Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1125: Is this something that people do?


The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

During the whole afternoon, Lu Zhou stayed in the underground laboratory and brushed a copy of “Void Memory b”.

However, let him make all the stops, and the difficulty of facing the unfriendly is still unpredictable.

Especially when the drone was on the level, he almost doubted his life, so that he could not help but start to doubt, is this memory just stopped here? In fact, the soldier he played was in the gun battle. The so-called void did not intend to let him see the follow-up of this memory.

Just like in the last time in the void memory a, he just took out the cube from the pool, the memory was cut off, and even the opportunity to study it in depth did not give.

In addition to this, many other ways to play it have also been tried.

For example, when shooting on a starship, the comrades suddenly shot and tried to grab the boat. For example, when they just got off the space elevator, they tried to leave the team. In short, they did not follow the route of the plot.

However, the results were quite tragic.

The last time he just opened the insurance and lifted the muzzle, he was knocked to the ground by the teammate who reacted more quickly. The last time was even worse. Just after leaving the team, I was tracked by the positioning device on the exoskeleton. The two warnings were not directly heard by the tall and burly "Captain".

Yes, it is so embarrassing.

Directly under the broad public, he shot him and smashed him. There was no chance to even go to the military court. People can't help but be worried about the status of the alien civilization.

After the 30th attempt, Lu Zhou was finally vomited by this hellish difficulty.

However, he is not completely nothing.

In the chat with his comrades, he roughly figured out the world view of this "game."

In short, they are a group of people who pronounced calan. They can't find the corresponding words in the language of the earth. If they are transliterated directly, they are Karan.

However, according to the transliteration habits of Chinese, Lu Zhou is more willing to call them [Indigo]. After all, this indigo skin color is too much sense of existence.

Then there is the origin of the world of the ring.

As he had guessed, after all the wars and internal contradictions were resolved once and for all, the indigo destroyed all the planets of a star system, spending three hundred years and the efforts of the five generations of people, on the livable belt. Created this circular residential belt, ushered in eternal prosperity, and began the era of Utopia.

Of course, although for the entire three hundred years, all the indigo is adding to Utopia, but not all indigo will eventually have the opportunity to live a utopian life.

After the construction of the ring world, the territory of the empire did shrink inward, but still retained a small number of rich mining planets and agricultural planets to supply the raw materials needed for production in industrial facilities in the ring world.

It is precisely because of this economic, political and cultural detachment that "Shanghuan" has become the dream of countless "village and villagers" dreams.

Probably similar to the North drift family who want to settle in Beijing...

After all, there is no such thing on the earth. Lu Zhou can only understand this for the time being.

As for the god, these soldiers did not know much. In countless rebirths, Lu Zhou almost asked all the 25 soldiers except Chief Sain, and found out the character and personality of each individual. At the end, I couldn’t ask for a name from it.

As for why not ask Sainz...

In fact, Lu Zhou is looking for him to talk, but people simply do not care about him, that attitude does not even regard him as a personal ... Oh no, be an indigo.

Obviously, even a civilization that is developed like a blue, there is class.

At least the attitude of the officer to these big soldiers is far from being friendly to the scholar.

"No..." The 31st time, I took off my helmet and completely abandoned the Luzhou. I looked up at the icy ceiling and gave a sigh of relief. "We have to change our minds."

Even if it is a fun game, watching 31 consecutive times, he is about to vomit.

Xiao Ai: [Master, are you okay? Qaq

"I am fine."

Holding his chin and thinking for a long time, Lu Zhou’s eyes suddenly lit up and he raised his head and said.

"There is a way!"

Xiao Ai: [唔? 0.0]

"Send a reincarnation squad!"

Put the helmet resting on the leg aside and the boat stood up from the bed.

"Since it is a game, give it to the player to solve it."

He happens to know such a person, although the guy is not a high-player, but perseverance is definitely enough. If you can, you can lie on the virtual reality device for a whole day, and don't brush out the 100% achievement.

Coupled with the ongoing "God of God" program, Starcraft is able to find enough people to pick up this level.

If the reincarnation team can't solve it, then turn the test into a beta!

As for confidential matters, he is not very worried.

The more complete the world view is, the more careful the "game development team" is.

Even if you are a player who wants to enter the show, you will not take the game as a real thing.

If there is such a great god, it is a good thing for him to be able to use the limited information to mine valuable information.

If you have a 10,000-step step back, even if there is an accident, Xiao Ai is watching as an observer. It is also a matter of timely control.

After making up his mind, Lu Zhou left the lab and returned to the surface. A phone call was sent to the school sister to arrange a new round of experiments.

After doing these things, Lu Zhou stretched out and leaned against the office chair.

Seeing the sky outside the window is not early, just when he was preparing to call Wang Peng and let him send himself back, a phone suddenly hit his mobile phone.

Seeing the caller on the screen, Lu Zhou couldn't help but have some accidents. It was actually called by Professor Tang.

No hesitation, Lu Zhou pressed the button and put the phone in his ear.


"Lu Zhou, what are you doing?"

Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"Just done, what's the matter?"

Professor Tang at the end of the phone, some embarrassed to say.

"It's not a special thing, just want to ask, are you coming to school tomorrow?"

Hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou’s expression could not help but be a bit weird, hesitated and said.

"If you don't have an accident, you should go, but the time is uncertain... If anything, you can just tell me directly."

However, Lao Tang does not seem to intend to tell him about this on the phone, but God said mysteriously.

"Wait tomorrow, if you go to school tomorrow, remember to call me... Don't worry, it's a good thing, let's talk face to face."

Lu Zhou: "...?"

Is it a good thing, Lu Zhou is not very clear.

But intuition tells him that with the tone of Lao Tang, the trouble is almost certain...


Since joining the "reincarnation squad", Duan Siqi feels that his life has become more than twice as exciting as in the past.

This is definitely not an advertisement, but the most real thought in his heart.

As for why this is said, it is necessary to start from the content of the Lord God Project itself.

In short, the so-called main **** plan is to use the intelligent program that is said to be able to automatically model the phantom system server, import various movie scenes into the virtual reality device, and build a complete with the settings of the film and television works themselves. Or a relatively complete world.

The task of these reincarnation squad members is to participate in the plot of the film as the protagonist of the film, or as a third-party hacker, to complete a variety of brain-opening tasks, and to explore the loopholes in the system.

The more vivid point is that artificial intelligence takes them to run the group.

According to the researchers, the purpose of the experiment was to improve the algorithm of the phantom system server responsible for generating the world's artificial intelligence system, avoiding the accident that the experimenter encountered in the last time in the forest.

Regardless of whether their work has worked, Duan Siqi feels that at least the experiment itself is quite interesting.

From the Resident Evil to the Chronicles of Narnia, from Harry Potter to Ghost Street, he has played the role of a policeman, a soldier or even a magician who can only appear in fantasy.

Even after so many days, he still can't forget the kind of enthusiasm for tilting the zombies and the omnipotent pleasure when waving his wand...

He can even assert that if you can solve the copyright problem, selling these games directly to the shelves will definitely make players all over the world crazy.

Of course, how Star Technology operates this technology has nothing to do with him.

Even if he has produced it more than once, the idea of ​​opening such a game company and making his own world...

Star Sky Technology Virtual Reality Technology Institute.

Because of the experimental day, the lounge is particularly lively.

Before the experiment began, members of the reincarnation squad sat here, discussing what a copy of the squad might be, while chatting about real-life things.

At this time, the door of the lounge was pushed open, and a tall, burly man with a horned man came in.

"The new experimental mission is down."

Duan Siqi, sitting at the door, looked up and asked curiously.

"Which movie?"

"Not a movie," Li Gaoliang shook his head in a dignified manner. Chen Sheng said, "This is an original script."

Original script?

The whispering voice was heard in the lounge.

Many people's faces have revealed the color of interest.

Previously, the copies they had made were all created by artificial intelligence programs based on the modeling of film and television works.

Although it is also very interesting, because many popular movies have already been seen, even if the characters in the movie go to their own hands and interact with themselves, it is interesting, and there are still some surprises.

If it is an original script, it should be more interesting to think about it.

And many people are very curious, under their efforts, how advanced is the artificial intelligence algorithm? How far is the open beta?

Looking at the whispering people, Li Gaoliang continued to say with a serious expression.

"This mission is said to be very difficult. I hope that you will not take it lightly. The academician of the army will prepare us, and the experiment will begin in ten minutes."

Although Li Gaoliang said so, no one has a nervous expression on his face, but he is full of excitement and expectation.

The same is true of Duan Siqi, who is sitting at the door. He has already wondered all kinds of strange speeches made by the uncle who is too deep into the play.

At this moment, he did not know what the so-called "difficulty is said to be very big".

It was not until the first experiment began that until the face of the light rain that fell from the sky, he profoundly and thoroughly realized the heavyness behind this sentence.


Is this something that people do?

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