Cnn studio.

For the recent hot events, cnn made a talk show.

Not only was Fanoan, a famous visiting professor of psychology at Harvard University who had been bombarding Starcraft on social media some time ago, but he even invited a former colleague of Professor Mier, the core developer of the Mirage System.

In the face of the host's inquiry about his phantom system, Professor Fanoan's words did not hide his hostility and said in a positive tone.

“There is no doubt that this is a risky technology. It has not undergone rigorous clinical trials or strong supervision. However, the organs involved are the most sensitive and vulnerable brains.”

"Imagine what it means to be in our brains not just horror movies, but more horrible things than horror movies or horror games, even through scientific means to directly control and even tamper with our memories and thoughts. I can't describe it in a few words, but what is certain is that our future will be dark because of the advent of the phantom system."

"I don't know what kind of coercion or temptation of the testers, but I think a normal person would never agree to hand over his brain to a dangerous organization and put it on the instrument. Not only are you not responsible for yourself, but also irresponsible for society!"

Upon hearing Prof. Fanoan’s speech, the host’s face showed a surprised expression.

“Is this too exaggerated? Our reporter learned in an interview that StarCraft's phantom system does not include the above functions.”

Professor Fanoan: "It's not exaggerating! No, it doesn't mean that it can't be done theoretically, even if they do, it's impossible to tell you. In fact, I consulted Professor Mier about this matter. Professor Burki, a colleague of the Swiss National Neural Network Research Center...that is, the one sitting next to me. He and I have the same opinion. We all agree that this is a dangerous technology and should call on all parties concerned to boycott ""

The host looked at Professor Bourges.

“Is this true? What is your point of view? Professor Bourges.”

From the body of Professor Fanoan, the lens was cut to Professor Bourges.

Facing the host's inquiry, Professor Bourges nodded first with a positive expression, and then continued in a serious tone.

"The views that Professor Fanoan said are my point of view. In fact, virtual reality technology has always been one of the key research projects of our Swiss National Neural Network Research Center, and until the departure of Professor Miel It is also the direction."

“He is an outstanding scholar, but the ideas he advocates are parting ways with us. When we insist that technology should serve our society, not let it get worse, he chooses to leave, go Huaguo."

"I don't want to blame his betrayal, but what I can't accept is that, in the face of our accusations, he has not had any introspection, and even with the support of the official forces of the Chinese state, he has continued his own evil experiment."

"It is more sad than betrayal!"

As one of the core developers of the phantom system, Professor Mier's name is not unfamiliar to most people who are concerned about the progress of virtual reality technology.

When I heard that Professor Lian Mier’s colleagues at the National Neural Network Research Center in Switzerland expressed concern, the host’s face finally showed a dignified look, and the guests under the stage were also a stunned voice.

Less than an hour after the show aired, the video's excerpts were placed on YouTube, carrying a wide spread on Facebook and Twitter.

For a time, regarding the "phantom" system, the attack on the star network technology test can be described as a dust, and the developers involved in the project have been affected.

Judging from the sword pointing to it, Star Technology seems to have been pushed to an unfavorable position in this public opinion war. The pace of opening up overseas markets has not yet begun, and it has fallen into such a huge public opinion storm.

At the same time, in the office of the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, Professor Miel, who had seen the video, almost vomited out of the old blood, and angered the call to his old colleague Professor Burki.

"Do you know what you are doing!"

Hearing the roar from the end of the receiver, he was sitting in the airport lounge, and Professor Burki, who was preparing to return to Switzerland from the United States, smiled slightly and said softly, "Let's relax, my dear Mier. Professor, are you still okay now?"

Hearing the tone of his old colleague, the anger of Professor Mier’s heart was even stronger. He said with a grin, “You are still very embarrassed to ask me! What happened to the interview of CNN! Others don’t understand neural networks. Don't tell me the structure, you can't understand the **** that you said about brainwashing!"

This kind of reversal of the right and wrong, not only hurts the corporate image of Star Technology and its academic reputation, but also hurts the public's confidence in this technology, and even all scholars engaged in this direction.

If he is telling the truth, it will be fine.

But the question is what brainwashing or control thoughts are just about reversing right and wrong. This is not something that can be done through virtual reality technology!

Even if the neuro modem can input signals to the brain, it is still the brain itself that makes the judgment. In essence, its function is the same as the eyes and ears, just a repeater that receives external signals.

However, in the face of Professor Mier's condemnation, Professor Bourges' tone was indeed full of ease, even if he laughed casually.

“What is impossible? Even TV and newspapers can do things. I believe that your phantom system will do more.”

Professor Mier said with a gloomy expression: "You are playing word games."

“The public needs to know only the truth, and I told them that it’s not as important as word games,” said Bourges, laughing, “to be honest, if you really love your reputation, in fact You still have a way to choose."

Mier: "...what way?"

Professor Bourges: "Abandon the darkness."

Mier said coldly: "Are you dreaming?"

Not angry with the rejection of the old colleague, Professor Burki, who was sitting in the waiting room and shouting, shrugged.

"Know the reality, man. Star Technology is trying to build a virtual reality network that is independent of the traditional Internet and based on cloud computing technology. Do you know what it means? It is almost inevitable that they face such troubles now."

"Of course, I don't deny the greatness of neural access virtual reality technology. What you study will have a huge impact in the near future, and even directly push our society to change."

“However, when this change cannot be controlled by the right people, it is dangerous.”

"Now, we all agree that there are many hidden dangers in the early generation system, which is full of danger to the public. Therefore, we need to jointly develop a safer and more conservative second-generation virtual reality system with the international community, and there is a huge amount of gold. The Lord is willing to pay for this... Do you understand what I mean? I sincerely suggest that you seriously consider joining us. For you, it is the best choice to draw a line with the Chinese people -"

Professor Miel yelled angrily: "Do you think I will promise you? You are a mean and shameless villain!"

Unexpectedly surprised by Professor Mier's roar, Professor Bourges sneaked a little, but only for half a second, and even smiled.

"To each other."

Then the phone hangs up.

Listening to the blind voice from the phone, Professor Miel hammered his fist on the table.


At this time, footsteps came from outside the office.

Knocked open the door of the office, a researcher wearing a white coat walked in.

"Professor Mier."

Taking a deep breath and trying to calm down my emotions, Professor Miel asked.

"what's up?"

The researcher said: "This is a new experimental plan, and the project management department at Star Technology has sent me to you."

New experimental plan?

Is it time to do the experiment?

Sustainability took over the plan, and Professor Mier frowned and swept his eyes.

The pupil is slightly contracted.

At this moment, he finally understood the top level of Star Technology, why is it so calm...


(The new January begins, ask for a monthly ticket~~ Big guys vote for Zhang Baodi monthly ticket~~~)

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