Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1104: Will not marry a good person, nor will you let go of a bad person

Star Technology has taken over.

To be precise, the first thing to do is not the Star Technology, but the National Security Department.

After a three-day investigation, through the collection of a series of clues such as bank flow, communication software chat records, web browsing records, etc., the investigation team responsible for handling the case quickly grasped enough information.

Then, on the way home from work one day, a plainclothes found Yang Feifei. After she showed her identity, she politely invited her to the unit and expressed her intention to have tea with her while chatting casually.

"……What do you want to do?"

Faced with national security personnel who claimed to be plain clothes, Yang Feifei’s face was quite nervous.

On the one hand, this kind of tension is a fear of the law. On the one hand, there are naturally guilty reasons.

However, perhaps because the attitude of the plainclothes was too "polite", she had the illusion that the relevant department did not have enough evidence to tell her, so that she still plays with the luck of the present. .

"Don't be nervous, we just understand the situation to you," I saw through her thoughts at a glance, and the plainclothes sitting across the table didn't care, just smiled and said, "We won't marry a good person, of course. Will not let go of a bad person."

Yang Feifei’s eyes were round and her emotions were somewhat unstable. “What do you mean? What good people are bad people, I, I am legitimate rights!”

"Due to proper rights protection, your legal rights are also protected by law, but only if the means you take is justified. Then, I would like to ask Miss Yang, you posted on your personal account about the 'phantom system is to serve evil. The brainwashing tools of the organization, 'the so-called test is just a human body experiment for the purpose of achieving the evil purpose, and behind the support of the official power of the Chinese nation', 'the use of the phantom system will produce serious visual and auditory hallucinations, seriously affecting Is your daily life '...and a series of untrue statements a means of legitimate rights protection?"

"Is there any problem?" Changed the sitting position, Yang Feifei said nervously. "What's more, what is not true speech, I am talking about my own feelings, I have words. On the power of freedom."

"Word. Freedom does not mean freedom of creation. Of course you have the right to speak, but the relative starry technology also has the right to reputation. Both are also protected by law. And as far as we know, after the end of the test, Star Technology has arranged a professional inspection for you. The result of the inspection is that everything is normal, and you agreed with the inspection report at the time, and signed the above, I am right?"

Yang Feifei’s heart stunned and explained in a hurry. “I felt that everything was normal, but when I got home, I found that it was not like this.”

Plain eyebrows pick one: "Is there an illusion?"

Yang Feifei quickly nodded: "Yes."

Plainclothes smiled and said: "And then you still go to work today?"

Yang Feifei: "I am just an ordinary person, I need work, and I need to live."

When I heard this sentence, the plainclothes smiled.

"It seems that Miss Yang still thinks she is an ordinary person. What is interesting is that, according to our understanding, before this, Star Technology has proposed compensation plans to pay 100,000 yuan rmb and reimbursement for medical examination fees. However, you still Adhere to the lawsuit, and based on the lawsuit, published a large number of rumors containing false content on the Internet, to create a victim for themselves, while destroying the corporate image of Star Technology and discrediting the national image of China."

"I am blunt, ordinary people can't do this."

Yang Feifei said nervously: "Can't you? I, I just want a statement!"

Did not pay attention to her, the plainclothes continued.

“After Starcraft Technology submitted the relevant evidence to us, our intelligence workers immediately realized that this was quite abnormal.”

"...and then, that's the matter of the professionals. The investigation of your fund account by the investigation found some interesting things, including a huge sum of money from unknown sources, and a foreign source. Fund account."

He said, he shook the copy in his hand and placed it on the table. "The most interesting thing is that the overseas account that provided you with funds and business contacts with a famous overseas anti-China force, in another case. In the long run, our people have been eyeing, and most of their money comes from ned. I don't know if you have heard of this name. In short, it is not a charity."

This time, Yang Feifei’s face changed completely.

Apparently, she still underestimated the influence of Star Technology, which actually allowed the relevant departments to pay attention to it.

In her original idea, she was merely suing a technology company. Even though the company was really energetic, she did not expect energy to this extent.

This is the national security and the investigation, she is really scared.

"...I, I confess, someone actually found me and said that I would help me to do justice, and then said that I would give me money. I, can I apologize?"

A slightly younger policeman sitting next to the transcript laughed and snorted.

"If the apology is useful, what should the police do?"

Yang Feifei is almost crying, she can't wait to slap herself.

It is not just a matter of policing with the anti-China forces outside the country.

Even if I don't sue for espionage, just write a note on the file, enough for her to drink a pot.

"I, I will return the money to the head office?"

"The law is not a child's play. This is something that a judge has to decide," the plainclothes said solemnly. "However, if you have the heart to repent, we can give you a chance to make a sin."

When he heard that he had the opportunity to make a sin, Yang Feifei nodded immediately and said in a hurry.

"I am willing! Let me do what I want!"

I know that today, why should I be at the beginning?

The plainclothes sighed in the heart, looked at her seriously, and continued.

"Use your account to publicly acknowledge the mistakes and the facts of being bought, and clarify the false rumors."

"We will do work at Star Technology. If the mediation is successful, they should not sue you."

"As for your illegal income, we will confiscate it according to law."


In fact, Chen Yushan had already prepared the crisis response plan before the official release of the Mirage system.

After all, if Star Technology intends to separate the virtual reality network from the Internet, it is almost inevitable to suffer from real resistance.

Chen Yushan has long been expected.

Once the phantom system has a critical technological breakthrough, or shows a strategically important value in the field of commercialization, neighbors across the Pacific will try to find it "illegal", "security risk", "evil", etc. A series of labels for the time of development for their local high-tech companies.

However, what about even this?

In fact, Star Technology is not in a hurry, weigh the risks and expectations of the future economic environment. The North American market is in a relatively backward position on their plans for market development priorities.

Counting on the virtual reality technology that is used to fight for a year or two, it is almost equal to dreaming.

Therefore, Chen Yushan is not in a hurry.

Even the entire star technology is not in a hurry.

Those who are in a hurry should be those who are coveted and unable to get this technology, those who have already prepared for this technology...

Jinling High-tech Park.

In the ceo office of Star Technology Headquarters, Chen Yushan received a call from Guoan.

"Ms. Yang has withdrawn her complaint and expressed her willingness to cooperate with our work and make a fuss for her stupidity."

Although it was expected, after confirming this, Chen Yushan still sighed softly.

"I really don't understand why someone will do this stupid thing?"

"... After all, it is 1 million, and it is still the US dollar. It is very difficult for ordinary people to stand the test. Do you still want to counterclaim her?"

Chen Yushan thought for a while and said: "She has paid the price for her own impulsive impulse. When she realizes her mistake, I feel that it should not be necessary. We believe that the state will make a fair judgment."

The staff of Guoan nodded.

"...On our side, this is also the case. Even if you sue her for compensation, I am afraid that her current economic conditions will not be able to pay, and the follow-up work will require her cooperation."

Chen Yushan said with a slight smile: "Well, this is really bothering you."

"You're welcome."

"On the issue of big and bad, we are honored and honoured!"


With the self-proclaimed victim, Yang Feifei, voluntarily admitting his own misrepresentation of facts on his social account, and attaching evidence such as chat records and transfer records, the direction of public opinion has completely reversed, from the phantom Systemic resistance and unfounded panic have become a slogan of organizations that do things for rumors and acquirers.

After issuing an apology statement and seeing the announcements from major media in China, I knew that there would be countless people who yelled at their own Yang Feifei and ran off their collar accounts.

As for Star Technology, of course, it will not be generally seen with a small person. It is very publicly stated: Ms. Yang will not recognize her mistakes in the timely recognition of mistakes, and she will not be able to counterclaim her. .

The storm of domestic public opinion has come to an end.

As for international public opinion...

From the beginning, Star Technology has not been too concerned.

First, the international market is something that will be considered in the future.

Second, what really should be worried about this should not be them.

On this stormy, a product launch conference or a tendering conference that gathered more than 500 companies from all over the world and all walks of life, was officially held at the Shanghai International Convention and Exhibition Center...

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