Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1116: The world in the eyes of the gods

From lv9 to lv10, the change is not just the data on the property panel.

At the moment of leaving the system space, Lu Zhou, sitting at the desk, only felt that the back of the head was like a sap, and he was almost stunned by the impact.

The load brought about by the development of the brain domain did not stop there.

At the same time that the wave of irritating cerebral cortex struck, a blaze from the back of the neck and all the way to the eyebrows made his consciousness sober.

This kind of torment lasted for 5 minutes, and when the pain deep into the soul left, the clothes stuck to the back were soaked with sweat.

At the same time, the world that has been closed and closed, the world seen in the eyes is different.

The tree outside the window is not a tree, but a growing collection of Mandebo. The clouds in the sky are not clouds, but a constantly changing Caraby-Yau manifold. The vast and innocent sky is not empty, but a kind of Something close to the root cause.

Perhaps their shape has not changed, but in his eyes, it has been given a property that can be directly seen.

It goes straight to the depths of the universe.

Shocking the soul of mortals.

"... Is this the world in the eyes of the gods?"

Lu Zhou thinks that he is a firm atheist, even now he thinks so.

It’s just that he is not sure whether there is someone in this world who is like him. He has seen such a landscape.

His retina seems to have become a filter, filtering out the messy information, leaving only the purest part.

This world is so beautiful.

So that Lu Zhou was so sitting still at the desk, he looked at the world outside the window and sat for an afternoon.

It wasn't until Xiao Ai reminded him to go to dinner that he was in the midst of a sudden sigh of relief, slowly got up and walked outside the study...


The world of lv10 is a paradise for mathematicians.

Of course, not everything is so perfect.

Extremely sensitive to numbers and geometric shapes, it still has some troubles for Lu Zhou's life.

Especially for an obsessive-compulsive disorder, this keen intuition has become a torment. For example, the toothbrush leaning against the cup, two pieces of asymmetrical bread, etc., and the details of life that would not have caught his attention at all, are now so conspicuous.

However, this trouble has not lasted for a long time.

On the third day after uploading the paper, Lu Zhou basically adapted to the feeling of “evolution” or “flying up”.

On the fifth day, he will not feel any discomfort anymore, and he has even fallen in love with this feeling of beauty.

As for how beautiful this feeling is, he can't describe it in words.

However, Lu Zhou believes.

But any scholar, whether he studies mathematics or physics, or other fields of engineering.

After witnessing such a world, he will certainly have the same thoughts as himself.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou can't help but expect.

When he raises the physics to lv10, the world in his eyes will become what it is.

Just thinking about it, he is looking forward to it.

In addition to taking the time to adapt to the change after the promotion of lv10, in the five days, Lu Zhou did not stay at home all day to fish and did nothing.

On the one hand, he is concerned about the attitudes and reactions of the mathematics community to this paper, and on the other hand, he is studying the rewards he submitted when submitting tasks a few days ago.

The memory of the void is put aside, although he is eager to know what the so-called void is, but now it is obviously not a suitable time.

Tickets have only one chance to enter.

In order to get the most out of the clues, he needs to make a little preparation before the next entry.

Naturally, there is no need to talk about shampoo and energy medicine. In addition to the memory of the void, the good thing drawn from the system is to “beyond” x-1 glasses.

On the surface, it looks like the wind-proof glasses that are common in optical shops and have no degree. It doesn't seem to make much difference. Scanning on a metal detector can't scan anything.

However, when he took it and passed the iris verification, it was like opening the door to the new world.

Especially after connecting to the "beyond" x-1 server, both eyes became the perspective of Iron Man.


It seems that it is nothing more than that?

After playing for a while, Lu Zhou was almost tired.

This thing is magical, but in essence it is just a data interface.

The only difference from the brain-computer interface is that it is connected to the visual, and it can control the connected devices through the voice function and the conscious focus of the field of view.

Lu Zhou speculates that the civilization or organization of this technology, the information technology industry should be relatively developed, and the ar technology has been integrated into all aspects of life, wearing glasses and taking off glasses is completely different from the two worlds. degree.

But for the earth...

There seems to be nothing here that must be presented through ar technology.

Can't always use this glasses to catch treasures?

That is too boring.

At first, Lu Zhou really thought so. Until he tried to connect the glasses with the experimental observation satellite independently developed and designed by the Star Space Science and Technology Space Launch Center, he opened the door to the new world again.

Wearing glasses is like opening a full picture, and the world of hundreds or even thousands of kilometers is presented in front of his eyes in the form of a vertical perspective.

This is just a connection to a satellite...

If you connect something else...

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou couldn't help but hold his breath, and the line of sight unconsciously turned to the drone that was lying on the bookshelf.

"Little Ai."

Xiao Ai: [Hmm? (??????????)]

Lu Zhou continued to say excitedly.

"Body, lend me something!"

Xiao Ai: [? ? ? 】


Jinling University.

With a long, flowing and sparse hair, Perelman strode through the corridor, knocked at the door at the end of the corridor, and then pushed the door open.

When he saw Lu Zhou sitting behind his desk, he let out a sigh of relief and walked in with the papers full of comments in his hand.

However, when he approached, he was slightly stunned and asked subconsciously.

"When are you wearing glasses?"

Lu Zhou: "I have only recently worn... no degree, what happened?"

"Nothing... pretty cool."

I don't know what to say, Perelman opened his mouth and finally decided to skip this topic, put the paper in his hand directly on the table, and continued, "Your paper I finished reading...about five times. ”

Lu Zhou: "Do you understand?"

Perelman nodded and said in a concise manner: "I have read a part, although it took me a lot of time."

Looking at the stack of papers on the table below, Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"That seems, these are the parts that I didn't understand."

Perelman didn't speak, just clicked on it, but the color of the inquiry in the eyes was what he had already said, and it was very obvious.

The pen in his hand turned slightly, and Lu Zhou thought for a moment and said.

"I will answer your confusion... but I am afraid I have to wait patiently for a few days."

Perelman: "Is there anything?"

"It's a little bit," Lu Zhou smiled and continued. "Just just now, I received an email from my former tutor, Professor Delini, who sent me a request from the International Federation of Mathematicians. In short, he hopes that I can explain the contents of the paper in detail in the form of a report."

“It’s about a week later, the location is at this university.”

"You can bring the question to the report, and by that time, I will answer all your confusion."

Light pen

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