Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1086: Mengxin is a monster

Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies.

Virtual reality technology research and development laboratory.

The green signal light jumped red, and Ma Teng, who was quietly lying on the virtual reality experiment equipment, suddenly slammed forward with the knees reflecting, and the whole person sat up on the bed like a spring.

Stretched out the helmet worn on the head, Ma Teng, whose chest was undulating, and the secretary who pushed open to ask about his situation, staring at the sight of the helmet in his hand, shaking the shock and surprise.

"This this……"

The trembling lips opened and closed for a while, and they didn't pull out a complete sentence. After the next staff handed in a glass of water for him to drink, he took a deep breath and spit out all the shocks in his heart.

" really incredible!"

Azure planet.

Different from the vegetation of the earth.

And the raging insects.

It is like a brand new world!

The experience at the time of landing was slightly unfriendly.

In his view, at least give players a choice that is more comfortable, more cool, and has a more gaming experience.

Just as Ma Teng was thinking about it, Professor Miel, the head of the virtual reality project not far away, and Eo Chen Yushan of Star Technology came over.

"how are you feeling?"

"It's perfect..." Returned the helmet in his hand to the staff next to him, and Ma Teng wearing glasses, his eyes still flashing with excitement. "This experience is like dreaming, but it is much more real than dreams." ”

As if he had made a major decision, his voice gradually became more and more impassioned.

"I made a decision!"

"It's good to develop the first virtual reality game with StarCraft as the theme! Only virtual reality devices can fully display the charm of the stars and sea! Only in order to let more teenagers dream about the stars above us!"

Having said that, he paused for a moment and looked at Chen Yushan with the eyes of the request. He smiled and said.

"That planet... can you sell it to us?"

Chen Yushan smiled and said: "That is the open source free material in the virtual reality system development tools. If you plan to use it directly, there is nothing, but"

“One hundred million,” Ma said immediately. “We bought it, and you taught our developers how to use it. What do you mean?”

Reluctantly laughed, Chen Yushan nodded.



Ma Teng’s idea is actually very simple.

It doesn't matter what game you're developing. It's important to get the license for the first virtual reality online game. Use the safest themes and ready-made materials to try to get the fastest online in the country. Players all over the world will remember them.

Even if it's too rough, it doesn't matter if the first game is on the street, and the second one can go on.

Moreover, it is impossible to pounce on the streets.

Putting aside the feelings of the emotions, the garbage of the single game on the early p is much more fun than the game on the red and white machine. I believe that most people will be deeply shocked by the beauty of this beautiful planet.

However, he did not know, or a little misunderstanding, that this planet is not a demo of “Inviting Investment” by Star Technology, but it is a “small game” that is temporarily compiled to test the stability of the system.

Although it took two or three days of work by Lu Zhou and Professor Mier, it is not worth exaggerating for one hundred million.

Chen Yushan felt that the horse boss was so quick to save money, and most of them still have the factor of impulsive consumption. However, looking at what he wants to buy so sincerely, she feels that she is still a good seller, and it is good to take out the payment code directly...

Just when both sides were happy for the total cooperation of 100 million yuan, not far from a certain office in the Jinling University, there were quite a few people sitting there.

As usual, because Lu Zhou does not come often, most of his students choose to work and study in the library, in addition to the assistants who work.

One is that there is a more atmosphere of learning, and secondly, this is also the suggestion of Lu Zhou himself.

He has always disagreed with the task of turning his students into punch-to-work employees. Although this restricts salted fish without self-control, it also makes those who are not lacking in self-control lose their spirituality.

As long as you can complete the tasks you have explained, it doesn't matter where you usually stay.

However, in the past two days, everyone seems to have come to the office to punch cards, even if Lu Zhou is still not coming every day.

The door opened and looked at a quiet office. Jimmy, who was preparing to say hello, quickly closed the mouth that had just opened.

From the first time he was taken to the office by the boat, he still saw for the first time that the brothers and sisters sat here neatly, and in the usual words they could meet in the library.

Going to the side of the brother who was burying his head and thinking, Ji Mi looked around and whispered.

"Brother, what happened to you today?"

It’s hard to lose hair in front of the problem. He is not very fond of talking. He Changwen said, “The professor assigned us a task. I can’t teach you today. You can read the book yourself, or look for the next door. President Qin asked."

The season said quietly that you have never taught me, but in the end, I still refused to say it.

The line of sight fell on the draft paper on the table, and his eyes suddenly became a little curious, then asked.

"What is the subject of your research?"

He Changwen: "It is too early for you."

"Brother, you will tell me, I am very curious!"

Looking at the undergraduate students constantly rushing to their own here, He Changwen pushed the eyes on the bridge of the nose, and he laughed and said, "Okay, I lick your hair, it is not like someone who can understand."

After all, he pulled a piece of draft paper and wrote two lines of calculations on it with his brush and lost it in the hands of Zimmer.

"Get it, this question is calculated, I will tell you."

Staring at the subject in his hand, Ji Mo is dumbfounded.

Lying in the trough, is a little different from the questions I usually do?


Looking at it carefully, it seems very interesting.

The brow wrinkled, and he bit his thumb, and reached out and took the draft paper.

"I took it to me... It seems a bit difficult."

A little difficult?

Ha ha.

He Changwen smiled and said nothing. He continued to stare at the draft paper on his hand, and his hands unconsciously touched the hair left on his head.

It took about an hour or so.

Just as he stretched out and prepared to stand up for a glass of water, he suddenly saw a piece of draft paper on his desk.

Looking up, I saw the younger brother who was sent away by myself. I don’t know when I came back. I looked at myself with a headache.

"Senior brother, the question you gave me is too difficult... I don't know if it's right, it can only be written like this."

"The trough!?"

He jerked up from the chair and held his hands on the table. He Changwen stared at Zimmer silently, staring at the teenager who was ten years younger than himself. He swallowed and said, "Now the undergraduate also teaches Riemann. Face and n-dimensional complex manifold? Have you been in a professional class?"

He remembered correctly, this guy is a big one, right? !

"I don't have to wait until the teacher teaches it," Ji Mo smiled and smiled. He scratched his head and said, "Isn't Professor Lu often recommend some books on the collar? I looked at it from high school. I just learned to look at it."

He Changwen: "..."

Did not say anything, he picked up the draft paper on the table, sharp eyes poked up.

"I am jealous of your steps."

What if you write it?

With such a feeling, He Changwen followed the steps on the paper and looked at it line by line.

However, the more he looked down, the more shocking his heart was.

This smooth process!

There is also the use of this mathematical method!

Why is it not like an undergraduate student can make it.

This, is this the strength of the imo contest full score gold medal?

Before the forehead, a drop of sweat involuntarily leaked out.

It seems that the professor has recruited a monster to come in.

I was attracted by the movement here, and Han Mengqi, holding a cup of coffee in her hand, came over from the side.

"What are you doing?"

For a long time, he did not speak. He Changwen put the draft paper on the table.

The expression on his face seems to have already said everything that has not been said.

Wen shook his head. He sighed softly and threw a word and walked outside the door.

"I went out to smoke."

Han Mengqi: "...?"

Looking at the back of the brothers walking outside the door, Ji Mo stunned for a few seconds, then glanced at the sister next to him and said: "I... is it wrong?"

Han Mengqi did not speak, just took a look at the draft paper on the table.

Then, the face showed almost the same surprise.

"Is this what you wrote?"

Ji Moe nodded: "Well... just wrote."

"I think so too," Han Mengqi thought with a bit of thought. "It’s probably a little difficult with the level of the brothers..."

Ji Mohan said: "So brother is not very good."

"Nothing, he has been used to it," he put the draft paper in his hand back. Han Mengqi looked up and down the younger brother. The right hand held his chin and thought for a moment. Suddenly he asked, "Your undergraduate knowledge has been lesson complete?"

Ji Moe nodded: "Well... if it's the one on the schedule, I did see it."

“Is interested in joining our topic?”

Upon hearing this sudden invitation, Ji Mo stunned, and then his face showed an excited expression.

"Is it the subject of Lu and Lu?"

Although this guy always followed her behind her ass, she was very upset, but as a master's excellent and generous and beautiful assistant, Han Mengqi was still awkward.

"um, yes."

The expression on Ji Mo’s face suddenly lingered, and it became rare to become unconfident, and embarrassed to say.

"But I, I am an undergraduate, isn't it good? Will it drag the god's hind legs."

Han Mengqi said unceremoniously: "Reassured, the shadows of ordinary people can't be touched, and you don't want to delay your chance."

The season stunned the back of his head: "Oh, what is said..."

After a pause, Han Mengqi continued: "Research is not a patent for graduate students. If you intend to embark on the academic path, it is more efficient to exercise your skills in research than to simply do exercises."

Speaking of this, she can't help but miss it.

When she was an undergraduate student, the Jinda and Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies was just engaged in the scientific research personnel training program. It was also through the opportunity of the internship that she was fortunate enough to participate in the research of many frontier fields.

Including those lithium-sulfur batteries that have already entered every household.

Many of the key materials used in it are her own as a research dog. The contribution is not negligible but cannot be ignored.

Although she eventually left chemistry and followed Master's footsteps into pure mathematics, these valuable experiences and scientific thinking were still used by her.

"Right, there is something on this draft paper," and the draft paper was picked up again and handed to the younger brother. Han Mengqi continued, "In the next few days, you will study the process and papers of the journal submission. The writing format, sorting this into a paper and publishing it out."

Although it is not a particularly important achievement, there is nothing wrong with the journals in the second and third districts.

Ji Mo hesitated, and some said with a bad heart: "This... not very good."

"Nothing is bad. This is also a staged result. What's more, it was originally made by you." After a pause, Han Mengqi said, "Why, with your brother's temper, you don't send this thing out, behind." He is embarrassed to continue to do the research."

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