Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1118: Is this still human?

Outside the gym.

A young man who is not tall and slightly young, runs on the road with a shoulder bag. Judging from his vain pace and the bags under his eyes, I thought I didn't sleep well last night.

However, for whatever reason, he has missed the admission time, so it was natural to be stopped by the security guard at the entrance of the gymnasium.

"Students, the gymnasium will not open to the public for two days. Play for another place."

Looking at the security guards who stopped him, Ji said anxiously.

"I am not coming to play, I am here to listen to the report!"

The security guard and the colleague next to the station got a glimpse of each other, exchanged an odd sight, and then cast a weird look on him.

"Listen to the report? The report has already started for two hours, and you are late."

Ji Mo: "Big Brother, I beg you, let me go in."

The security guard reached out.

"What about your invitation?"

“Invitation?” Zimmer silently sighed, “What invitation.”

"The admission guests have invitations, and no one can put them in," the security guard said impatiently. "If you don't have an invitation, don't waste your time. Even if I put you in here, you can't go through the security check." It’s not the school’s people who stand guard, it’s useless to say that you are still a waste of time.”

"...I, I am a student of the Academician of the Republic!"

When he said this, Timothy inevitably cheeked red.

After all, this so-called "student" is not the kind of registration on the file, just a verbal promise, and it still has to be quoted.

If it is not urgent, he does not want to move out of Lu Shen’s name.

But now, I can't take care of that much.

"As for you?" The security guard at the entrance of the station glanced at him, and he clearly expressed his disbelief. "You are a little older."

Ji Mo cried and said: "The freshman... but this is not the point! The point is that I am really anxious, I have been two hours late, and I can't hear it later."

Just as he was talking, a familiar voice suddenly came from the door.

"What are you doing at the door?"

"Professor Chen?"

Although it is usually low-key, as the talent that Lu Zhou has dug from Yanda Math Center, Professor Chen is still a little famous at Jinling University. At least these security guards are quite familiar.

Seeing the two security guards looking at themselves in surprise, Chen Yang asked in a bit unclear.

"……What's matter?"

"No, no."

Seeing that the two security guards showed their smiles in the same place, Chen Yang then looked at Ji Mo, who stood next to him, and frowned.

"Hurry up, the report will start for a while."

"Ah, ok, okay."

After returning to God, Ji Mo immediately followed Professor Chen.

As he passed through the door, he glanced at the two stunned security guards, smugly raised his eyebrows, and then quickly walked away without returning.

From the back, he caught up with Chen Yang's footsteps, and Ji Mo asked him as he walked toward the venue.

"That... Professor Chen."

Chen Yang: "What happened?"

Ji Mo was embarrassed to ask: "How come you are late."

"I am not late," Chen Yang shook his head. "I didn't sleep last night."

"Don't sleep?!"

Chen Yang nodded and said succinctly.

"Well, the paper... there are some places that I didn't understand, I took a little time."

Where is this a little bit spent? !

It’s been two weeks since I hanged that preprint?

Although Ji Mo thought so to vomit, but eventually resisted.

Soon the two came to the security checkpoint.

After Professor Chen explained the situation to the security personnel and made a guarantee for the guarantee, Ji Mo showed his student ID and made a simple registration. He finally got the release of the security personnel, and followed Professor Chen to the venue. row.

Before coming in here, the original quarter was still a little worried, and there would be things like no seats, but when he actually came in, he found that the situation was a little different from what he imagined.

The seats in the back two rows were basically only half full, and a large group of people did not sit in the empty seats. They all squeezed into the aisles next to the front row and sat on the floor.

Without going to the crowd to plan to join in the fun, Ji Mo followed Chen Yang to find a seat in the back row, and then quickly took out the notebook with him and looked in the direction of the stage.

However, after reading it for a while, he found that he could not understand what Lu Zhou was writing.

"...the great unification theory?" The eyes stared at the calculations on the whiteboard, and the quarters that had done a night of work were frowning, and the eyes were full of doubts. "No... it seems not."

“Yes,” Chen Yang nodded and looked at the eight whiteboards that had been pushed aside. After thinking for a moment, he said, “A few minutes ago, the explanation about the theory of the Great Unification should have ended.”

"Then he is writing now..."

"...should be a standard guess."

Looking at the contents of the Luzhou board, Chen Yang’s indifferent pupils gradually became a shocking look.

His throat was gently moving up and down, whispering to himself.

"Sure enough! My premonition is not wrong... It really is a standard guess!"

He glanced at him with a sly look, and Ji Mo swallowed and whispered.

"...What premonition?"

Chen Yang: "Remember the inference of the Great Unification Theory 2?"

Recalling what I saw when I brushed my papers late at night, Ji Mo replied almost conditioned.

"The upper coherence of arbitrary coefficients can be calculated by the co-sonomial of the z-factor!"


Chen Yang nodded, and the pair always had no flattering tone. This time, not only was it filled with shock and excitement, but it was also rare to have a tremor caused by excitement.

"...This is one of the core inferences of the algebraic geometry unification theory! According to it, we can directly introduce, map l^(n2i): ai(x)→ani(x) is isomorphic (0≤i≤n /2)!"

At the moment of hearing this sentence, Ji Mo's pupil narrowed slightly, and a pair of eyes suddenly widened.

Although his level of knowledge and experience in academics is still slightly immature, it is not clear how the so-called "direct launch" is a derivation method, but as the full-time gold medal winner of the imo contest, plus the usual extracurricular learning. He is still clear about these basic concepts.

This conclusion that Professor Chen said is the promotion of the hard-lefshetz theorem!

That is, the first part of Grothendieck's standard conjecture is the lefshetz standard conjecture!

"...I don't know Professor Lu," looked up at the figure on the stage, and the line that flowed along the tip of the pen. Chen Yang's eyes were intertwined with the color of shock and fascination. "Last night, I was Suddenly thinking of the possibility of existence, I always thought of a faint confession in the morning..."

However, what he did not expect was that he had racked his brains and thought about the idea that he had figured it all night. He put it at the report meeting, but he couldn’t even talk about the problem.

On the white board, the idea of ​​running like a river is pouring down with smooth strokes. No matter what kind of gully and difficult obstacles, under the one-inch edge that is waving, it seems pale and powerless.

There are no obstacles to block it.

Even letting it stop for a few seconds can't be done.

So when the final line of calculations, the conclusion that made him dream, was written, everything was so natural.

[...the above is available. 】

[Mapping l^(n2i): ai(x)→ani(x) is isomorphic (0≤i≤n/2)]

[Lefshetz standard conjecture, established! 】

The wandering pen finally stopped.

Almost at the moment when the last punctuation was completed, there was a scream of one after another.

Under the traction of the atmosphere, Professor Sanak, sitting in the crowd, couldn't help but raise his left hand and picked up the cuffs and looked at the time on his eyes.

"37 minutes...!"

The deafening exclamation drowned his voice.

Unbelievably looking at the stage, he muttered to himself, repeating the name of the old man of God.

"...God, is this still human?"

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