Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1117: I will prove here

Jinling University entrance.

Looking at the streets where people come and go, and the young and energetic young faces, the old man with gray hair suddenly gave a feeling.

"The change is really big."

This old man is not someone else.

It is the lifelong professor of Harvard University and the founder of the Mathematical Science Center of the Suzuki University of Shuimu University, Mr. Qiu Chengtong.

As for the one standing next to him, he is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to South China.

Although it is not often here, he often hears about Jinling University because of his frequent domestic reasons.

I heard the voice of Mr. Qiu Lao, and he stood next to him and said with a smile.

"The changes here are quite big. Five years ago, they were still fighting the top five with Aurora, and the southeast robbed the orthodox. Now they have faintly stood at the top position in the country. Speaking of this, thanks to the academician of the army, I Every time I talked to the old friends of Aurora University, he was envious of the face and complained that they didn’t have such a talent.

"Especially in the past few years, Jinling University is engaged in educational reforms. With the support of Academician Lu, all aspects have been successful. Especially the academic talent training program for the undergraduate stage that he got when he returned from Princeton. It has become a model for the national college education reform pilot program, and has achieved good results in many 985 colleges and universities. It is said that it plans to promote the country in the future."

Upon hearing this to the academician, Mr. Qiu Lao smiled and said with a sigh of emotion.

"If you want to make progress in education, you need a top-down change from enlightenment education to higher education. It is not enough to rely on a great man or several universities."

Suddenly, his smile suddenly brought a touch of gratification and continued.

"But I saw this, but I feel that I can look forward to it later."

There are so many people of insight who have devoted themselves to this cause.

Presumably, the day that all Chinese children will look forward to will not be too far away.

Laughing to the academician: "We still don't stand at the door, I'm afraid I'm waiting for an emergency."

"Also," Mr. Qiu Lao nodded and looked at the academician. "I will trouble you for introducing me for a while. I am not very familiar with him."

Said to the academician with a smile.

"You can rest assured that I will never forget this."

"Under the ages, he is looking forward to your visit!"


Since the article of Lu Zhou was uploaded to arxiv, the atmosphere of Jinling University in these days has been quite unusual.

Out of concern for the future of the mathematics community, the eyes of the world are concentrated here.

For a time, Jinda seems to have become the center of the world. Whether it is studying mathematics or even people in academia, it is paying attention to the progress of this report.

As the president of the University of Finance, President Xu can now say that it is painful and happy.

On the one hand, in order to prepare for the report, I was so busy that I was so happy that I couldn’t make a big difference because of the huge influence that this report would bring to Jinda.

Although similar reports have not been opened before, even if they all add up, I am afraid that they cannot be compared with this one.

As for the reason...

That is the theme of this report, not to solve the unsolved mystery left by the predecessors, but to redefine mathematics and even the future of the world.

The day passed by, and finally arrived at the day when the report was officially started.

Scholars from all over the world gathered at the grand auditorium of the new campus of Jinling University.

Originally, this kind of report meeting should be held in the grand auditorium of the old campus with more commemorative significance and historical significance, but considering that the number of participants has exceeded the limit that the old auditorium can accommodate, the report will The venue was eventually confirmed at the stadium of the new campus.

All the preparations were in place, dressed in a formal attire, and walked to the podium in front of the venue.

Standing on the stage and looking down at the stage, watching the black crowd of people, his heart could not help but feel a moment.

From the professor of mathematics at Jinling University to his old friends at Princeton, a pair of familiar faces all gathered at the moment and waited for his opening.

To be honest, he has not remembered how many reports he has had.

But there is no doubt that this is probably the most important one.

Without accident, it will be the last one in his field of mathematics...

Stretched out the microphone.

Almost at the moment when his hand touched the microphone, the entire empty gymnasium was quiet.

No one maintains discipline.

No one reminded the attendees to stay quiet.

As if by a special tacit agreement, everyone is waiting quietly for him to speak.

After brewing for about two or three seconds, Lu Zhou cleared the scorpion and read the opening remarks.

"...Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule and coming from all over the world."

"I am also very grateful to the teachers of Jinling University for their support. The preparation of this report has taken up a lot of people's precious time and energy."

"I believe that you are not here to listen to me. So let us go straight to the topic."

After all, Lu Zhou turned around and lifted the laser pointer in his hand and pressed it against the curtain.

Ppt began to turn to the second page, and the abstract part of the paper was quickly presented to everyone.

Facing the empty whiteboard, Lu Zhou raised the marker in his hand and talked about his understanding of the theory of great unity.

Everyone in the audience listened very seriously and looked very seriously.

In order to see more clearly the letters he wrote, the audience in the back row even took the telescope to the scene and stretched his neck and looked forward.

Time passes by one minute.

Unconsciously, an hour has passed.

However, immersed in the exquisite algorithm of the line, but almost no one is aware that time is passing.

In this way, the tacit understanding lasted for three hours, until the arms and neck began to get sour, and the boat that was written and stopped finally stopped the pen in his hand.

In front of him, eight whiteboards have been placed.

And on each whiteboard, it is filled with neat handwriting and operators...

"The argument about the theory of great unity is here."

Listening to the sound of the commotion, he turned to face the venue and continued with a calm voice.

"I believe that even if I say so much, at least half of the people on the scene will not understand, or they still have confusion in their hearts."

"The above content is only a review of the paper. I will take at least one hour at the end of the report to respond to all questions."

“And now, I will demonstrate the application of the Great Unification Theory.”

"As we often say, guessing is the touchstone of mathematical methods. Whether a tool is great or not, it is enough to see what kind of problem it can be used to solve."

"Because of the time, I will only give one example."

"I hope you look carefully."

After all, Lu Zhou turned around and the marker in his hand was printed on the whiteboard again.

This time

It is the ninth whiteboard.

Sitting under the stage, Qiu Chengtong frowned slightly, and some did not quite understand what he was going to do.

Professor Faltins is the same, looking at Lu Zhou’s movements in confusion.

However, this confusion did not last long.

When he just wrote the first three words, his pupil suddenly shrank.

"...standard, standard guess?!"

The same eyes widened, and Professor Delini almost stood up from the chair.

Standard guess!

One of the most important propositions in algebraic geometry proposed by Grothendieck!

Although it is not a thousand problems, it is not in Hilbert's 23 questions, but its significance is more important than the two!

The reason for not being nominated is simply because most people don't think it is a proposition that can be solved this century, but should be put into the next century to think.

It was not only Professor Faltins and Professor De Ligne who were stunned. Almost all the scholars in the audience were there because of the sudden move of Lu Zhou.

What does it mean to demonstrate the application of the Grand Unified Theory?

Why would you mention the standard guess here?

What does he want to do?

Is it...

Almost everyone has guessed what Lu Zhou is going to do.

Only, almost everyone can't believe it, he can do it here.

I didn’t care about the audience’s thoughts. Lu Zhou’s proposition that he had troubled the world for half a world in the mathematics world and continued to be troubled without him was completely written on the whiteboard. .

[... Each motive should have a direct sum decomposition, and the straight sum terms of this decomposition can achieve the cohomology of all orders of the given space. 】

The pen in my hand stopped.

Turning to face the venue, Lu Zhou's expression is calm, just like telling a thing that is normal, but slowly said.

"I believe that as long as people who are engaged in research in this field, they will not be unfamiliar with the propositions on the whiteboard."

"I will prove or prove it."

"right here."

The moment when the voice fell.

The whole venue was like a pot of hot pot that had been hot, thrown into a torch and burned in an instant!

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