Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1085: Cloud computing and virtual reality network

"can you see it?"

"……what did you see?"

"The bridge," He Changwen used his fingers to make a stroke. The expression was weird and continued. "It is the outline of the academician."

The index finger arrived at the chin, and Han Mengqi thought for a moment and said.

"I don't know the thing I saw. It was the one that Master said. But I probably feel a little bit."

Originally thought that his sister and sister were in the same fog as the ones who heard it, and did not expect to hear such an answer. He Changwen was shocked.

"I am going, you... can you understand what he is talking about?"

I don't quite understand why the brothers are so excited, Han Mengqi nodded his face with a strange expression.

"Well... I can probably feel a little bit, but this may also be related to the topic I was working on some time ago."

He Changwen: "...What topic?"

Han Mengqi: "The transcendence problem of the value of the Riemann zeta function at odd integer points."

He Changwen: "..."

Looking at the brother who suddenly fell silent, Han Mengqi slightly hesitated, asked.

"……Any questions?"

"Nothing," He Changwen shook his head, his face with a skeptical expression of his life, and his tone was complicated. "My subject is almost this."


Almost at the same time.

In the conference room of the Starry Sky Technology Corporation of Jinling High-tech Park, a man wearing a suit and appearance often appeared in various expression packs with a steady smile on his face and handing out the documents in his hand.

"At the request of your company, we have made some modifications to the original proposal. I believe that this consultation will be more enjoyable than the last one."

Although he is the boss of the Penguin Group, but at this moment facing the younger ceo, his face does not have any contemptuous expression.

After picking up the document, Chen Yushan skillfully scanned the contents of the proposal, and the corner of his mouth finally took a faint smile.

Just as Ma Teng, sitting across from her, was trying to observe the expression on her face, she spoke.

"There are a few things that need to be changed."

Upon hearing this sentence, Ma Teng’s expression appeared a dignified expression, but the tone was still in the previous relaxed tone, and said with a smile.

"please say."

"About the exclusive part of the agreement is deleted, our positioning of this virtual reality system is not the launcher of the penguin game. In addition, I ask your company to assist us in collecting user data while adopting our virtual reality related technology. Cooperate with our research to fulfill the obligation of virtual reality systems."

Although it was somewhat regrettable to fail to reach an exclusive agreement, Ma Teng was relieved to hear that Star Technology had not used this opportunity to open the mouth.

To be reasonable, this is virtual reality technology.

In this stage of the epoch-making technology, it doesn't matter what the game looks like. Even if it is a game made with feet, as long as it can be presented in a completely immersive virtual reality technology, it will inevitably hit the world.

Not to mention this little request, even if they want to increase their holdings of Tencent's shares into the board of directors, they can all be considered.

However, Star Technology does not seem to be able to see them.

As for the collection of user data with Star Technology...

This is not a big deal for modern Internet companies.

How to accurately push the advertisement without collecting user data, how should we provide better service for users? The data needed by the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies is just fine.

With a smile on the head, Ma Teng said with pleasure.

"If it's just that, we agree with your proposal."

Chen Yushan smiled and nodded.

"Then I wish you a happy cooperation."

Negotiations and consultations went smoothly, and the two sides reached an agreement on cooperation on the spot.

As for the specific contract, it will be signed on the next day after being re-planned.

Standing up from the conference table, Ma Teng smiled and extended his right hand and Chen Zong shook.

"I have always heard that Mr. Chen is young and promising. Today, I am fortunate enough to see one side."

"Mr. Ma has won the prize."

"There is no prize. I have seen many executives of the company. Few people can make such achievements at your age." Ma Teng smiled and continued. "The only regret is that these two. I haven't seen another soul in your company."

Chen Yushan smiled and said, "Are you referring to the academician of the army?"

"Yeah," Ma Teng nodded and said, "I heard that he has just returned from Beijing. I wonder if I can have a good time to meet?"

Chen Yushan: "I will pass on what you mean to him, but I think you should not hold too much hope."

Ma Teng squatted and asked: "Is he busy recently?"

"Almost," Chen Yushan nodded. "But the most important thing is that he is not particularly interested in business matters. Unless you can bring a topic that interests him."

The partner was sent out of the company, returned to Chen Yushan in the president's office, and the call was made to Lu Zhou.

The phone was connected, and when I heard the "Hello?" came from the other end of the phone, her mouth could not help but squint a smile.

"I am, busy?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was a bit noisy and sounded like a canteen.

In this case, he should be eating.

Chen Yushan even guessed that he would know what he was eating at the moment without guessing.

"Not yet started, but I am afraid I will be busy in the next few days."

Chen Yushan: "I won't bother you with the product launch event, and there is an invitation from Ma."

"Ma total?"

Chen Yushan: "The CEO of the Penguin Group, I think he looks very interested in you, but I guess you have no interest."

Lu Zhou, who was eating barbecue bibimb, smiled and shook his head. "I have something to be interested in."

"You are too modest, and there are more people interested in you," Chen Yushan cleared his throat and talked about the business. "Only ten minutes ago, we reached a cooperation with Penguin Group. The part of the agreement that assists in the research, so that they will cooperate with our experiments to collect data for users, including not limited to the targeted modification of the content of products such as games..."

After spending about five minutes, Chen Yushan retelled the negotiation process between the two days and the Penguin Group in a simple and complete way.

After quietly listening to the sister's statement, Lu Zhou nodded and gave a positive evaluation.

"Good job."

Hearing this praise, Chen Yushan's mouth suddenly could not help but lift a smug smile, said a joke.

"That is a must, after all, it is me."

Lu Zhou smiled and paused for a while and continued.

"In the future, we will negotiate with other Internet companies and follow this template. In addition, there is one thing I have to ask you to do."

Chen Yushan: "What?"

Lu Zhou: "We need a supercomputer center."

Supercomputer center?

Hearing this unexpected word, Chen Yushan slightly hesitated.

"...Is there a supercomputer in Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies?"

Lu Zhou shook his head and said: "That is experimental, and the scale is still too small. What I need is a commercial super-computing center that uses massively parallel computing technology, which is specially used to process data related to virtual reality networks. Now that there are other companies coming to the door, and when we have commercialized this technology, we can’t use the super high calculations of the Gold High Court. It’s neither professional nor the research resources on my side.”

"I understand what you mean," Chen Yushan thought thoughtfully. "In short, is it necessary to move the data out?"

Lu Zhou said, he said.

"You can say that."

"And, this is also to prepare for the future."

Compared with the traditional electronic device-based planar network, the virtual reality system enhances the contact between people and the Internet in a whole dimension. While liberating the imagination of users and developers, it also makes the scale of data exponentially expand. the trend of.

Lu Zhou once discussed this issue with Professor Miel and agreed that this trend will continue to expand as the scope of application of the virtual reality network expands.

Now relying on commercial servers can handle it, up to two years, the server room has to be upgraded to a super-computing center.

For up to ten years, only the legendary quantum computer capable of parallel processing of multi-threaded and multi-tasking can bear this kind of calculation.

With the limitations of the personal computer in terms of volume and maintenance cost, it is impossible to carry this computing task.

And really want every user to prepare an enterprise-class server, I am afraid that this technology is destined to only a small number of talents can afford.

In response to such a situation, after Lu Zhou discussed with Professor Meyer, the method discussed was to centralize all the calculation work and hand it over to the cloud calculator to complete, and the user only grasped the data interface.

That is, it is equivalent to only one helmet and one network card, and can be connected to the virtual reality network.

In fact, this is not only the future of virtual reality networks, but also the development trend of future flat networks.

As the functions of the program become more and more, the computing resources are getting bigger and bigger, and the personal mobile device wants to further reduce the volume. It can only discard the CPU or even the hard disk and put all the calculations in the cloud.

According to this model, whoever provides cloud computing services to users in the entire virtual reality network will master the core part of the entire network.

This is a more reliable and robust mechanism than patent barriers.

Whether it is fifty years or one hundred years, as long as there are no serious operational errors, or the virtual reality network is eliminated by more advanced technology, Star Technology will exist as the eternal manager of the entire virtual reality network...

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