Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1105: Love is not used

Shanghai International Convention and Exhibition Center.

The product launch conference of the Mirage Virtual Reality System was officially held.

For Musk, this is not the first time he has been here.

Holding the invitation in the hall, just as he was preparing to go to the press conference, he suddenly noticed an acquaintance here.

This person is not someone else, it is Zuckerberg's eo.

Some time ago, Facebook made a business segmentation and large-scale layoffs for Oulus, and it made a lot of noise on the Internet.

Now that he is here, Musk is not surprised at all.

Even without accident, in the near future, he is very likely to become his own competitor.

"I didn't expect to see you here," the face showed a formulaic smile, and Musk extended his right hand. "It seems that today is a lucky day."

After shaking hands with Musk, Zuckerberg succinctly replied.

"Fortunately, I didn't think of it."

Musk: "Your expression seems to tell me that your mood does not seem to be very good."

Zuckerberg asked: "Are you not the same?"

In Los Angeles, there has been a parade against the introduction of the phantom system. Although 10,000 people want to cooperate with Star Technology, in this case, Zuckerberg has to be cautiously shelved the plan and intends to wait and see for a while.

What he did not expect, however, is that, contrary to his prudence, Star Technology seems to have not only taken the recent public opinion on the Internet as a matter of fact, but chose to hold a product launch conference at this festival.

This operation really surprised him.

If you choose to hold a product launch at this time, there is no doubt that they will face the raging paradox.

And almost what can be met is that those reporters will certainly not throw friendly questions to them.

At least Western journalists will certainly not.

"Haha, I am normal," Musk said with a smile. "The virtual reality technology is very interesting to me, but it doesn't make me addicted. Maybe he is very important to Facebook." But for my Tesla and spae-x, it doesn't matter."

This sentence is true.

Although it is coveted by the potential benefits of this future technology, it is only a tool for making money for Musk, and it is not as urgent as Zuckerberg to get it.

Looking at the smile, some of the schadens of Musk, Zuckerberg did not say anything, turned and walked to the venue.

Musk did not say anything, just shrugged and walked toward the venue.

The product launch will begin soon.

One thing he and Zuckerberg are just like, he also wants to know, I hope to use the product launch conference to wash away the dirty water of my own star technology, what are I going to say here...


At the press conference, the crowds swayed and looked at the black pressure.

Among the people present are the eo of well-known technology companies, the big cows from the academic world, or the journalists who work in the media.

At the beginning of the meeting, Ms. Chen Yushan of Star Technology went to the stage and announced the beginning of the product launch.

Surprisingly, this EO lady does not seem to regard the recent hot discussion on the Internet as an important matter, and put it at the top of the conference, but put the two major points of the future work of the Mirage system on the release. The beginning of the meeting.

Instead, there is a content grading system for virtual reality networks and a new pilot program.

According to Ms. Eo, Star Technology will establish a virtual reality network rating system that determines the signals users can receive from the neural modem based on the user's age and the user's own choice.

In short, users under the age of 18 must not receive discordant content, and users who are 18 years old can selectively open and receive discordant content, as permitted by local laws and regulations.

At the same time, in order to improve the algorithm logic of the phantom system, it is better to identify the right part from the huge information. Star Technology announced the launch of the “God of God” program, recruiting 5-20 people in various continents in the form of employees. The tester, who participated in the program, helped the phantom system complete the algorithm logic through deep learning.

As for the specific experimental content, Chen Yushan did not disclose it on the spot.

After all, this is not the focus of the conference.

After simply explaining the arrangements, she faced the audience and the shots in the back, and she cleared her throat and continued.

"... In addition, I learned that there are some false reports and rumors circulating on the Internet, as well as some concerns from the general public."

"From a scientific point of view, virtual reality is absolutely safe. It is like our second eye. It is just a tool we use to receive external signals. It is not a substitute for our unique thinking."

“Of course, everyone has the right to choose whether to evolve. As a technology company, we only serve the future and are only responsible for providing better choices.”

“And as for what kind of lifestyle to choose, it doesn’t depend on us, it depends on the users themselves.”

"The above is our response to the recent rumors about virtual reality technology on the Internet. Next is the focus of this product launch..."

Sitting down the stage and watching the star techno eo speaking on the stage, Zuckerberg could not help but frown slightly.

As far as clarifying the negative news itself, such a speech is nothing.

Both the solution and the answer are answered.

But in this way alone, can the public completely let go of the war on this technology? Can you convince the vested interests group headed by the White House to recognize the reality and accept the status quo?

This is too small to see the power of this technology...

To be honest, he is pessimistic about the simple handling of Starry Sky.

However, the eo standing on the stage, like the fundamental disregard of this point, continued to say no.

"According to our development strategy."

"We will divide the global business into eight regions, and establish a super-computing center in each region to provide computing services for the virtual reality network, and expand the width of the virtual reality network based on the super-computing centers in each region."

“The first super-computing center has completed the site selection in Jinling, Huali, and will provide the computing power needed for the virtual reality network throughout East Asia.”

“As for the business of other regions, we welcome other forward-looking high-tech companies to join our business and promote the globalization of virtual reality networks.”

"Of course, if we are not interested, we also understand."

"After all, the future never serves all people, only the majority and even some people, and we have no hope for free trade in the true sense of free trade without any prejudice."

When this sentence was said to be exported, the scene was awkward.

What does this mean?

Star Technology is not in markets outside East Asia?

In other words, do you not use it?

Are they too confident about their skills? !

Especially the Western journalists who are carrying cameras, many of them are sand sculptures.

"This is... this is an official response? What are they going to do?"

"Are they crazy?"

Like those who are stunned by the media, the entrepreneurs present are equally shocked.

It’s just that the meaning behind the shock is something very different.

The pupil looked down on the stage, and Musk’s eyes shone with excitement.

Although like Zuckerberg, he is not optimistic about the public relations mode of Star Technology, but the information released in this sentence is undoubtedly after the winter for those businessmen who have been escaping in virtual reality technology. A great news.

As most Silicon Valley eos have speculated, Star Technology does not intend to personally engage in the competition downstream of the industry chain, intends to give the customer interface to the market, and only do cloud computing service terminals, and the interface to the enterprise.

This means that if the virtual reality network enters North America, all the companies involved in the ecology of the phantom system can share a soup.

And still the kind that can be full.

"They must be crazy..."

Repeating this sentence, licking his fingers, Zuckerberg's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Retract the previous point of view.

He finally understood where the real card of Star Technology is.

Although it is not willing to admit it, the fact is that in a short time, the phantom system is impossible to have competitors. Regardless of whether others are willing to accept such a reality, the phantom system has the ambiguity that cannot be replaced.

It is of course easy to refuse progress, and it is enough to keep this technology out of customs.

However, when the external virtual reality network has matured and North American companies want to enter this market again, they have to face not only the shark of Star Technology, but a group...

In any case, no matter what other companies think, Facebook must not miss the opportunity to shuffle the entire Internet industry.

Zuckerberg has made up his mind that after the press conference is over, he must find an opportunity to talk to the people of Star Technology...


No matter whether Star Technology is crazy or not, after the product launch, the high-tech companies visiting the site are already crazy, and the invited Western media are also crazy.

The madness of the former is because StarCraft released news about finding partners to develop other regional markets during the product launch, and the latter’s reason for being crazy is because...

They are completely ignored.


It is simply ignorance.

Whether it is the critique of well-known psychologists in the studio, or the anti-virtual reality technology on the streets of New York City, the parade of anti-brain devices, Star Technology is not seen.

n Well-known journalist Andrew did not give them a separate attack on Star Technology after the product launch. Oh, the interview opportunity expressed resentment and excitedly angered the empty lens.

"I have never seen such an arrogant company. They don't take the world's people's demands at heart. They only know how to sell their whimsical things. From today, I won't buy anything that is labeled with Star Technology. Any! I hope that everyone will unite and boycott this company and jointly resist this evil technology and the organization that uses it!"

When he said this, Andrew's tone could be said to be impassioned, and even he himself was touched.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

In fact, Star Technology is not a production company, but an intellectual property company.

Resisting Star Technology is easy.

Only need to reject mobile phones equipped with lithium-sulfur batteries, new energy vehicles loaded with lithium-air batteries, refuse to use wireless charging piles, oppose carbon-based chips for US semiconductor companies, or simply reject all electronic devices that use carbon chips, against California is being built to use sg series of superconducting materials and special anti-irradiation materials for fusion power stations, or simply refuse to use clean fusion nuclear energy directly...

In theory, as long as this is done, it is still very easy to drive out Starry Sky from their lives.


After the product launch conference on the day, the Western media, headed by n, released a report about the product launch conference in the form of venting anger and sarcasm.

However, just as they were ready to read the jokes, what happened next was to shock the entire Western media world...

It’s beyond everyone’s expectations.

On Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms, there is not a huge wave of public opinion as they imagined.

At least, everything did not move in the direction they imagined.

People are indeed protesting.

But in addition to the original protest voices, more new protests are not for the purpose of boycotting, or against what is nothing but brainwashing and evil.

It is because Star Sky Technology has not announced the plan to push the virtual reality network to its doorstep, so that potential users who are looking forward to the technology can be introduced as soon as possible can express their frustration through complaints. .

In contrast, potential users who are included in the East Asian region are ecstatic.

The voice of excitement and celebration completely overshadowed the debate about "evil."

Although Jinling’s super-computing center has not yet been completed, they have already seen the dawn of welcoming virtual reality networks.

In addition, many high-tech companies, such as Facebook, which have a neutral attitude, seem to have become embarrassed in this matter. They have begun to take the initiative to cool down those protests.

It is as if they have reached a secret agreement with the Chinese people that has reached an ulterior.

However, this is not really a place to think about it.

The traditional Western media really felt a little worried, and even feared that those who really care about the technology did not seem to buy their accounts.

They are losing their influence.

They are losing the status of the innocent king.

Those who were originally at the mercy of them, this time they did not put them in their eyes at all...

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