Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1131: Fortress on the moon (2/3)

Yan Xinjue originally thought that after seeing the Moon Palace, there would be no more things that would be more surprising to him. All the things that are worthy of surprise have already been seen on the way he came.

However, when the staff member of the scientific research station named Ma Wei drove the lunar rover and took him to the vicinity of the lunar research base, his eyeball was once again deeply shocked by the scene in front of him.

On the vast flat land, a silver-colored "dome" is set on the surface of the lunar green moon, and the white six-grid shell is covered with bright white light. The size of the single-seat dome is not small, and the diameter is about ten meters. The center height is about two or three people. From the outside, it looks like a sci-fi version of the yurt.

"... Is this the scientific test station?"

"Here?" Looked at Yan Xinjue’s line of sight. The horseman who was driving the car laughed and said, "Of course not here, there is a place to live in this place... that is our vegetable garden."

Yan Xinjue stunned slightly.

"Garden garden?"

“The academic point is called 'month-based soilless cultivation unit', and a special graphene semiconductor material is coated on the outside, which can resist the impact of a lighter meteorite, and then pass through part of the light source, and also can remove excess light energy. Absorbed and converted into electrical energy to power the fill light in the cultivation unit."

The temperature difference between the moon and the moon is large, the daytime temperature is as high as 127c, the night temperature can be as low as -183c, and the cycle of day and night rotation is as long as 27.32 days, and the planting environment is very demanding. And because there is no atmosphere on the moon, the heat capacity and thermal conductivity of the lunar surface material are very low. Therefore, how to lock the light energy during the sunshine period has become one of the difficulties in solving the lunar surface planting.

According to the technology on the biosphere a, this month-based soilless culture unit designed by the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies can solve this problem to a certain extent.

Although production is limited, the cost is much lower than that from Earth. Moreover, there is room for further improvement in the technology. Biologists on the moon are developing a variety of potatoes that can rapidly accumulate starch under low-gravity and high-light environments. It is said that some progress has been made, but he is not very specific. Just understand.

"...It’s still too difficult to achieve self-sufficiency now, but barely can be considered as a source of fresh food in addition to compressed food and liquid food."

“In addition to being a food, these crops can recycle the astronauts’ faeces and consume some of the carbon dioxide in the research base, which is a supplement to the organic matter and air circulation system. Of course, the current cycle efficiency is not high. It is still necessary to deliver supplies and excretions from the Earth side."

Yan Xinjue: "What about water? Do you need a lot of water for farming?"

"Lunar ice," Ma Wei’s face showed a smile. "Fortunately, we found a treasure more precious than the third in the depth of five meters below the foot. At that time, we also sent a paper for this matter. In the astronomical and geological circles, there has been a lot of sensation. At present, the proven reserves are around 20 million tons, and it is enough for us to use it in the next century. There is a bigger mine in the Antarctic. It is said that it has broken 100 million... Of course, you don’t tell others that the exploration work is only halfway, and we are not sure if there is so much.”

Two million tons...

Yan Xinjue opened his mouth, and for a long time, he came up with a sentence.

“Unbelievable... Why have I never seen relevant stories in the news?”

“The Western media is not interested in reporting. Before we achieved the staged results, we were not interested in publicity...” Ma Yin raised his head and pointed his chin with the crater in front of him. He smiled and said, “Look, the front is Our base has already arrived."

Looking up and looking out the window, Yan Xinjue finally saw the true face of the mysterious lunar research base.

It was a building embedded in the cracks of the crater rock. A tall, steep wall fell vertically on the ground, extending a gentle silver-white **** from the door. In order to avoid the rock falling on the surface as much as possible, the main part of the building is buried as much as possible in the mountain. Except for the wall, the only exposed part is the signal tower that is derived from the sky.

However, even if you can only see the tip of the iceberg, this scene in front of you is amazing enough.

If the moon palace hovering at high altitude is like a silver-white dragon, then this diamond embedded in the crater is like a silver castle guarded by a dragon.

It is like a spectacle.

It marks the highest building technology of the entire human civilization and the crystallization of aerospace technology!

The lunar rover slowly climbed onto the ramp and passed through two airlocks. When the incandescent light of the garage fell on the top of the head, Yan Xinjue was awakened as if he had been awakened.

Next to it, a ground crew dressed in casual clothes, who had already waited there, stepped forward and cleaned the moon dust outside the car with professional equipment and opened the door for the two.

Unlocking the lock of the helmet, the horse with a breath of air in the base took the hand on the steering wheel, and looked at some of the overwhelmed Yan Xinjue smiled and said.

"You don't need to wear a spacesuit in the base. Just feel free. I will pick up other people in a while... my assistant will take you to your room."

The physicist who sent the Chinese nation first went to the moon. It was the opinion of the Chinese physics community. Although it increased the budget of several hundred thousand yuan, it was still acceptable and saw him on the petition. Once the name of the academician Lu, the Lu Zhou was approved.

After a while, physicists from other countries and engineers in the field of high-energy physics will land on the lunar surface in the landing cabin. As the captain of the ground crew of this scientific research station, Ma Rong’s duty is to bring these from the earth. Scholars received the fortress in batches.

Yan Xinjue nodded and said in a sincere tone.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," Ma Rong patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile. "On the earth, we are compatriots. Here we are even more family."

Just stepping on this piece of land away from home, Yan Xinjue can't read the deep layer of the words of the ground crew leader, only if this is just a comfort to close the distance.

After responding to the goodwill smile of the ground crew leader, Yan Xinjue, who got off the bus, left the spacesuit in the side of the cabinet, followed the assistant's footsteps and walked toward the inside of the base.

If the outside landscape is enough to shock, everything in the base is even more unique.

A total of 21 floors, including residential areas, work areas, laboratories, and even gymnasiums in the library and simulated gravity environment, each layer has its own unique features, a five-star hotel that combines work and leisure. .

The only fly in the ointment is that the private space is a little smaller.

Although it is not Beishangguang, the construction cost per square meter is said to have surpassed the Wudaokou of the center of the universe. The “property fee” is not a dimension. Under such circumstances, it is still possible to give each of them a ten-square-meter dwelling, which can even be regarded as a luxury.

In front of a numbered aluminum alloy door, the ground staff handed a card to Yan Xinjue's hand and said with a smile.

"This is your dormitory. This card is an access card and an identity card, which corresponds to your access rights in this scientific research station."

“Your authority corresponds to the physical experiment area, accommodation area, and public service area. The corresponding floor number is printed on the card. If you need to use the vehicle or leave the base, you need to apply to the base supervisor for additional applications.”

"This card hopes that you can take it with you and keep it safe, including eating and bathing. It will be very troublesome if you lose it."

After taking this card, Yan Xinjue Zheng nodded.

"I know."

"If you have any needs, you can call me through the terminal in the room, or you can tell the captain directly." The courtesy spotted the head. After the staff explained the precautions, they turned and walked toward the elevator.

When I came to my new home, Yan Xinjue put the suitcase on the shelf and leaned on the soft bed.

Sleeping in a one-sixth gravity environment is wonderful, and the bed attached to the back seems to carry him up with a strange buoyancy. However, this feeling is strange, but he has spent a week in a gravity-free environment, and the habit has long been used.

"Tomorrow is December 18th..."

That is a great day.

The Moon Hadron Collider will complete the first power-on test run on that day.

The physics community will move from this to the future.

And that will be the most brilliant moment in his life.

As the representative of the Chinese physics community, he will use this "Flint" that embodies the highest technology of human civilization on this ridiculous land to spark the spark of the future in this cold universe.

Looking at the blue planet outside the porthole, carrying this complex feeling of 360,000 kilometers away from homeland and expecting tomorrow, he slowly closed his eyes on the bed.

As an ordinary research dog, he never thought that he had had such a day. Even before this day, the most worthy of all his achievements, but only a few cars for a big man.

Looking back at the beginning, it’s really sighing...

In the face of the giant wheel of the times, the fate of the individual is so elusive and erratic. When Lu Zhou called and told him that he said "I decided it was you", he could not describe the surprise in his heart, and even did not respond to what was going on.

It wasn't until he stood here that he really began to feel that he had a sense of mission.

"When I got back on the earth, I had to find a chance to ask Lu’s brother to have a drink..."

Thank you, you still have to say it in person.

The ear has already faintly heard the applause of 370,000 kilometers away.

I heard the hopes and cheers of the people of the world.

The right fist was gently pinched and gently loosened, wearing this sense of mission, and the ambition to make an achievement in the physics community in the future, he quickly entered a dream.

This night, he slept very well and was exceptionally sweet.

Wonder House

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