Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1119: The pinnacle of the human mind!

In fact, regarding whether he is still a human being, Lu Zhou may not be able to answer this question himself.

Although from the data on the physical examination test sheet, the reinforcement of the system does not seem to be reflected in the transformation of his DNA, but with his current thinking ability, it has clearly transcended the scope of ordinary human beings to achieve or even understand.

If he remembers correctly, when he first entered Princeton, about six years ago, Professor Deligne had invited him to join the study of standard conjecture.

Six years now have passed.

Obviously, this topic has not made any significant progress until now.

However, solving it now is as simple as breathing.

Although there is a large part of the reason for this, because the Great Unification Theory provides a theoretical basis for proving this proposition, even in the short half an hour, even if the conclusions that can be directly drawn through the grand unified theory are left out Solving so many problems is also quite a horrible thing.

Even in his own opinion.

I took a deep breath of cold air and let my chest's emotions cool down a little. Lu Zhou looked at the line on the whiteboard "lefshetz standard guess, set up!" The words were silent for a long time, slowly said.

"As we all know, the standard conjecture can be divided into two parts. The first part is the promotion of the hard-lefshetz theorem by Professor Grottendick in the study of the Wey conjecture, which is the lefshetz standard conjecture we are familiar with."

"And the second half is the hodge standard conjecture."

It seems that it was tangled because of something troublesome. Lu Zhou frowned and thought for a long time.

The stage is silent.

Everyone is waiting for him to continue.

Under the gaze of countless hopes, the wrinkled brow suddenly fell, and in a relaxed tone, Lu Zhou continued.

"Forget it."

“Although just to demonstrate the application of the Grand Unified Theory in studying algebraic geometry problems...”

"But since they have all been written here."

"It's still solved together."

Did not go to see the face of Zhang Zhenyu behind him, did not go to listen to the exclamation and incredible discussion of the venue.

Lu Zhou, who underestimated the words, with many complex emotions such as awe, emotion, and calmness, walked to the blank whiteboard next to it and stopped for a moment.

Standard conjecture is one of the most profound propositions in the field of algebraic geometry.

Its profoundness lies not only in its complex beauty, but also in its profound inferences.

The most straightforward, if the standard conjecture is established, it can directly introduce the Weiyi conjecture, and it can be introduced that the role of frobenius on the homology group of smooth projection algebraic clusters is semi-singular, and even algebraic closed chains in algebraic clusters can be introduced ( The numerical equivalence (algebraiyle) and the homologous equivalence (hologialequivalene) are the same equivalence relationship and so on.

These are all known.

There are also theories that have yet to be explored.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is this conjecture that guides the development of modern algebraic geometry.

However, until now, its historical mission should be over.

As his hand lifted, the pen that fell on the whiteboard moved.

[...when i≤n/2, the quadratic form x→(1)^il^(i)x.x on a^i(x)nker(l^(n2i+1)) is positive definite...]

Where x is the smooth projection algebraic cluster on the field k, l is the prime number of the mutual prime of k, h^i(x, ql) is the i-order l-adi cohomology group of x, x and the hyperplane of the projection space The intersection is a subalgebraic cluster of x.

This conjecture is known when x is an algebraic surface or a complex algebraic cluster.

What he has to prove now is that under normal circumstances, it is also established!

Time passes by one minute.

There are more and more calculations on the whiteboard.

Many people sitting under the stage, the speed of ingesting information, and even gradually began to keep up with the speed of his blackboard.

Perelman, who was frowning and sitting with his arms in the arm, suddenly sat up straight, and the pupil of the whiteboard immediately shrank into a point.

Schultz, sitting not far from him, reacted almost the same, even sending an incredible exclamation.

"...Using the homology method of l^2 to obtain the topological information of the complete manifold compact quotient, and generalizing the hodge theory on the compact manifold to the complete non-compact manifold!"

"God...he, he is a genius!"

This is a paper on the study of discrete groups and elliptic operators published by Sir Attiya in the 1976 issue of the Journal of Mathematics, which mentions the nature of the coherent theory of l^2.

What is surprising is not only the cleverness of his ideas, but what really shocked Schultz is that his use of these mathematical tools is as comfortable as breathing.

It is as if those mathematical tools are born for him.

Looking at the stunned Schultz, Perelman, who had never spoken, had a rare sigh.

"...this obvious thing, even if you don't say everyone knows."

Not far from nearby.

The two old men sat there, staring at the whiteboard motionless.

Just as Lu Zhou succeeded in extending the hodge theory on the tight manifold to the complete non-compact manifold, Professor Delini suddenly broke the silent tacit understanding and opened his mouth.

"What do you think?"

Sitting next to him, Faltins did not speak.

After about half a minute, he shook his head.

"I may need some time... maybe, I am really old."

Deligne silently looked at the stage complexly and no longer spoke.

For so many years of friendship, he heard it for the first time, this guy admits that he is old.

Although this is an indisputable fact, I heard that this guy admits this, and it still makes him a little embarrassed...

The same conversation, on the other side of the venue, is also happening.

Only the old question is Mr. Qiu Chengtong, and the person answering is Professor Tao.

As a versatile person in the field of mathematics, he is probably the only person in the entire venue who can follow the speed of the whiteboard on the board in addition to Lu Zhou himself.

Although this is not easy.

Even if he wants to keep up with this rhythm, it is quite challenging.

"His thinking speed is too fast... To make an inappropriate metaphor, the average person may be sitting on a rocket... Maybe I am sitting on a spae-x falcon but the essence is still a rocket, and there is no essential difference from other rockets. But he is different. He has already taken something like a speed engine. When I am still walking down a line of ideas, he has already made a whole piece of paper, from the proposition. The problem is to jump directly to the part of the result."

Because of his wife's work in nasa, he usually has a lot of contact with aerospace. Although the professionalism may not be discussed, the model of the rocket is still clear.

For this strange metaphor, Mr. Qiu Lao did not say anything, but silently moved his eyes to the almost filled whiteboard.

After a while, he squeezed his fist and gently sighed.

"Good job!"


There is no doubt that this is the most brilliant moment in the history of the Chinese mathematics community.

No, to be precise, it is not just the Chinese mathematics community.

Even if you look at the world and look back at history, I am afraid that there will be no more brilliant moments.

At this moment, he is not only the **** of the math temple, but also the peak of the human mind.

Standing in front of this whiteboard connected to the universe, whether it is nationality or ethnicity, or cultural background, seems to have become pale and lost meaning.

Standing at the height of species and civilization, everything is too small.

With the last punctuation falling.

Everything is quiet.

In fact, as early as the tenth line, there was no suspense in the results, but there were very few people who could see it.

Retrieving the pen on the whiteboard, the two-step Lu Zhou, looking at his own results, is like looking at a piece of art, for a long time.

About ten minutes passed, and he turned around and said to a quiet venue, slowly speaking.

"The above is proof of the standard conjecture."

The sound echoed in the empty venue.

There was no sound under the stage.

No one is talking.

There was no applause.

The front row of viewers or sluggish or dignified expressions have already told them about their mood and status at this moment. Everyone has not recovered from the double shock of the visual and spiritual, and naturally there is no way to think about it.

Without a pause for too long, Lu Zhou looked around at the quiet venue and continued with a tone that was not too slow.

"In fact, the great unification theory is the theme of this report."

"The proof of the standard conjecture is just a joke. I hope that through my display, I will bring some inspiration to the future exploration of good things."

"As we have witnessed this moment, our theory once again proves that our universe is perfect, it is in line with the mathematical beauty."

"There are people, do you have any questions?"

The silence under the stage is still going on.

Still no one is talking.

The shoulders are loose.

Feeling like putting down a heavy burden, there was no undulating Lu Zhou, and his face suddenly showed a smile of joy.

The smile is like the wind in the early spring of March. Although there is no special tension, it blows into the heart of every listener. When it passes, the ice melts and the snow melts.

"If there isn't one, then this report will be here."

"I will be here for the past three days. If there are new questions, I can come here to find me."

"Thank you."

The applause sounded like a pouring rain.

Almost overturned the ceiling of the stadium.

The boat that is too far away is not very clear, but as far as he can see, the pair of young or old faces are full of shock and madness without exception.

The whole world is like being re-started with a clockwork, starting from a silent silence and starting to re-tick.

The staff standing on both sides of the lecture hall, as well as those security guards, cast a strange sight into the venue and did not quite understand what was going on.

Of course they will not understand.

Just like the beauty of mathematics, it will not open up to everyone.

However, for those who can understand it, this beauty is shocking the soul and reaching the depths of the soul.

Although there is no sound, it is like a song.

Bathed in the applause of the venue, Lu Zhou put the marker in his hand destined to be a historical relic, gently rested on the podium, stepped back a little, and turned to the stage.

The era of standard conjecture has come to an end.

Take this moment as a watershed.

Every minute in the future belongs to the new world!

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