Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1124: "black box"

Lu Zhou is convinced.

I am absolutely not mistaken!

That stuff must be the same battery of the wreckage number one!

Because almost at the moment when he was on the line of sight with the battery that threw the gun, the light plume falling from the sky fell like a raindrop, covering almost all the areas behind the bunker.

With the remaining consciousness, Lu Zhou reluctantly saw several drones that resembled electric rafts plunging into the ground while slamming into the air.

The battery that had not yet landed was also hit in the middle of the bullet.

This appearance, and the "wreck number one" he got from the system, is simply carved out in a mold...

The dream was interrupted.

The two legs slammed like a knee, and the helmet, which woke up from a deep sleep, took off the helmet.

When I saw the boat waking up, the drone with a small TV on the bottom, I flew over to him.

【the host! Are you OK? Qaq

Although there is no pain, but the feeling of death is really uncomfortable, especially by the high-energy ray into a sieve, Lu Zhou has a psychological shadow on the drone.

Reflexively extended to the right hand, Lu Zhou held down and swooped over Xiao Ai with one hand, shaking his groggy head and sitting up from the bed.

"I'm fine... data? How about collecting? Can you observe the dream?"

This is his biggest concern.

In that huge circular world, there are still many things worthy of digging. If you completely lose the ticket, the loss is too heavy.

Including the professor of Ryan.

There is also the so-called "god".

Tell Lu Zhou directly, this may be the only chance for him to reveal the secrets of the system.

Xiao Ai: [It’s all scanned down... but it seems to be a problem. Qaq

Lu Zhou squinted a little, and asked frowning.

"what is the problem?"

Xiao Ai: [Those neural signals are not translated in the traditional way of storage after translation, but a special storage method based on fuzzy operations is adopted. Qaq

Lu Zhou: "...What do you mean?"

Xiao Ai: [In short, it is equivalent to a "black box" for us... qaq]

It took about three minutes, and Xiao Ai explained to him the current situation.

It is well known that the greater the information entropy, the higher the randomness and the greater the uncertainty, and the greater the amount of information needed to determine it.

In contrast, in a limited storage space, a larger amount of information can be generated.

In order to stuff a large enough amount of information into a limited storage space, a person who made this "memory" adopted a special compression rule.

To make an inappropriate analogy, the data stored in a common hard disk is like a series of numbers arranged in a specific order from 0-9. It is very convenient to read and write, and it seems to be clear at a glance. The disadvantage is that it takes up too much space.

This "memory of the void" is different, including the memory a he saw before, they are more like a binary equation with one line of uncertain parameters.

By inputting different x values, you can output different y, which is written in a short line, but the amount of data it can hold is unimaginable.

The benefits of doing so are obvious, even if it is the capacity of the human brain, it can maintain a dream of a stellar scale.

Of course, the drawbacks are also obvious.

As the price of information uncertainty increases, the difficulty of reading information is also infinitely improved.

If you want to "read" the information it wants to express, you must first solve it.

The binary one-time equation is better to say that even a junior high school student can solve the corresponding y value given an x ​​value.

But what if you change the binary one-time equation to the ternary quadratic equation?

Not only will the amount of calculation increase exponentially, but the solution of the equation will also be full of uncertainty.

In fact, the memory given to him by the system is a similar thing.

It is equivalent to an n-ary n-th order equation, the dimension of n is his behavior in the dream, and the comprehensive effects of various npcs responding according to specific logic to the whole dream.

In theory, the system that built the entire dream was originally re-encoded on the server, and Xiao Ai can certainly modify the system.

But if you change the parameters of the equation, it becomes another completely different equation, and the dream is naturally no longer the original dream. Even if you untie it, you will not get any benefit.

Therefore, in order to crack the secrets of this, you must get something similar to a password book.

Or the popular point, that is, the so-called script, or Raiders, to match the "performance" of those npcs, perfection to restore what happened at that time.

In fact, this "password book" is actually included in the dream.

Lu Zhou even has more than 90% of the certainty can be sure, as long as the character he controls continues to follow the "drama mission", escorting Professor Ryan to the Imperial Chamber, achieving 100% synchronization of memory, will be able to trigger the main line, announced The secret of the gods.

To put it bluntly, it’s easy to say everything.

Unsure, along the way, he could find some unexpected spurs and gain unexpected clues.

However, the theory is theoretical, and the actual operation is another matter.

It is too difficult for a scientist to run to the battlefield and train soldiers with guns. If you can break through the checkpoints, what kind of dishes do the alien soldiers have?

Even Hollywood blockbusters, I am afraid that I dare not shoot this.

"...this is not something to play with me!"

As soon as I thought about the rays that fell from the sky, Lu Zhou’s scalp could not help but numb.

Is this Nima a game for people to play?

Now he finally realized that when Comrade Li Gaoliang helped him to test the phantom system, when he took off his helmet with a gray face, the feeling of grievances.

He suffered a wit before entering the system space. When reading the virtual memory, he observed the dream through the neuromodulator demodulator, and copied the broken "game".

Otherwise, this is the end of the life, the death of the file to clear the customs clearance mode, this special is to find the cold front, Liu Peiqiang to fear that it is also impossible to pass.

Xiao Ai: [Master, can you let Xiao Ai go? Qaq

Looking at the drone in his hand, Lu Zhou put it on the table.

Looking at Xiao Ai, who was floating up, Lu Zhou was silent for a while, and suddenly said.

"...that is, there is no way to adjust the weapon or damage the way by modifying the memory?"


"Skip the title?"

[It doesn't seem to work... The algorithm of memory is too mysterious to Xiao Ai qaq]

"So can you change your face?"

[Good 8...qwq]

Lu Zhou: "..."


Want you to use it?

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou adjusted his mood, picked up the helmet and put it on again, lying on the bed.

"...once again."

If it is not successful, then come to the second time!

Lu Zhou believes that as long as he does not give up, he has always insisted on brushing down, and he will surely find a way to break the game!

Light pen

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