Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1095: The sun is coming out to the west.

As soon as the weekend passed, Lu Zhou’s office was once again lively.

As the assistant Zhao said, Professor Lu had important things to announce, and the students in the research group had a morning bed, and they had finished their breakfast early and arrived at the office.

"Introducing our new members," patted the shoulder of the grotesque geek next to the shoulder, looking around at the circle of strange students in the office, Lu Zhou said, clearing the voice, "This Professor Perelman, a mathematician from St. Petersburg, probably will wait until the end of the year... I should be able to get the big theory of mathematics before the end of the accident."

The office was strangely quiet for many seconds.

Then, a pen fell on the ground and made a loud bang.

It was like throwing a piece of sodium into the water, the original quiet office, and the instant frying pan.

"Erasing! Perelman? That...the big cow that solved the Poincaré conjecture?"

"No... I heard that he has not left the mathematics community?"


It is said that he never went out, whether it was the richest man of Russia or the secretary general of the International Union of Mathematicians who had eaten the closed door of Perelman at his door!

If it wasn’t for Lu’s affirmative expression, including Han Mengqi, almost everyone thought it was a joke by the professor.

Because of the inability to understand Chinese, in the face of the lively atmosphere in the office, Perelman did not know what they were saying, but thought that he was welcoming himself, so he nodded with a lame Chinese saying "thank you."

Chen Yang, who had recovered from the shock, was surprised to see Perelman, the face that had no change in expression, and gradually got an excited look, excitedly said.

"...I have seen your paper!"

I don't know how to answer this question. Perelman hesitated for a while, and ended up just bluntly.



For Perelman’s lonely character, I heard that Lu Zhou was still worried that he could not integrate into his own research group, or that he was unhappy because of communication problems. As a result, his fear was purely superfluous. This guy is entering the state unexpectedly fast.

Especially to Lu Zhou, the best thing about this guy is Chen Yang.

Two people happen to be the type that has few words, and the basic three sentences do not leave math and work. But it seems that this is a straightforward way of communication, accidentally avoiding obstacles in communication.

In the next phase of research, Lu Zhou asked Perelman to participate in the subject that Chen Yang is studying, that is, to study the direct sum decomposition in the motive theory, so that h(v) is associated with irreducible motive.

This topic was originally only half done, and for some reason, progress has been slow.

However, according to Chen Yang, with the addition of Professor Perelman, the speed of the whole subject can be described by inserting wings.

In less than a week, the two men came up with a groundbreaking approach in the discussion, completing the final step of the whole problem and establishing a close enough association between h(v) and irreducible motive.

The paper was eventually signed by two people, and at the request of Perelman, a preprint was posted on arxiv while contributing to the future magazine "Future Mathematics".

Almost as soon as the preprint of this paper was published on arxiv, the entire mathematics community was surprised by this unprecedented thing.

Perelman, who publicly declared his withdrawal from the mathematics world many years ago, actually remembered his arxiv account? !

And the research unit that looks at the signature of the paper is the Jinling University where Professor Lu is located...

The sun is coming out from the west!


Germany, University of Bonn.

An elegant cafe in the environment.

Looking at the paper in his hand that had just been printed, Fartings shook his head in a dumbfounding.

I didn't expect this to be the answer that Perelman gave after reading the paper.

At this moment, his heart is both gratifying and helpless, and he is also mixed with some complicated emotions that he can't say what he is.

I noticed the expression on the old man's face. Schutz, who was sitting across from him, took a sip of coffee. The expression on his face was also quite emotional, and he sighed.

"I didn't expect him to go to Jinling University."

He and Professor Faltins went to St. Petersburg to visit the man, trying to invite him to the University of Bonn, and work with them to complete the great unification theory of algebra and geometry, and open up a new era for the world mathematics community for the Bourbaki school. .

Unexpectedly, their efforts were not useful, and Perelman finally chose Lu Zhou according to his own ideas.

Looking at the window for a long time, Fartings suddenly said: "How do you read this paper?"

After Schultz thought for a while, he said, "It's very good... even surprisingly good. I can't use an accurate word to describe the importance of their work in the field of motive theory and standard conjecture, but I I think any scholar who is engaged in research in this field can say with certainty that they have taken another big step toward the theory of great unity."

After listening to Schultz, Professor Fartings nodded.

What Schultz said is also his feeling.

Especially in the motive theory and the Langlands program, their research group has gone far ahead of the world in terms of studying the abstract meaning of numbers and shapes and establishing a connection between the two.

This inappropriate example, it seems that the vast majority of scholars in the field are still ignoring fire, and they have mastered the skills of making Flintstones.

This gap, which has risen to the height of the way of thinking, is intuitively felt by scholars engaged in the direction of algebraic geometry.

Looking at Professor Faltins who did not speak, Schultz sighed and continued.

"All the time, what I have studied is like a complete space. It is this theory that is explored, and the p-number and diamond theory that I created are all for this service."

The seemingly complete space provides a completely new way to look at a class of geometric objects that are deeply rooted in the Langlands program, such as the 'Shimura Cluster'. At the beginning, Schultz relied on this outstanding mathematical achievement. Received the 18-year Fields Medal.

Up to now, this mathematical method has even evolved into a completely new branch of mathematics—that is, like complete geometry. At the same time, this subject has been widely optimistic, and it is most promising to unify the research direction of algebra and geometry.

"You can say that," Faltins nodded, but at this moment, he noticed that Schultz’s face was on his face, and suddenly he frowned. "...I always feel that you have something to say. You still talk directly."

When he heard this, Schulz suddenly smiled embarrassedly.

"You know, the great unification theory of algebra and geometry is exactly what I have been doing and it is my lifelong pursuit. Now I feel that my theory seems to find a place to realize its value."

Having said that, he coughed.

"... All in all, I want to visit and exchange for a year."

Faltins: "..."

Looking at Professor Faltins, who hadn’t spoken for a long time, Schultz scratched his head.

"Hey, if you don't talk, I will agree."

Faltins: "........."


(The old group is blocked, the lost partner can add a new group 792432993, I will update to the group profile later. Or you can also pay attention to my v-bo: Morningstar llll... This should not roll over~)

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