undoubtedly, this small carbon-based chip has already shaken the North American...and even the global semiconductor industry for decades. Whether it is the giants like Intel or the United States, which has a strong position in the semiconductor industry, it will never allow such a thing to happen.

In fact, if such a technology is made by a company like Intel or amd, the resistance to the implementation may be slightly smaller.

But now the company that has come up with this technology is not only a company located in the middle of the industry chain, but also from countries outside the United States...

Not to mention China.

Even if it is his own ally, the White House is definitely not soft.

Retracting from ieee should be only the first step. The purpose is to control the right to speak from the source. What will happen next, and Witten is basically imaginable.

Once this battle is launched, a coalition of semiconductor manufacturers, including Intel, Qualcomm, Amd, etc., will use all means and influence within the industry, through all means, not limited to smearing and exclusive agreements. The industry chain released top-down pressures and eventually excluded the technology... until they researched it themselves.

But this time, ieee is obviously miscalculated.

Those who may have included the instructions behind them to withdraw their manuscripts did not think that the professor Lu was so just like this. He turned around and got the journal out, and hanged the paper without changing it.

Now the entire academic community has been stunned by his slogan.

However, it is true that Witton himself is not at all surprised.

After all, this man who refused to face Faltins could uncompromise the man who insisted on the truth.

Ask yourself, he doesn't necessarily have the courage to quarrel with the stubborn Germanic man.

Thoughtfully staring at the journal in his hand, Professor Verzek, sitting next to him, suddenly said.

"Do you think this is a good thing?"

As if he knew what he was asking, Wei Teng smiled and said.

"It's a good thing in the long run."

“Do you think this is a good thing?” Verzek snorted. “We unified the academic world with a century. Now they have changed it back. Anyway, at least now we exchange academic issues. You can use the same language instead of the current one, or look at the layman's Chinese to English, or learn another language."

Although "future" is bilingual, in fact, for those who are really engaged in research in related fields, their choice can only be the latter, that is, learn another language.

After all, academic works are different from literary works.

The latter is translated and polished, and it may happen that the translation is better than the original.

But for the former, the most taboo for those who seek truth is to eat what others have chewed over and spit out. Whether it is an insider or a layman, the translation that wants to fully reflect the 100% of the views expressed by the original author does not exist.

Moreover, this is not just a question of several papers. Once the influence of "future" really reaches the height of "siene" and "nature", it is hard to say that the trend of splitting in this language will not further on the macro level. expand.

And this is also the place where Verzek feels most anxious.

In fact, it is not just him who produces similar ideas.

This kind of anxiety, when imcrc was just unveiled, has already been quietly filled in the physics community.

Looking at his old friend, Witton clearly saw what he really was thinking about in his heart, but he just smiled in disapproval.

He turned the "future" in his hand, he said casually.

“Language has never been an obstacle to academic prosperity. In fact, the most prosperous period of European academics is the most split time in Europe... but at the same time, it is also the time when the spark of culture and thought is the most brilliant.”

"What's wrong with learning a language? I learned French in a month at cern. Although it's not as young as it is now, I don't want to learn another language for too long." ...... I advise you to try to learn a little Chinese, even if the first-hand information of the Moon Palace is not published in Chinese, the weight of imcrc in the international physics community is getting heavier and heavier. Wait until the Moon Hadron Collider is completed. We may go to Shanghai more than we go to Switzerland and France."

Verzek shook his head. "I tried to learn... but those symbols are too difficult."

“It’s not the language itself, but the contradictions and prejudices in your subconscious,” Witten said in a relaxed tone. “And in many cases, it’s this unreasonable prejudice that hinders us from exploring the truth. Centuries ago, we stubbornly believed that the earth is square, the sea is the boundary of the world, and the sun is turning around us."

"Even now, I will still recall what my father once said to me. Science is a kind of thinking and a tool. It is usually used to solve what we have encountered in our civilization, what we are facing now, and the future. Everything you might encounter."

"Standing at the height of human civilization, they are obviously also a part of human civilization. The arrogance that has long been rooted in our hearts has made us ignore their problems for too long, and arrogance breeds many problems and even contradictions. Including many of the problems we are facing, it is an embodiment of this contradiction..."

Closing the journal in his hand, Witten looked at the watch on his hand and then looked at Professor Welzek, who was in meditation, and smiled and said.

"Don't say it, time is almost over, we should board the plane."


The recent meeting in Shanghai is obviously not just imcrc.

Just as Witten's boarders boarded a flight to Shanghai, Swan and Mayberry, two executives from Intel, had landed at Shanghai International Airport.

After passing the customs, Mayberry, who had not turned the jet lag, couldn’t help but yawn a few times along the way to the waiting area.

Walking next to him, Swan frowned and looked at him and asked.

"There are two hours before their product launch is about to start... are you ok?"

"No problem, I am just a little... I didn't turn over the time difference." Shaking a little groggy brain, Mayberry reached for his temple and continued, "In fact, I think I am alone. Obviously they just want to give us the next Mawei, we don't need to pay attention to them, just follow our plan here."

"It’s true that it is true," moved away from Mayberry’s face, and Swan looked intently at the front. "But only knowing the opponent can defeat the opponent. Since they are arrogant to give us this Opportunity, it’s a pity to miss it."

"No matter what product they plan to produce at the press conference, at least we have to figure out which step of the carbon-based chip."

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