Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1135: Temporary confidentiality (1/3)

The discussion is of course negotiable, and even if you don’t even say it, it’s too much.

As for adoption or not, that is another matter.

The experiment can't be done. Everyone wants to start with their own problems. If the discussion is carried out so endlessly, I am afraid that the first experiment in the middle of the year will not be able to start smoothly.

Lu Zhou is an efficiency-conscious person and naturally will not allow this to happen.

He told the Secretary-General, Mr. Luo, to announce the resolutions of the meeting that he had signed. Lu Zhou immediately shouldered the responsibility of being an academic leader and called the various departments to open a brief working meeting. After the work was arranged, Then, it was put into the first line of the scientific research front.

It has been a long time since the last physics study, although the knowledge in mind has not disappeared, but it is still a bit rusty.

Fortunately, picking up these things is also fast, especially after the mathematics reaches lv10. For those papers that have been brushed before, when the boat is re-opened, there is more new understanding.

Not just about 750gev.

It is more about the unified theory of strong electricity that he made before.

Even the whole physics...

"The mail sent by the US Department of Energy, they asked us to reconvene the board discussion, otherwise it may re-evaluate the imcrc credit, cut or even cancel the expenditure on the imcrc in 2024."

Office of the President.

Luo Wenxuan, standing at the desk, reported to Lu Zhou the phone that was received this morning and the information revealed behind the phone.

There are indications that the impact of the meeting seems to have spread from the physics to the political level, and the United States seems to be planning to withdraw from imcrc, or at least intend to use the group as a bargaining chip to achieve the purpose of forcing the organizer of imcrc to make concessions to the board.

However, after listening to Luo’s report, Lu Zhou’s face did not have much surprised expression, but he returned very calmly.

"What about the funding for 2023?"

"They have already paid in November this year... about 70%."

Lu Zhou: "That's it."

Luo Wenxuan Khan said: "What is it?"

"Literature," Lu Zhou said concisely, "They can't quit, at most, this is a trick. If they really suspend the grant, we will freeze their seats in imcrc and gradually reduce their researchers in imcrc and month. The positions in the face examination station eventually marginalized them from imcrc. I believe many countries will be willing to replace their position, especially in Europe, they seem to have long been waiting."

Cern's budget will take up a lot of EU funding every year. Now someone is willing to take over the physics community and carry forward the future of mankind. They are naturally happy to "outsource" this responsibility.

If the United States withdraws, it is likely that the physicists in the United States and the influence in the physics community will migrate to the east side of the Atlantic.

After all, most people are very realistic.

If the United States does not feel that it does not matter, then Lu Zhou does not matter.

As long as imcrc is funded enough for him to experiment, he doesn't want to bother to worry about other things.

Luo Wenxuan hesitated and said.

"This is not very good. This is just getting started and marginalizing the partners. Will it lay a hidden danger for the future?"

"It is precisely in order not to leave hidden dangers for the future. I have done this. I will not wait for the dissatisfaction with the resolutions of the board of directors in the future. Do we still engage in research?" Lu Zhou said of course, "say again." We are the collaborators of the conference and the actual controller of the world's only one trillion e-volt collider. We are not asking them to join in, but we give them the opportunity, don’t give priority Wrong!"

Looking at Luo Wenxuan, who seemed to understand and nodded, Lu Zhou paused for a moment and continued.

"Under the circumstances, I prefer to use the results to convince the opponents. Others are more imaginary."

Luo Wenxuan: "...I understand."

Lu Zhou nodded and continued.

"If you understand, go back and send an email to the US Department of Energy. Remember, euphemistically, our regret is enough."

"As for the others, we don't have to look at their faces."

Out of the office, Luo Wenxuan took the door for him.

Just then, I happened to see an old man with a middle-aged man coming from the other side of the corridor.

On the moment of sight, Luo Wenxuan’s face suddenly showed a surprised expression, and he smiled and said hello.

"Director Li? What kind of wind has blown you."

"It's not your academician," Secretary Li sighed and looked at the door next to him. Some headaches said, "Is he inside?"

Luo Wenxuan: "Oh, yes..."

"That's letting go, I'm going to talk to him."

Confirmed that Lu Zhou was here, Secretary Li told the secretary to wait for himself at the door, bypassing Luo Wenxuan without hesitation, holding the door handle and opening the door and walking to the office.

As soon as he entered the door, he did not greet the guest. Director Li directly put the cut-off newspaper in his arms in front of Lu Zhou, and said with a strong heart.

"I saw the newspaper today and I knew that the Brookhaven Science Society held a press conference to protest. The US Department of Energy intends to suspend the provision of imcrc. What is going on, how to make such a big controversy."

Hold a press conference to protest?

So sao?

After sweeping the title of the newspaper, Lu Zhou did not look at the specific content, and he took back the sight and looked at Director Li.

"Do you believe me?"

"Crap! Anyone trust me more than I?" Li said with a headache. "But this is two things."

Lu Zhou: "Since you let me be the chairman of the board, at least during my tenure, I will follow what I said. Or you can find someone to sit in this position, and I will be relaxed."

Upon hearing this sentence, Secretary Li suddenly burst into laughter.

The chairman of this imcrc is where he is qualified to appoint. It was decided by the elders themselves after the meeting of the elders. For someone to sit in this position, he still does not have this permission, and it is impossible to do so.

After all, although diplomacy is no small matter, the fact that the academy is not a trivial thing...

Looking at Director Li’s words and wanting to say that he did not know what to say, Lu Zhou suddenly smiled and said in a gentle tone.

"Don't worry, in fact, if you stay in the physics field for a while, you know that this kind of thing is really unusual. The US Department of Energy is also playing the role. As for the protests at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, it is not what it is. Big things."

Director Li: "...very common?"

Lu Zhou sighed: "It's too common!"

Tear it.

Isn't it still called the academic circle?

It’s nothing more than this time the stakes are too big and the contradictions are fierce.

After all, this is related to dozens or even hundreds of Nobel Prize winners who can get the Nobel Prize, and billions of dollars or even billions of dollars in investment in the end who have the final question.

All the opportunities have been cut off by him alone, and it is impossible to be hated.

Perhaps in a softer way, through the exchange of interests or other means to lobby more than half of the board members to agree to their own resolutions, the other part of the people are forced to accept, the response may be slightly milder.

But Lu Zhou didn't have that much time, and he didn't have that art cell.

Moreover, as long as the results are placed in front of everyone, the same effect can be achieved.

The latter, he is better at it.

Lu Zhou: "If you are not at ease, stay in Shanghai on this side of the day and see if I can make this experiment."

Director Li shook his head and said, "How can I stay in Shanghai for a long time... In short, you have to stay a little longer, and you still have to leave some room for yourself. Anyway, don't let a few members get rid of it. After all, they It’s also an international friend, and all of them are behind the governments of all countries. They all have to pay for it. Even if they look at the face of money, can’t we live with money?”

Lu Zhou smiled and nodded.

"Reassured, I am not so ignorant of the world."

Thank you very much!

Director Li silently spit in his heart, but he did not say it.

Looking at Li, who was not talking, Lu Zhou smiled and opened the subject.

"Speaking, is the Dragon chip easy to use?"

"It's easy to use... Suddenly mention this?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said: "Nothing, I just ask, it's easy to use. In addition, I plan to come out with new things after a while."

Upon hearing this, I was still wondering if Lu Zhou was going to open up the topic of Li’s spirit, and no matter what the council and the energy department on the other side of the Pacific, I immediately asked with eager expression.


Looking at the eager Li Secretary, Lu Zhou mysteriously smiled and dropped four words.

"Temporarily confidential."

Director Li: "..."

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