Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1130: Completion of the collider! (1/3)

Later on December 17th.

Professor Frank Welzek is at Shanghai International Airport.

Tomorrow is the time when the conference begins. In order not to miss this event, he deliberately arrived here one day earlier.

From the security check to the location of the ride, he could not remember how many of his peers had been photographed.

Among them are those he knows, and those he doesn't know, and although they have known, they have not traveled for many years.

The physics community is a huge circle, and even if it is a Nobel Prize-winning scholar, it is difficult to have a concrete concept about how big the whole circle is.

In addition to those well-known names, if they are not close to each other in the research direction, or communicate frequently at several specific points, it may be difficult to see the second side of each other even if they exchange business cards at a conference. .

After all, not everyone is like Witton, and cern is almost his second home. Many people may go there twice or twice because of work or academic needs, but if there is no reason to go, some people may never go again.

It happens.

Just as he labored out the crowd and looked around at the street sign, he saw an acquaintance who had not seen him for a year.

"Witteng? It’s so good, you just got here?" Looking at the old man with a smile on his face, Frank Wilzek’s face showed an unexpected expression.

"According to statistical probability, today should be the 'peak period'. After all, the flight from North America to here is a few days a day." Looking around, Wei Teng said with some emotion, "God...the people here are really too too much."

Verzek’s tone complained a bit: "Yes... I remember that I didn’t have that much when I came last time, at least not so exaggerated now. Damn, are they all coming to the meeting?"

“The people who live here are a lot...say, where is your hotel?”

“It’s just around the International Convention and Exhibition Center, where the main entrance is less than two hundred meters.”

Witton’s eyes lit up and said.

"That's a coincidence. I guess you and I booked the same hotel. Let's take a ride together."


At the same time, on the distant moon, a prismatic landing cabin slowly descended from the Moon Palace orbital space station, slowly falling along the calculated track on the silvery white moon soil, and rolling up the moon dust.

Unlocking the nylon lock of the fixed body and the pipeline of the life insurance system, Yan Xinjue took a deep breath of oxygen supplied from the space suit and took the first step toward the cabin.

Just a year ago, following the academic studies of Physicians, he never thought that one day he could set foot on the moon, and he would not think that this opportunity was offered to himself by his own younger brother.

Not surprisingly, he was probably the first physicist to have received formal astronaut training and set foot on the moon.

In the distance, a silver-white lunar rover slowly came over here.

An astronaut wearing a badge with a lunar track construction committee walked down the lunar rover and the kangaroo jumped over to him. At the same time, the voice of the person was also heard in the communication channel.

"Friends from the earth, welcome! Although I want to give you a hug, but I am afraid I will fly you out... I will wear this first."

Looking at the staff member who came to him, Yan Xinjue took the cable from his hand.

"this is?"

"Safety rope, the gravity environment here is very low. In order to avoid accidents, we will wear them when we are out of the cabin... You should have been trained."

“There may be no part of my work schedule regarding extravehicular activities.”

"This way," the man smiled heartily, looking at the safety rope he was wearing, reaching out and patted him on the shoulder. "Let's go, I will take you to see what we have done on the moon, You must be surprised!"

Yan Xinju smiled and didn't speak.

In fact, he was surprised enough from the Jinling Space Launch Center to the Moon Palace to come here.

He really couldn't imagine how he could be surprised after experiencing these things.


December 17.

In this special day, it is destined to be an extraordinary day for the city in Shanghai.

In this short day, the city has gathered nearly 99% of the world's first- and third-line physicists, as well as practitioners in related fields.

Not everyone is qualified to sit in the conference hall to participate in the conference, but almost everyone who can get admission to the convention center will find a way to qualify.

December 18th.

That is the day when the meeting started.

In the conference hall No. 1 of the Convention and Exhibition Center, people were swaying and looking at the black pressure.

After the opening speech of the president of the organizing committee of the conference, Lu Zhou, who also served as the chief advisor of the director of imcrc and the lunar orbital construction committee, walked steadily onto the stage and reached out to correct the microphone.

There is no need for people to maintain order.

No one needs to remind anyone in the room to remain quiet.

Almost at the moment when his right hand touched the microphone, the entire venue was quiet and quiet, as if a needle fell on the ground and could be heard.

In fact, it’s not just the participants in Conference Hall 1 that are quiet together.

It also includes those who stand in the lobby of the convention center and look up at the big screen, even those who have not been able to get there and can only know the scene through the imcrc official website.

Everyone is waiting for him to speak.

Waiting for him to announce that physics is about to enter the future!

"Welcome to China, welcome to Shanghai, and thank you from all over the world for coming here to participate in this event hosted by imcrc."

Putting the acknowledgment at the forefront, looking around at the warm atmosphere of the venue, Lu Zhou spent about two seconds to organize the language and continued.

"Since entering the millennium, the contradiction between experimental physics and theoretical physics has grown, and our theoretical level of progress has far exceeded the scope of experiments."

"I personally think so. Experiments are the only criterion for testing truth. The theory of experimentation is like a mirage. No matter how beautiful the building is, we can only look far."

“But now, there is a new turn.”

"Thanks to the advancement of aerospace technology, our spacecraft has gradually covered the orbit of the moon, and it is easy to send construction equipment there."

“The low-gravity, relatively vacuum lunar environment also allows us to build larger, more spectacular collider facilities on top.”

"Since the project was established, the duration of the Hadron Hadron Collider has been receiving much attention from all parties. We have high hopes for it, and we hope it can test our standard model and hope it can discover new physics..."

"Now, this day is finally here."

The atmosphere in the venue was pushed to the peak, and the sound of Lu Zhou gradually enlarged, from calm to passion.

"On this special day, I represent the Lunar Track Construction Committee and the imcrc Council, to the world -"

"Moon Hadron Collider -"

"From today -"

"Formally completed!"

At the moment when the voice fell, the applause fell like a pouring rain, filling the entire venue.

The thunderous voice was like a huge wave, and almost did not turn over the ceiling of the entire exhibition center.

Sitting down the stage, the gray-haired Lu Academician, his face was filled with an excited look, and the hands clapping with his hands were blue and bulging, as if using the strength of the whole body.

In his eyes, he saw not only the completion of the face-to-face collision aircraft.

More to see, the Chinese physics community has gradually stood on the top of the world.

From now on, the sound of imcrc will replace cern, as the center of physics in the new era, giving orders to the world physics community, allowing physicists all over the world to serve the research of China, instead of doing some edge by them. Sex work, adding to the physics building in the Western world.

A new building is rising from the ground and stands in the corner of the East.

Perhaps the natural sciences are selfless. Perhaps all human beings will benefit equally from these studies. But as a scholar who grows in China, who does not want this glory to be picked up by oneself?

This day, he has been waiting for too long...

Bathed in the applause of the venue, Lu Zhou mouth raised a smile, raised his hands, and quietly waited for the applause to gradually calm down.

In the face of the meeting where he calmed down, he took a deep breath and continued.

"The first trial run of the collider will begin after 5 minutes."

"Now, let us witness together, this moment of glory!"

On the big screen, the picture turned around and crossed the distance of 360,000 kilometers, and came to a gray earth.

Located in the corner of the crater, a silver-white building stands there, almost integrated into the mountain.

There is a lunar research base.

At the same time, the place where the collider starts is...

Light pen

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