Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1071: Actually you? !

Life is like a journey to go and go, making choices at the forks of countless choices, and finally reaching an end where you don't know where to stop.

Professor Mier felt that at this moment he was standing on such a fork. Behind the seemingly bright future, there are all kinds of risks hidden. Although I did not hesitate to agree, but think about it, my decision is actually too sloppy.

However, after a full three days of entanglement, he finally packed his luggage and embarked on a journey to Shanghai.

Although Dr. Z’s identity is quite suspicious, if he stays in this institute for a lifetime, he is not the life he wants.

He is also accompanied by his old friend Professor Sarrot.

Although the professors of materials science and the summit of artificial intelligence seem to have a little bit of a match, the use of carbon materials has become more widespread over the years, especially the carbon-based chips that have recently been made in China. The connection between carbon material research and information technology suddenly became tight.

In this regard, he has expressed envy more than once.

Obviously everyone is engaged in computer origins. It is obvious that they are all half-way out of the house. In the twinkling of an eye, even artificial intelligence has begun to pick up the heat of carbon materials. Why is his research direction still alive and dead? Look like.

Every time he thinks about this problem, he feels good.

"...this is probably the most boring academic conference I have ever attended."

Obviously, there is a different idea from Professor Miel, who is envious of hate. After coming out of the scene of the report, Professor Sarrot, who walked on the street with him, said in a slightly boring voice, "A group does not It’s stupid to know what graphene is and what it’s like to be a panacea for all problems. Whether it’s artificial intelligence or quantum communication, the crux of the problem is simply not in the material... Why do group idiots don’t understand?"

"...maybe because they have tried all the methods that can be tried?" I don't want to admit that I am such an idiot. Professor Meyer used a euphemism saying, "When the knowledge in this field can no longer be opened on this issue." When it comes to breaking through, it is not a very common research idea to learn from other research directions or even different fields."

"That is what I said, but I still feel that these unrealistic expectations are really stupid... It is my first time to come to China," said Sarah, looking around the streets. "I didn't expect This has become so developed. By contrast, Amsterdam is like a country."

Mier: "BBC's news is so easy to produce such an idea, but to be honest, I still like Amsterdam a bit. The buildings there are shorter, but more beautiful, like beautiful Dutch girls..."

Sarot smirked and said: "I always feel that what you are really interested in is not architecture."

Professor Miell fooled a sentence and said: "This is definitely your illusion... Do you not have an old friend of Huaguo? Every time I ask you who he is, you are not willing to tell me. It is rare to come. At a glance, are you not going to visit?"

At the moment of hearing this sentence, Sarrot’s expression suddenly became a little subtle.

"I haven't thought about this thing yet. After all, I haven't contacted for a few years. He is now well mixed. I don't know if he still remembers me..."

Since that call, Lu Zhou has disposed of the lab in Silicon Valley. After returning to Amsterdam, he has not contacted Lu Zhou again.

In fact, he is still a little scared.

Similar rumors have been heard before, and some researchers have been too close to the “disliked” countries in the United States, and the results have been dealt with secretly. Didn't the most famous Girard Boole be shot at the home in Brussels, Belgium after receiving an anonymous call?

He used his own experience to help Lu Zhou establish a series of patent barriers in the field of lithium-sulfur batteries, and these patents are now causing the new energy companies in the United States to complain. It is precisely because of this that he has been nervous all the time since he was investigated by fbi.

After a pause for half a second, he opened the subject and said.

"There is a coffee shop over there. I am going to drink something. Do you need to bring it for you?"

Professor Miel: "A cup of cappuccino will do."

Sarrot: "I am waiting for me."

Looking at the back of Professor Sarrot turned to Starbucks, Professor Mier inserted his hand into his pocket, and some boring stood on the side of the road.

Just then, a man in a brown jacket suddenly came over and asked with a smooth English courtesy.

"Hello, are you Mr. Mier?"

Stopped, Mier turned back and cast a doubtful look at him.

"Yes, is there any problem?"

He does not remember what he is very familiar with in this country.

The man said, "Someone is looking for you."

For a moment, I thought of the speculation on Facebook that Dr. Z was a Chinese, Mier asked immediately.

"Is Dr. Z?"

The man’s expression suddenly became subtle, and he looked around and said softly.


Regardless of the old friend who went to Starbucks to buy coffee, Mier immediately urged him: "Take me in the past... Why don't you go?"

"Dr. z asked me to ask you if you think about it."

Listening to this inexplicable words, Mier squinted and stared at the man frowning.

"Do you still ask? If you don't think about it, I will fly thousands of kilometers away to listen to an academic conference that I am not interested in at all?"

It seems to be the acceptance of Professor Miell’s statement that the man nodded.

"Go, please come with me."

After all, he thought that Professor Mier made a gesture and turned and took him to a black Buick parked next to him...

Almost at the same time, Sarrot, who was holding two cups of coffee in his hand, came out from Starbucks.

Returning to the roadside that was previously separated from Professor Miel, watching the crowds of people around, Sarotht squatted slightly.

What about people?

Why are you missing?


Regarding the identity of Dr. Z, the security department of China is actually aware of it.

At that time, there were just a few people who could come into contact with the bacteria of Mars. After the extract was sent to the ground launch center, even the country did not go out. It is speculated that Dr. Z must be in the territory of China.

Regardless of whether the rescue does not save the world, the unstable things of Mars bacteria are undoubtedly quite dangerous if they are held in the hands of unsafe people.

Almost the first time, the General Staff was involved in the investigation, and the top leader even called Lu Zhou personally to understand the situation.


Then there is nothing wrong with it.

After all, it was not something that was worthy of concealment. Seeing that the country’s security department thought it was the pathogen leaked, it was so nervous that Lu Zhou told him directly.

Of course, this matter is only known to the security authorities in China, and even to the high-level and some security personnel responsible for the safety of the Luzhou. Even Professor Liu Zuibing, who has also participated in the project, is kept in the dark.

It’s not that Lu Zhou intends to sell this offense. It’s just that many things are too much trouble to explain. It’s better to wear a direct kit vest on the body.

Anyway, he did not intend to use this vest to do anything that hurts the world.

However, Mier did not know, and did not expect this.

He has made many guesses along the way.

Including Dr. Z is actually a military giant like Stark, including Dr. Z, who is actually developing a powerful information technology weapon for the secret of China...

I did not expect that this is actually this...

When he saw the man with the pen sitting behind the desk, Mier was shocked and pointed to him for a long time without saying a complete sentence.

"You, you, you... I know you, you are that."

“Re-introducing yourself, Lu Zhou.” A slight smile, Lu Zhou said with a relaxed tone, “Welcome to China, Mr. Mier.”

Seeing Lu Zhou so confessed his identity, the last minute of the brain is still in the state of Mier, the whole person suddenly nervous.

"Is your identity telling me directly?"

Lu Zhou said casually: "It wasn't something that I couldn't say, but I was more afraid of trouble, so I asked the relevant departments to keep the secret. It is nothing to satisfy your curiosity."

Meyer trembled and said: "I swear, I will not talk around."

"Don't be nervous," Lu said with a look at the atmosphere. Lu Zhou made a joke. "This is a civilized country. Even if you talk about this kind of thing everywhere, I can't let you evaporate."

Suddenly, he continued.

"At most, empty out all your social accounts and mailboxes... and hard drives."

Upon hearing this threat, Mier’s face suddenly slammed down and frowned.

" still kill me."

in this era.

Losing these things is basically equal to social death.

"So, you just need to hold your mouth and you won't have any unpleasant things," Lu Zhou said with a shrug. "I allow you to participate in my project. It doesn't let you inquire about gossip."

Professor Mier’s chicken nodded like a glutinous rice: “I understand... I didn’t think of it, I didn’t expect Professor Lu to be a computer expert.”

Feeling the vibration of the phone in the pocket, the expression on Lu Zhou’s face became subtle: “Oh it is... I will study some problems outside of mathematics when I am amateur.”

"I understand that people with good mathematics generally have a good understanding of computers."

After a quick cough interrupted Professor Mier’s words, Lu Zhou continued: “Don’t rush to flatter, let me briefly talk about the work here...”

At this time, the phone that was resting in his pocket suddenly ringed.

This time is not a short message harassment by Xiao Ai, but a real call.

Stopped the conversation, Lu Zhou took out the phone.

"Wait a minute, I will take a call."

The phone was called by the sister.

Without stopping, he pressed the button that was turned on.

Just as he was about to ask what was going on, the excitement sounded from the phone.

"The experimenter's problem has been solved!"

"When do you need it?"

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