In the past few days, almost all hotels near Jinling University have been booked full.

Not because Valentine's Day or Christmas is coming, but because of the detention of a large number of foreign scholars.

In three days, in addition to eating and sleeping, Lu Zhou did not go anywhere. He stayed in the lecture hall temporarily changed from the gymnasium, answering questions from other scholars about the theory of grand unification.

Well, some questions about the standard guess.

To be honest, in the face of such a situation, Deligne did not know which side he should be surprised.

Although he saw the first moment of Lu Zhou's paper on the theory of grand unification, he had a feeling that the standard conjecture might have been only a short trip, but after all, he did not expect that the day would come so fast.

Even he was not prepared.

At the scene of this report, Lu Zhou, standing on the stage, took less than two hours to completely resolve this century's proposition.

The campus of Jinling University.

After dinner in the cafeteria, the two old men walked along the tree-lined path leading to the Observatory.

Looking at the direction of the stadium, Professor Sanak, who was walking next to him, suddenly said.

"It only plagued the mathematics world for half a century... would it seem too bad?"

Deligne shook his head and said.

"No... that person is an exception. Any problem that is solved by him, I think it should be discussed separately."

Again, the standard conjecture also guides the development trajectory of algebraic geometry for half a century. Even if it becomes a speed of history, it is too "quick", but it does not hinder its contribution to the history of algebraic geometry. .

Professor Sanak said with a bitter smile.

"It makes sense."

The topic came here, and for different reasons, the two men fell silent in the same place. De Ligne is thinking about the future of the Bourbaki school, while Sanak thinks about the future of Princeton.

Even if you don't want to admit it, the center of the world mathematics world has already shifted. This trend has become more apparent since the establishment of the "Future" series of journals.

Continue to walk along the path, Professor Sanak said suddenly.

"I dare to assert that after ten years, it will definitely become the center of mathematics in the world."

Upon hearing this sentence, Deligny glanced at him and asked him in a sharp eye.

“Do you need ten years?”

Professor Sanak’s expression was a bit unnatural, and he coughed and said.

"...It should still be necessary. The cultivation of a scholar is a long cycle, and the stability of a school requires the efforts of countless generations of scholars. Ten years is only a conservative estimate, maybe twenty years or even longer. maybe."

Professor Delini smiled undecidedly.

In theory, this is true.

But I am afraid he ignored it.

That person is less than thirty years old.

Strictly speaking, the 20 years from the age of 30 to 50 are the true golden age of a scholar in his academic career. Ten and twenty years are indeed a relatively conservative estimate, but that is only for the general case.

Does not apply to him.

As the birthplace of the great unity theory, as long as that person has the heart to spread this subject, at least in the field of algebraic geometry, scholars who come out from here will always be at the forefront of the world.

Although there was some controversy between the two on the arrival of this day, there was a consensus on the latter.

After thinking for a while, Professor Sanak said suddenly.

“We can discuss with them and exchange a batch of students every year.”

Professor Deligne's eyebrows picked: "Joint training program?"

"Yes..." Looking at the undergraduates who walked on the tree-lined path and were not blessed in the blessings, Professor Sanak couldn’t help but show his envious expression. "...Let them enjoy the exclusive experience of Professor Lu. It is too enviable."

It seems that he thinks that he is a bit reasonable. After thinking for a moment, Professor Delini nodded.

"I will go back to the principal and mention it."

At the same time, the Office of the Dean of the Jinling University Institute.

Looking at the old Tang who came to the door, Qin’s chief, sitting behind the desk, stood up in red light and stood out from the distance, and smiled and greeted him.

"Old Tang, what kind of wind blows your old man, please sit down, come, shake your hand."

"Okay, you are so polite with me!" Pushed his hand, Tang Zhiwei smiled, and he went to the sofa next to him and sat down. "Look at you, recently, it’s good, the lottery. ?"

"What lottery tickets are in the middle, I have been busy recently," Qin said, sitting on the sofa and laughing. "Which eyes do you see that I have done a good job? People have lost a few pounds?"

"Oh, this is not seen."

After teaching at the Jinling University of Luzhou, Laotang retired from the education post. In the past few years, he basically went to the park to play Taiji in the morning, and sat in the yard in the afternoon to play chess and fishing leisure with other retired old men. Retirement life.

As for mathematics, in addition to occasionally paying attention to the latest trends, he has not touched academic matters for a long time.

After all, to his age, he can keep his head clear and not confused, and he has already lost his mathematician status.

However, although Lao Tang was an ordinary professor before he retired, and he still had a comparative responsibility and did not understand the kind of flexibility, but the dean of Qin did not dare to respect him.

Not only because of the private relationship between the two, but also because he once brought the academician. The dean of Qin has heard of it. Until now, every time the academician of the Lunar New Year will present a gift to visit the elderly.

With the status of the academician of the Republic of China in the academic world of China, such a big man is even the leader of the Ministry of Education, and he will have a courtesy, let alone a dean.

Of course, Lao Tang did not put any shelf with him, just took him to chill and started some daily chores.

Just as the dean of Qin thought about what happened to Lao Tang in the end, when he visited him here, the old Tang of a cup of tea and underwater, picked up the teapot and refilled himself with a cup. Suddenly, he said.

"Old Qin, let's talk about it. Recently, we are very busy."

The dean of Qin squatted and immediately said with a smile: "It is very lively, or I will not be so busy."

Lao Tang smiled and said: "Oh? Then I have to thank you, so busy and free to accompany me this bad old man."

Dean Qin: "Where are you, you are a bad old man, am I not too fast?"

Lao Tang: "Otherwise? Is this stuff still able to hide?"

Director Qin smiled and did not speak.

He felt what Lao Tang was going to say, so he gave the topic to him.

After taking a sip of the teacup and stopping for a while, Lao Tang continued with a feeling of emotion.

"I recently downloaded the paper of the great unified theory of algebraic geometry and read it again. It is said that I have only left the rumored post for less than five years, and I have already been unable to touch it."

Dean of Qin: "It’s normal to learn to go against the current boat and not to go back."

"Yeah," sighed softly, and the old Donton paused and continued. "We will all be old one day, even... this day has already arrived."

When Qin’s dean was unclear, he frowned.

"Old Tang, you want to say 啥, just say it right, you are so confused with me, I don't necessarily guess it..."

Put down the teacup, Professor Tang looked at him and solemnly said: "I want to ask you one thing."

Upon hearing this sentence, Qin Dean slightly stunned.

In his impression, this is probably the first time that Lao Tang asked him to do things in such a solemn tone.

"……what's up?"

"Have you heard of "Mathematical Principles"?"

Dean Qin: " may you have never heard of it? If you ask this question, it will be too ruined."

As the most famous work of the Bourbaki School, the book "Mathematical Principles" was co-edited by Wei Yi, Didinne, Jiadang, Xue Huazhen and many other scholars. A total of about forty volumes, published since the 1930s, is said to be It has not been updated yet, and it is still being added.

Even if it is not a study in the field of algebraic geometry, as long as it is a mathematician, it is impossible to hear that this influence is second only to Euclidean's "Geometry Original" masterpiece.

"It’s not burying, you misunderstood what I meant," Professor Tang said, putting on his hand and continuing. "When I was bored some time ago, I turned over the history of mathematics. I found the origin of the Bourbaki school and the principle of mathematics." The book is inseparable."

The earliest word Bourbaki is the pseudonym of the author of the book "Mathematical Principles", which refers to a group of mathematical structuralist groups composed mainly of French mathematicians.

It can be said that the book "Mathematical Principles" almost runs through the Göttingen School until today, the past and present of the European mainstream mathematics school.

"...The birth of the Bourbaki School is inextricably linked to the origin of the Principles of Mathematics. From their development, we can learn from many places worth learning."

“Knowledge is not just about creation, it is about inheritance.”

"Now the world of mathematics is standing at the crossroads leading to the future. Everything in the future is a new world that no one has ever seen. I propose that we can organize a group of potential scholars to co-author a book on algebraic geometry. Unifying the theory, and the work of its future development, and passing it on."

Just like the Bourbaki School of Mathematical Principles.

Apparently understood the idea of ​​Professor Tang, but Qin’s expression was still hesitant.

These days, he has considered many things, including consolidating the huge influence that this report will bring to the mathematics department of Jinling University, including the future of the mathematics department of Jinling University, but this distant thing is not even thinking about it. I thought about it.

To be honest, Jinling University has a lot of international influence, and he has no bottom in his heart.

Writing a book for the future of the entire mathematics world...

If this is a good one, it will be fine.

If it is not good, is it a joke?

"...Do you do this, is it a bit too radical?"

"Aggressive? How can it be radical without learning? Can it still be moderate?" Hearing the concern of Qin Dean, Tang Zhiwei said with a smile, "Old Qin, I am still not confused, how can you be more and more confused? We are scholars, not official lords, and the golden mean cannot be trusted."

Looking at the hesitant expression on his face, the old Tang language continued to say.

"The mathematics department of Jinling University has developed to the present, and the influence is no longer like that of the past. Even Yan Da and Aurora, when they talk about the influence in the world, they dare not underestimate us. But you didn't find it? Even if Now, we have not formed a school in the true sense."

"What is our focus, what is our strength, and what role we play in the big collective of the world's academic circles, you are afraid that you have never thought about it."

"But this does not blame you. You also have your concerns. Many times we use old methods to solve new problems. Although it is difficult to make big achievements, we will not make big mistakes."

"But now the situation is different. Now is a golden opportunity! If we don't grasp it, others will surely grasp it. It is not just us who are not willing to lag behind. Is the knowledge we created still handed over to others to help us pass on it?" ?"

After saying this, Lao Tang no longer spoke. He leaned on the sofa and sipped tea while waiting quietly for the reply of President Qin.

This time, Qin Dean was silent for a long time.

It was not until the mist on the teacup completely dispersed that he said.

"……I will think about it."

"Don't think about it, how old is, the more you get rid of it, the more you look at it. You didn't look like this before." He took a thigh and stood up from the sofa. Tang Zhiwei continued, "Land On the other side of the academician, I will say it."

He has not asked his students to do things in this life.

But for the future of the Chinese mathematics community, he decided to make an exception.

Moreover, this is also a very beneficial thing for Lu Zhou himself.

Maybe he doesn't care about this influence anymore.

But if the historical opportunity is not grasped, it is a pity that...

Light pen

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