Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1070: Fragments that make up the world

Distributed Computing?

When I heard this unexpected noun, Lu Zhou’s eyebrows were gently lifted.

Inspired by this concept, what he suddenly thought of in the vagueness.

“Can you elaborate?”

"no problem……"

This kind of thing is hidden and useless. Instead of leaving a hand in the fog of the cloud, it is better to say it all, and there is no possibility of cooperation.

For the direct request of Lu Zhou, Mier only hesitated, and soon made a decision, generously speaking the idea in his heart.

"In short, we output the same electrical signal through the neural modem. When we are translated by the brain, it may be because the individual understands the same message differently, and the brain itself blurs the information, showing different pictures... ...just like two sets of puzzles carved out of a mold, even if each piece of the puzzle is numbered and restored in the same order, if the patterns on each piece are different, the final picture will not be the same. ……Am i right?"

Lu Zhou nodded and said in a program-processed voice.

"Basically correct."

"That problem is actually solved very well," a smug expression appeared on his face. Professor Mier made a snap and continued. "The brain is a black box for us. We have almost no way of knowing its blurring of information." The process of processing, but it responds to the outside world. We can build a statistical model of discrete data by counting the input and feedback results."

"What is this called in physics? It seems to be called indirect observation? Forget it, it is not my profession, I don't understand it very well. In short, through such a statistical model, we can constantly eliminate the gap between the puzzle and the puzzle. Differences, and establish a one-to-one correspondence between electrical signals and puzzles."

"The scenes that are pieced together with the vague concepts of cows, sheep, knights and kings, of course, will see different pictures in each person's eyes, but if we define the picture with the basic three primary colors, we define the sound with 44 basic tones. And then use these more trivial, small pieces to restore the entire scene..."

“I believe that except for some people who have misunderstood colors or never heard the sound, everyone has the same resonance for the virtual world we build.”

After listening to Professor Mier’s description, Lu Zhou’s eyes clearly showed a clear sense of interest.

However, he did not immediately give a positive answer, but after weighing a number of pros and cons, the opening continued.

"Amazing thoughts... I can find a set of instructions that can be correctly interpreted by the brain through statistical methods, and a one-to-one correspondence with the mechanical language of the neural modem output. Can I understand this? This method is really good, but physics. There is a concept in learning that is 'more complex', I think it is equally applicable here. As we have learned, the brain is a black box, and the existing technology we can't understand how it processes information, unless We can download a library in each user's brain, but this is impossible in both technical and practical terms."

Mier immediately said: "Yes, the brain is a black box. I said this at the beginning. Every individual has the ability to think independently, and is a unique sample, but even so, we can still sample and sample. Find their commonality between them."

"So I mentioned distributed computing, and that's how we implemented this idea!"

“In short, let enough samples get involved in this research!”

“When a puzzle can be unified in 1000 people's eyes, this puzzle can be used for us! The more we accumulate the puzzles, the more detailed and complete the world we build. And all of this. , all can be achieved through the method I said!"

Then, Mier gave a detailed account of his ideas to Lu Zhou.

In short, it is to find the information that can produce the same feedback in the human brain, and then establish a one-to-one correspondence between the information and the machine language, and then through the means of programming to achieve the construction of the whole world.

For example, red is 01, blue is 10, and yellow is 00. A six-character code can produce distinct colors in the human brain through different permutations.

Everyone is the same in terms of basic color perception.

Of course, this is only the basis of the foundation, and even the method of distributed computing can be used. In fact, Lu Zhou also showed a blue grassland in the world that the school sister saw in this way.

The ultimate goal of the whole set of distributed computing research methods on virtual reality systems is to dig out all the elements that are similar to the three primary colors and the basic sounds that can reach an undisputed consensus in everyone's brain. The basics.

The color in the pupil gradually became clear. After Lu Zhou thought for a while, he touched his chin with a little excitement.

"... This method of building a system through distributed computing is quite interesting. I will try to study it later."

Seeing Lu Zhou’s sentence completely did not have his own position, Mierton was anxious, and quickly said.

"Wait a minute, don't consider letting me join your project? You expect one person to complete such a huge project? Impossible... Well, if possible, you have to spend more than double the time. If you can afford all the research funding, I am willing to give you all the things like patents. My request is not high, let me get involved! I can definitely help!"

Mier said this sentence quite simply, not even at all.

After all, the patent has nothing to do with him.

Generally, the company is engaged in similar research. The patent is something that the inventor does not have to think about. The contract usually clarifies the ownership of the patent. Only the top-ranking big cow can qualify for negotiation with the industry. And the general professor or researcher can get the share promised by the company to the developer, it is already quite good.

In fact, Mier does not care about this kind of thing.

It is not that he does not love money, but he is very clear that fame is the real important capital of a scholar.

This reputation is not only a reputation, but also a demonstration of academic qualifications.

Once you have enough fame and become the real big bull in the eyes of everyone, do you still need to worry about the little things of research funding?

If you really become one of the founders of the virtual reality system, I am afraid that people who want to save money for his experiments can queue up from Geneva to Zurich.

From the eager tone, he heard Professor Mier’s hope. Lu Zhou, sitting in front of the computer, shook his head with a smile.

It is superficial.

However, it is quite true.

Although the character of Professor Mier is not so pleasing, he has a saying that Lu Zhou’s heart has gone.

As a scholar who is proficient in the field of biological neural networks and neural network algorithms, if he joins, it is really easier to do this system than himself.

After all, how to say this idea is also proposed by him. He must have a better idea of ​​how to implement this algorithm.

Thinking about for about ten seconds, Lu Zhou said.

"If you want to join my project, it depends on whether you have sincerity."

Hearing this sentence, Mier squinted.

He really can't think of what else he deserves to be worthy of this person's plot.

The brow wrinkled lightly, and he said a little nervously.

"What do you want? Money? Declare in advance that I am a poor man."

Interrupted his boring and ridiculous speculation, Lu Zhou said straight into the topic: "This month, the global artificial intelligence application innovation summit will be held in Shanghai. If you are willing to come, I can talk face to face with you. Things."

Almost no second hesitation, after hearing this sentence, Mier immediately asked: "How can I find you in Shanghai? Use this mailbox?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said.

"You are not looking for me."

"When you arrive, you will naturally see me."

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