In response to the public's expectation of virtual reality technology, StarCraft's product launch conference was held as scheduled, not only the technical details of the "Phantom" virtual reality system were announced at the press conference, but also the five head-mounted nerves were connected to the helmet. And a special ergonomic chair brought to the site of the conference.

Almost just beginning, the crowded product launch site, the atmosphere reached its peak.

The scene screams again and again, exclaiming incredible voices one after another.

People are competing to experience this feeling of being immersed in the second world, even if it is only three minutes left to everyone.

In front of it, whether it is beautiful or ugly, whether young or aging... even sex, it can be redefined.

After the end of the live experience session, wearing a mature and steady and beautiful suit, Ms. Chen Yushan of Star Technology went to the stage.

Facing the fanatical reporters and the lenses in their hands, her face with a smile like a spring breeze, while showing the image of the starry sky technology company to the world, it took about five minutes to call this set of "phantom The virtual reality system has been explained in a concise manner.

Then, it is the gao tide of the whole product release conference, that everyone is looking forward to the questioning session.

Compared with Lu Zhou, who never gave reporters a good face, Chen Yushan is undoubtedly more comfortable in dealing with interviews. No matter how savvy, he can answer the questions.

The focus of domestic journalists is mostly on regulation and related policies. As for foreign journalists, they are more concerned about the safety of this gadget and how long it will take to buy it.

“Hello, I am a Yomiuri journalist. Does the technique of applying nerve microcurrent to the brain cause damage to the brain?”

Chen Yushan: "Our technology is absolutely safe. Only after the professional inspection of the relevant departments of the country concerned will it be put into the local market. Please rest assured that we cannot use unproven technology directly on users."

“Hello, I am a Wall Street Journal reporter. Does the emergence of the Mirage system mean that StarCraft will make a strategic change, from patent management to production.”

Chen Yushan: "There is no such plan for the time being. The strategy we are going to adopt is patent licensing and cooperative production. In short, we will consider looking for qualified companies to replace our helmets that contain neural modems, and the technology itself There is no difficulty, let more outstanding companies participate in this ecology, and it is also the consensus reached after our high-level discussions."

“In contrast, we will focus our business on the maintenance of the 'Phantom' system and cloud computing support for users of the 'Phantom' system.”

A reporter from the Wall Street Journal: "That is, there is still a long time before consumers can buy this equipment."

Chen Yushan: "It depends on the attitude of the country concerned to the technology and the time of technical safety inspection. Of course, if the Chinese side is here, it should be the first batch of products at the end of the year."

I heard that the consumers of Huaguo at the end of the year could buy it, and the scene quickly spread the sound of the commotion. Many reporters from other countries have clearly expressed their envious expression on their faces. They have just experienced this feeling, and it is clear how much this technology will play a role in a society.

In addition to games and movies, the place where it can be used is too wide...

A question ends.

Then another microphone slammed up.

"Hello, I am a bbc reporter. How do you think about Professor Lu?"

This is a very strange problem. It has nothing to do with virtual reality technology. So when Chen Yushan heard it, she accidentally squatted and thought for a while.

"He is a respectable scholar at work and the soul of Star Technology. Not only me, many R&D personnel of Star Technology are admiring him."

The reporter from bbc continued to ask.

"What about life? Many people say"

Chen Yushan smiled and said: "Is this related to the press conference itself?"


At the same time, on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, a villa in the Los Angeles rich area.

Sitting in his living room and watching the live broadcast of Musk, he took the beer bottle in his hand on the table.


Although those reporters hate it, one thing is quite flattering. That is, no matter how the press release is written, the expression on their faces will not lie.

However, this also proves that Star Technology is not joking.

The legendary neural access virtual reality device not only does not mean a little bit of word games, but even far exceeds people's expectations.

Otherwise, the situation on the spot will not be so hot.

Sure enough, what he worried most about eventually happened.

Take out the phone, the list of contacts on the screen of Musk, and take a deep breath for a while.

Just when he finally made up his mind and intended to call the person, a request for a video phone suddenly took the initiative to pick up his mobile phone.

Looking at the name of the person displayed on the screen, Musk couldn't help but be a bit weird, but still tried to squeeze out a business-savvy smile and pressed the button when the bell rang to the third.

"Hello, Mr. Lawrence, it is so clever, I am preparing to call you."

In the mansion of Boston on the east coast, David Lawrence, who is sitting in the study room, is watching the live broadcast of the conference in the tablet, speaking to the mobile phone in the butler's hand.

"I guess you will call me, so I just hit it myself. I still like face-to-face communication like this, rather than relying on sound alone."

Musk's expression could not help but be awkward.

Just as he was about to say something, Lawrence in the video phone suddenly smiled and continued.

"...Star Technology has not let me down, and their virtual reality technology has already achieved an amazing degree."

Musk: "I think our technical route still has potential."

"I don't deny it," Lawrence smiled faintly and continued. "But this is not something I care about."

When I heard this, Musk stopped talking and didn't know what to say.

After seeing Musk in the video, Lawrence continued.

"Work with Star Technology, this technology will enter North America sooner or later."

Mask was silent for a while and said: "...I'm afraid it's not that easy, even if we don't start behind, others will stop them. As far as I know, Zuckerberg is also doing this, and Google. And Amazon... Silicon Valley technology giants will not watch a Chinese company come in and steal their long-awaited cake."

The meaning in Lawrence's words is obvious.

Obviously, he has lost confidence in the "neural lace" project.

No matter how you look at it, the non-invasive virtual reality technology that does not need to be intubated behind the brain is far more popular than the invasive virtual reality technology of nanotube drilling.

Musk also thinks so, but in the face of Star Technology, the frustration again and again, has begun to make him somewhat irrational...

It is better to say that he can endure it now, it is not easy.

Listening to Musk’s words intended to fight for his project, Lawrence smiled and said: “Intel and Qualcomm once thought so, but in the end they compromised, from the silicon they are proud of. The chip ecology has come out. Do you understand the meaning of my sentence?"

"For the second world that humans are about to usher in, whether it is Facebook or Google or Amazon, it is not necessary. If they do not make a choice, they will be eliminated, and this can happen almost overnight. ""

"In fact, if you have studied financial markets, you will find that Nasdaq can be said to be undercurrent in these days. If carbon-based chips completely change the ecological structure of the electronics industry, then the current virtual reality technology, subversion. It will be the ecological structure of the entire Internet."

"In this new ecology, there will be a large number of giants that cannot keep up with the times, and a number of new giants will emerge, and this is almost inevitable."

"I don't know much about the Internet, but my consultant is talking to me. The future network will be divided into two networks, flatter and flatter, and three-dimensional."

"I think he said something a bit, now I will give you this sentence."

Looking at Musk, who clenched his fists and said nothing, Lawrence continued with a relaxed tone.

"In any case, I have to get the virtual reality technology, whether it is cooperation with Star Technology, or continue your nerve lace project."

"How to choose, see yourself."

"As for me," paused, watching Musk, who was holding his breath on the video phone. He smiled very brightly and was cruel. "Just from among you, choose the one that can survive."

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