Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1096: Handshake of two giants

The entrance of Jinling University.

While dragging a black suitcase standing on the side of the road, Professor Faltins looked at the stone tablet with the word inscribed not far away, and suddenly said.

"I never wanted to come to this country ten years ago. I didn't expect it to work for a few years. I have come so many times."

"I have been there twice," he also dragged a suitcase. Schultz smiled and said, "Every time I feel different."

"I am the first time," stood next to the two men. An old man who seemed to be about fifty or sixty years old looked up at the crowd coming and going from the campus. He said with emotion, "I used to see it only in movies." ""

Faltins: "Oh? What do you feel now?"

The old man smiled and said: "Sure enough, the movies are deceptive."

The old man standing next to the two is not someone else, it is Professor Holden.

As the Secretary-General of the International Union of Mathematicians, this time he came to Jinling, mainly to negotiate with the Chinese Association of Mathematicians and the local government of Jinling City, and to discuss matters related to the next International Congress of Mathematicians.

Of course, the reason why they will be with Professor Fartings is to visit Lu Zhou.

Schultz smiled and said: "If you go to their library, you will be more surprised. I have been to many universities, but I rarely see any university libraries. I will sit as full as they are, even need to book. Book in advance to find a seat."

“Is it?” Professor Holden’s face showed an expression of interest. “Then I have to visit... How do we find Professor Lu? Do you know where his office is?”

Faltins and Schultz glanced at each other and exchanged a gaze, and the face showed a strange expression.

"do you know?"

"No... I thought you knew."

"That's too unfortunate. I came to Jinling several times and I seem to be going to the campus in the city center."

Professor Holden’s face was a little embarrassed, and he coughed.

"...I still have to ask."

He said, he dragged his suitcase and took the lead to the gatekeeper's room at the gate, asking for the translation software on his mobile phone.

"Hello, how can I find the office of Lu Zhou?"

Looking at the three foreign shackles outside the guard's door, it is obvious that the doorman who has experience in this area directly touched three English-language forms from the drawer and handed them to the window sill together with the pen.

“Looking for an academician? Fill in the form first.”

Looking at the guard who was on the phone, Professor Holden turned back and turned to Faltins and Schultz to exchange his sight and make a helpless expression.

"...In short, let's register first."


At the same time, the conference room and thought work conference of Jinling University is being held.

Because of what happened in the last meeting, President Xu criticized the Director of the International Department, Mr. Chen, and the bureaucracy that Jinda’s status in the domestic academic community has risen and is spreading.

At the same time, he emphasized at the meeting three times, how to be a truly international university, how to face up to his influence, and must not bring a bad head on the principled issue.

For Jinda, President Xu can be said to be very emotional.

Although not his alma mater, it is where he has worked for more than a decade.

At this age, it is difficult to make great achievements in academics. The only sustenance is to educate and cultivate some useful talents for this university, for the country, and for the society.

Fortunately, Jin Da had a professor, and under his influence everything was developing in a good direction.

However, in contrast, as the strength of Jinda continues to grow, the hidden dangers hidden behind this prosperity are also breeding together.

The current situation is that, no accident, he can still wait for five years in his term of office. In the past five years, it was of course nothing to watch him. However, after five years, he should retire anyway, and he would not know who would come to sit in this position.

In order to give this university a brighter future, he plans to do something in these five years.

I don’t want to recover the glory of the National University, but I am able to offer him the gold for the rest of the decade and be ready to embrace the world.

Instead of letting those who think only about the black cap on their heads, turn this train carrying the dreams of countless young people into the ditch.

Unscrew the thermos cup and take a sip of hot water to moisten the scorpion. Just when the principal of Xu promised to continue to say something, the outside of the meeting sounded a knock on the door, and his secretary came in from the outside.


The speech was temporarily suspended, and President Xu asked him.

"whats the matter."

"The Security Department just called and said that it is an internationally renowned scholar, Professor Faltins, Director of the Mathematical Institute of Mathematics, Professor Schultz, Department of Mathematics, University of Bonn, and Professor Holden, Secretary General of the International Union of Mathematicians. I hope to visit the academician of the land."

The whispering voice was heard in the conference room.

The noisy arguments contained obvious surprises and surprises.

President Xu also stunned and asked subconsciously.

"How was the security department called?"

The secretary said with a look of dumbfounding.

"Because people have already arrived at the door."

After opening his mouth and returning to the principal of Xu, he immediately looked back at the other participants in the conference room.

"Those things I just said, you are pondering what you think is what an international university is. What kind of international status is what we really need. A meeting!"

Say, he was thrown down the microphone and hurried to the door.


If a sudden visit to Perelman a few days ago, for Lu Zhou, it is like the sun hit the west.

Then at this moment, seeing Professor Faltins and others standing at the door of his office, he even began to have some doubts about whether he was sneaked into a helmet by the naughty little Ai, and he was actually in the dream of virtual reality system. .

Ok, of course this is impossible.

He clearly remembers what the taste of the dumplings in the morning is.

It’s just that Lu Zhou still didn’t think of it. Because of his own paper, not only had Perelman, who had already “exited the river”, ran to him, but even Mr. Schultz and Mr. Faltins ran over.

"I asked at the door, did you still lack people here?"

Hearing the words of Professor Faltins, he returned to the Luzhou, and his expression was weird.

"You are also for that..."

Faltings didn't talk, just looked at it.

Watched by the old gentleman, Schultz made a helpless expression and nodded.

"I want to come... Professor Faltins just came with me."

Lu Zhou looked at Professor Faltins with a look on his face that didn't know how to vomit.

It seems that I was embarrassed to be seen. The old gentleman coughed and said with a blank expression.

"You should have learned that Professor Schultz's research focuses on the field of complete geometry, and the core issue in this field is the unity of algebra and geometry. After reading your thesis, we agree that The route you are currently researching is the most promising to complete this historic work. Then he proposed to come and visit for one year, as for me..."

When it came to a pause, Professor Faltins continued to cough and continued.

"As for me, just come over and take a look. It may take a while. Of course, if there is anything I need to help, you can tell me... If you are not missing, just tell me, you don't have to This kind of thing is difficult."

" come? I think people who refuse this kind of good thing should not exist," Lu Zhou smiled and extended his right hand. "Welcome to you, friends from afar, welcome you to join my topic."

Professor Fartings opened his mouth and seemed to want to correct Lu Zhou’s statement about "you", but in the end he thought about it and held his right hand without saying anything.

If there is a reporter next to you, you will not miss the opportunity to take pictures.

At this special time and occasion, this handshake is absolutely historic.

On one side is the strongest of the young mathematicians of the new era. On the one hand, he is one of the existing spiritual leaders of the Bourbaki School, and Professor Faltins, who was known as the first person under Grothendieck in the old era scholars.

There is no doubt that this is the handshake of two giants!

"There are so many masters here, it seems that there is no suspense in solving the great theory of mathematics." Schultz, standing aside, smiled cheerfully and said in a joking tone, "Do you want to open a bottle of champagne? I You can buy it now."

"Still stay until our problem is solved." After loosening the hand that was held, Professor Faltins pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose with his trembling fingers, and said with a serious expression, "although So far we have achieved a lot of results, but there are still many problems to be solved, and the situation is far from optimistic. It is impossible to say that we have to solve the standard conjecture left by Grothendieck. The core part of this puzzle."

Of course, if the situation is optimistic, it may not be so troublesome.

Even the great unity theory itself can be a solution to a series of mathematical propositions related to the theory of cohomology, including standard speculation.

However, for a mathematical proposition, the real trouble is also here, the unknown of the trouble itself.

However, compared with the dignity of Professor Faltins's face, Lu Zhou's expression is more optimistic, even easy.

Looking at the old friends who came from afar, Lu Zhou said in a pleasant tone.

"In any case, you come from afar. According to the etiquette of our Chinese people, I should ask you to eat and say something else. What do you want to eat?"

"Jinling Roast Duck is good..." Professor Holden, who stood still and didn't talk, suddenly raised his hand and smiled and said, "I have long wanted to eat."

Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"No problem, I promise you have the support."

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