Jinling University.

The office at the end of the courtyard.

A girl with a short ponytail and a slightly petite figure, holding a professional book almost higher than her forehead, some effortlessly squeezed the door into the office.

Walking to a desk full of books, Han Mengqi struggled to pile the books in his hand next to another book.

Two steps back, rubbing the sweat beads in front of the forehead, and looking at the desk where the pens could not be put down, Han Mengqi enjoyed the results of his own labor for a while, and couldn't help but secretly licked his tongue.

She didn't know if she didn't try it, she was so arrogant.

At this time, outside the office, a knock on the door, the student holding the textbook, pushed the door and walked in, and looked at the brain.

"That...sister, Professor Lu?"

Hearing the sound coming from the door, I thought that I had already become a teacher, and Han Mengqi’s heart could not help but burst into a sigh.

This person who came in was not someone else. It was the previous time that he applied for the gold medal in the imo contest of the Mathematics Department of Jinling University.

When this incident just came out, it also caused a lot of topics on the campus of Jinda. Even the school newspaper interviewed the undergraduate student and asked him why he did not consider Shuimuyan, but he came to Jinling.

And his answer is equally interesting.

Who is interviewing, and all the answers are one sentence -

Because Professor Lu is here!

Obviously, it is impossible to give Master to such a guy with unknown origins. Han Mengqi cleared his throat and took out the majesty and dignity of Lu’s chief disciple and shook his head.

"Professor is not here. He has been to Shanghai in the past few days."

Ji Mo said: "Going to Shanghai? Is it a business trip? When will it come back?"

"It’s three days long, two days short. He told me this way. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me, or you can send an email directly to the professor. Generally, he sees it. When he is not busy, he will definitely return. of."

There was a trace of lost expression on his face, and the season shook his head and said.

"Thank you, then... I still send an email."

Han Mengqi nodded and said nothing.

In fact, she doesn't really like to give questions to others. It is naturally best not to bother her.

Especially this guy, some of them have been too old-fashioned, and when they first came, they all followed the shouting of Master Master behind Lu Zhou. Although she was reminded by Lu Zhou that she had a little convergence, she still felt quite uncomfortable in her heart.

After all, it is obviously her first call.

Now suddenly there is a little devil who doesn’t know where to come, so I’m shouting, so that she has the feeling that her own stem has been stolen, the more I want to get angry!

Didn't notice what the teacher was thinking, and Ji Mo sighed with regret.

Since Professor Lu is not here, he naturally has no reason to stay.

But just as he was about to leave, he suddenly noticed a few stacks of books piled up on the table at the door.

Curiously approached the past and looked at it. When he saw what was written on the cover, he was shocked.

""unity3d platform ar and vr development quickly get started", "neural network design (second edition)", "adaptive computing and machine learning", "bioinformatics"...sister, are you going to transfer to a major?"

Han Mengqi: "These books are not mine."

Ji Moi asked: "... is that?"

Han Mengqi: "Professor wants."

As soon as I heard that it was a professor, Ji Mo didn't feel strange at the moment, but it also produced new feelings.

I picked up a book and flipped it. Although every word was known, I couldn’t understand what it meant. I closed the book and returned to Ji Mo, and sighed.

"The scope of our professor's involvement is really wide... Needless to say, physics and mathematics, nuclear fusion, aerospace, materials, batteries, and the material of the carbon-based chip... You said that Professor Lu is still not awkward? ”

After hearing this sentence, Han Mengqi hesitated, seriously thinking about this problem for a while, and said with an uncertain voice.

"There are also people he is not good at, such as computers..."

Zimmer immediately said: "But I heard that the course selection software and the class schedule we used were developed by him."

"Oh, just relative to the real big cow, his programming ability is certainly better than the average person." The expression was slightly embarrassed, Han Mengqi searched for a while and continued to say, "... Yes, the creature should be very general. Well, there are a lot of things he is not good at... In fact, do you remember his things so clearly?"

Ji Mo was embarrassed to smile, habitually touched the back of his head.

"Oh, that's a must."

As a true fan, for the glory of Lu Zhou, he can be said to be a few treasures, remember that it is clearer than the cockroaches he eats in the morning.

Although it may seem a bit strange in the eyes of classmates and even roommates, his feelings about mathematics are generally impossible for ordinary people to understand.

The line of sight was put back on the piles of books that were high, and Zimmer’s voice said with some emotion.

"However, talking about so many books... How long has he been watching?"

"I don't know," Han Mengqi shook his head and said, "...is estimated to be an extracurricular reading this year."

Just as the two were chatting, the office door suddenly opened and looked at the person who appeared at the door. The eyes of the two men showed a surprise expression.


"You are back?"

"Well, about the high-speed rail that I just got an hour ago," looked at Han Mengqi, Lu Zhou continued, "What about the book?"

The lips curled up smugly, and Han Mengqi pointed to the table at the door. "It’s here, according to the book you gave me, I have already borrowed it from the library."

Looking at this high book, Lu Zhou squatted slightly. When he asked someone to open the book list, he didn't pay attention to the thickness of each book. I didn't expect these books to pile up so high.

When I thought of myself to take this matter to a girl, Lu Zhou couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed, and looked at his little apprentice with apologetic apologetics.

"I didn't expect to have so much... hard work for you."

"Oh, actually, it’s okay, it’s hard work..."

There was a sly smile on his face, and Han Mengqi, who was praised, was embarrassed to use the index finger around the corner.

This action was simply engraved with her sister, and she couldn’t help but notice the boat.

"I still go when I return the book. By the way, I have to thank the librarians. After all, they have added a lot of trouble to their work."

As he said, Lu Zhou and Wang Peng nodded. The latter immediately noticed, and found a paper box from the corner of the office to help him put the books together.

Seeing that Lu Zhou put these books in and prepared to leave the office, Ji Mo remembered why he came here and said quickly.

"Wait a minute, teacher... Professor, I have a question I want to ask you."

"Send me an email."

One person grabbed one and smashed the box with Wang Peng. Lu Zhou looked back at him and continued, "...but, try to be before this evening. If you are late, you want to contact me, I am afraid I have to wait for the next one. I have been there for the week."


Is this year's reading volume not very good, but one thing is certain is that he wants to see things add up, the amount of text can be said to be a rather horrible number.

This includes thirty-seven professional books and a total of one hundred and twenty-seven articles that Xiao Ai helped him to retrieve.

Although the latter has been screened by him, there are only 87 articles left, but it is still a task that normal humans cannot accomplish in a short time.

In fact, this is not an easy task for Lu Zhou, and the learning of professional knowledge is like building blocks. The previous knowledge is unfamiliar. It is almost impossible to build a high-rise building above, unless it is re- The foundation was firmly fixed and started again.

However, Lu Zhou's purpose is not to understand these things, to become a master of neural network algorithms and biological neural network research.

There are only two elements of judgment for the integral, one is the amount of knowledge, and the other is the subject level—or in other words, the talent for a particular subject.

As for the other two key elements—practical experience and scientific intuition—although playing a vital role in actual research, it does not seem to be taken into account by the system.

Therefore, he only needs to put these things into his head, and it is enough to understand what they are and what they are used for.

Xiao Ai: [Master, really do not need me to help you scan to the computer? ⊙w⊙】

I flipped through the book at the bottom of my hand and tried to find the feeling of Lu Zhou. I replied casually. "No, I prefer to read things written on paper."

Do not hurt the eyes, not easy to fatigue, but also can write two notes at the side, although the current reader is already very convenient, but the habit of Lu Zhou has not changed.

Xiao Ai: [But in terms of efficiency, is the reading speed of electronic files not faster? ()

Lu Zhou: "This is the difference between people and ai. In fact, people are not a kind of logical animal. What we are pursuing is not absolute efficiency."

Xiao Ai: [What is that? (I am very curious.jpg)]

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, "Probably a kind of satisfaction."

Xiao Ai: [satisfied? It’s hard to understand. (‵‵)

"Well, the popular point is comfort, whether it is the living environment or itself, whether it is physical or psychological... This topic goes on to the scope of philosophy, or just stop it."

Xiao Ai: [Hey, but I still want to know more about the owner. ()

Closing the book in his hand, Lu Zhou looked at the camera of the laptop silently.

"Know me, then?"

Xiao Ai: [You can meet the owner. (///w///)]

Lu Zhou: "..."

Because I was not sure whether I wanted to marry it or if I deliberately let myself think about it, Lu Zhou decided to ignore this mental retardation for a while.

A silver medicine bottle was taken out of the system space. After opening the bottle cap, he gently poured it out and swallowed it with the water in the side cup.

About ten seconds of waiting, a warm current rises from the stomach belt, crawls all over the body along the spinal nerves, and finally gathers into a point in the cerebral cortex.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. When you open your eyes again, Lu Zhou only feels that his concentration has never been concentrated.

When I opened the book again, those sentences that were as hard as a spell were like a three-line, two-character slogan. The knowledge points that were originally difficult to understand, in the face of the whirlpool of great spiritual power and concentration, also collapsed in an instant.

Feeling the power of the brain, Lu Zhou's eyes could not help but write a hint of excitement.

A long-lost explosion of liver.

it has started!

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