Suburb of St. Petersburg, on the banks of the Fontanka Canal.

An old man in a black trench coat sat on a bench by the road and glanced at the watch as if he was waiting for something.

At this time, two young men with baseball caps, about 17 or 18 years old, patted the basketball while walking past him. The elated appearance seemed to be discussing.

"Have you heard that? The virtual reality system is closed!"

"I heard it early, it’s in Jinling, mom! I want to go."

"Don't think about it, we don't have a chance to have a small transparency without fans. I don't believe they don't have the qualifications. Do you see the reality of the squirting james? He said in the live youtube. If the virtual reality technology of Star Technology is the same as that in Sao, he will eat the keyboard."

"Haha, what's the result?"

"I don't know, but I heard someone say that after he returned from China, he found a chocolate keyboard for the cake shop."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The air is filled with a pleasant atmosphere, and the laughter of the two young people is getting farther away.

Professor Faltins glanced at their backs, and the eyebrows could not help but rise a little.


I did not expect to hear a familiar word in this foreign country.

Thinking of that person, Faltins’s face could not help but show a nostalgic expression.

As for what virtual reality and things like youtube are ignored by him.

Starting from the smart machine, these old antiques have gradually become unable to keep up with the age of young people, and then become familiar with something more fashionable than the smart machine, I am afraid that even if he has this idea, there is no energy to do it.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a beard and hair who did not modify the margins and was covered with cheap shopping bags, walked to the bench and stopped, in a full of unexpected tone.

"You are really coming."

Looking up at this one, Fartings smiled and said.

"Well, is there any problem?"

"No, just wondering, I didn't expect Mr. Fartings to come to see him personally..."

From the high-heeled black bread held in his arms, a face was revealed. Perelman took out a key from his pocket with his right hand and threw it into the hands of Faltins. "My home is a bit Chaos, I hope you don't mind. Just open the door and please you... I saw it, I can't make it."

"You're welcome," Faltins nodded. "Do you need me to share a little bit for you?"

Perelman shook his head and refused.

"No, I don't want an old man to help me with things."

The group walked into the neighborhood next door and soon came to the front of an apartment building that looked very cheap.

No one would have thought that the great mathematician of the famous world would live in such a single apartment of 20 square meters. The neighbors are either Russian aunts who live on pensions or unemployed people who are unemployed at home.

However, Perelman did not spit out their position.

Abandoning the Millennium Challenge, a million-dollar prize, his life was once struggling to rely on his mother’s pension to buy bread. In fact, he himself repeatedly struggled between questions about ideals and reality, so he chose to fade out mathematics. Boundary, using the method of studying mathematics before the 19th century to study mathematics

That is, shut yourself up.

In a sense, he and Lu Zhou are quite like.

The only difference is that Lu Zhou will be open to any staged results worthy of publication. Even if he is too lazy to submit a manuscript, he will hang a preprint, and he has not published his research results for a long time.

Putting the food in the kitchen, Perelman wiped his hands on the clothes and then folded back into the crowded living room. When he was preparing to ask Professor Faltins if he needed a cup of tea or water, he noticed the paper on the table.

There was a clear interest in his face, and he went up to pick it up and flipped through two pages.

"this is……"

“On the study of motive theory,” Professor Faltins took out a vacuum flask from his large windbreaker. It seemed to be prepared and poured himself a cup of hot water. “The author of the paper proposed a very An interesting idea to combine all of the homology theories into an abstract geometric object."

Perelman commented in a concise manner: "Crazy ideas."

Faltins: "Yes."

Perelman: "The Great Unification Theory?"

Faltins: "Yes."

"I didn't expect such an interesting scholar in the world...and so on." After reading the summary, Perelman looked more and more and felt that the text was familiar. He couldn't help but frown. "This paper... I always It feels a bit familiar."

Fartings’s serious face showed a rare smile.

"It seems to be discovered by you."

Perelman tentatively asked: "Lu Zhou?"

Faltins nodded and said for the third time.


After taking a sip of hot water and stopping for a while, he continued, "Probably just three days ago, he submitted this paper to Mathematical Invention. I am not quite sure about him and the Secretary of the International Union of Mathematicians. What Professor Deng agreed, this is probably his first time to submit a manuscript on Mathematical Inventions, but this is not the point."

"The point is that he actually solved a weak form of Groentendik's standard conjecture and solved the fractional structure of the motive corresponding to the cohomology ring."

“Yes,” Faltings nodded with approval. “Sure enough, my thoughts are correct. This paper is verified by you as a reviewer.”

Looking at the paper in his hand, Perelman regained his expressionless expression.

"You came to Russia to find me, certainly not for the "mathematical invention" to find the reviewer. Not to mention that you have my mailbox, this kind of thing can be clearly stated in an email."

Faltins nodded. "Of course, I haven't been bored to take a trip to the plane for this little thing."

Putting down the paper in his hand for a while, Perelman did not speak, just looked at him quietly, waiting for him to continue.

Without a circle, Professor Faltins said straightforwardly.

"Come to Bonn University."

Perelman’s answer is equally straightforward, even unwelcome.

"I reject."

As if he had not heard what he said, Professor Faltins continued.

"The mathematics community has reached a critical crossroads. From the Archimedes era to today's Holy Grail is in front of our eyes, numbers and geometry will soon merge into one, until today we are in algebra and geometry. The achievements in the two fields are in a straight line. Maybe tomorrow, algebra and geometry will be unified, and I am not surprised at all, but if luck is not good, maybe this problem will not be solved until the next century. ""

Perelman said in a sentence: "Isn't Lu Zhou studying this subject? Let him do it. I haven't seen him solve the problem so far."

"That's not necessarily. The anomaly on the 750gev characteristic peak he found seven years ago that year. He can't give a good explanation for physics until today, and I heard from old friends that most people regard this as a good thing. A joke."

Perelman: "Physics is physics, mathematics is mathematics."

"Yes, physics is physics," Professor Faltins said. "However, the point is not this, but the completion of this work that is going on and going. It is not his mission."

"We can't put all of our expectations for the future on him alone. If there is no such thinking in our own, our academics will never prosper."

Said, the old man looked at Perelman seriously and said in a sincere tone.

"The Bourbaki School needs your help, and the entire mathematics community needs your strength."

"A lot of things at my age have been overwhelming. I urge you to come out from here and contribute some strength to your passionate cause."

Looking down at the papers on the table, Perelman pondered for a long time.

"I will think about it."

He said, he picked up the paper from the table and shook it gently.

"At least, wait until I finish reading this paper."

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