Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1136: It’s good to be seen by the big guy (2/3)

Regardless of how Li’s heart is like an ant crawling, Lu Zhou is hard to reveal a word. No matter what he asks, he laughs and opens the subject, making him only give up asking questions and temporarily give up.

After coming out of the office, Director Li, who was walking in the hallway, suddenly frowned and stopped to look at the secretary next to him.

"... Did I forget something?"

The secretary sighed slightly, and said that you forgot what happened, I know, I have not entered with you.

But when I think about it, he certainly can't say that, but he smiles.

"How come, how can you forget something?"

"Oh... no, I definitely have something to forget."

Suddenly, Director Li’s mind was like opening a door. It’s a matter of forgetting what to forget.

Before he came, he also discussed with Academician Li Qingquan. He advised him to persuade him to put more time into his life. At least he found an object to give his family what he had. As a result, he heard what he said about good things and immediately made anecdotes. I have forgotten it.

"Oh, I remember this!"

After slamming the big legs, Li, who stopped at the footsteps, subconsciously returned to his head and tried to fold back, but eventually turned his head back.

Although I haven’t gone far, I’ve made a special trip to say that it’s too awkward.

This kind of thing is only suitable for chatting after a meal, or when you are a guest, it is not suitable for being a good thing.

"Forget it," Shake his head, and Secretary Li sighed and said to himself, "Let it be natural."



Imcrc's resolution on the 2023 work arrangement has been promulgated for many days, and it has been raging in the physics community since the day of promulgation.


Before the start of this meeting, the physics community has made various guesses about the focus of imcrc in the coming year. Including the more popular critical point for finding qcd phase transitions, including using higher collision energy to strike protons, continuing to verify standard models, and even exploring dark matter, etc...

As a result, no one thought of it. In the end, it was a big upset. Lu Zhou would re-excavate the 750gev, an unpopular crater that had been abandoned by Cern.

Hot topics from professional physics forums and communities have even ran to the general public.

For example, if a certain praise is answered, it is written.

[There are too many people in the circle to hide. Just saying two words, it is good to be seen by the big brother, whether it is to have a few hundred million to give you something to come out. Is there any result? How many papers can I send? Research dogs have not finished their careers? It does not matter. 】

As the entire physics community is hotly debated, all sorts of gossips are gone.

There are rumors that a Nobel laureate sighed when he talked about this matter and expressed pessimism about the future of imcrc.

There are also rumors that at the time of exit, Professor Whittle, who is the representative of the US, even slammed the door. And this rumor echoed the big melon that was followed by a press conference at the Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Obviously, representing the mainstream opinion of the American physics community, Brookhaven National Laboratory has put on a non-cooperative attitude, and the attitude of the cern side is quite awkward. Oh, it is not good to say other high energy that is not satisfied with the imcrc decision. Will physical research institutions keep up.

But for now, imcrc doesn't seem to make concessions because of the protests at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Even if it is not heard at all, even the work of various departments is scheduled.

It seems that it was irritated by the reaction of imcrc, and it seems that it was intended to do so. The Brookhaven Science Society held a press conference on the seventh day of imcrc's announcement of the experimental plan.

This press conference was also held by Professor Whittle in front of the stage.

And compared to the last time he stood here, his emotions were obviously a lot more exciting.

"I must reiterate that this is a rather stupid decision! Yes, I have to give them the word stupid! We have done a lot of experiments on the anomalies of the characteristic peaks of 750gev, and there are enough good scholars to participate. When you arrive at this project, even if you doubt their conclusions, you should first use your point of view to refute them and prove that you are correct. Your theory is worthy of being verified. This is the correct procedure!"

"But what is the situation now? The director of the land, or you are more willing to call him Professor Lu, he did not regard the council as a matter of course, but throw a work plan that has been decided to us. In front of us, let us waste a lot of resources to give him a dream, or an unrealistic dream!"

"No matter how optimistic about the signs of the 750gev characteristic peak, we should abide by the rules of the imcrc board of directors and discuss this matter openly according to the procedure!"

At this time, the reporter from the audience asked.

"But Professor Whittle, according to imcrc, they said they have already discussed it at the meeting-"

"That is not called discussion at all!" Although the original emotion was excited, but the goodness was still in the stable scope. Hearing the reporter’s words, Professor Whittle’s heart was like being lit up with a group of Chinese, suddenly angered. “I said it straight, the American scholars will not participate! At least all the in-service researchers at Brookhaven National Laboratory will not participate in this project!”

"They want to waste time, just go by yourself!"

"Time will prove that we are right!"

At the moment when the voice fell, the scene of the press conference was awkward.

Will Brookhaven National Laboratory exit the full work of imcrc in 2023? !

Is this the direct contradiction with imcrc on the table?

As the executive director of the Brookhaven Science Society, Professor Whittle’s words are not just casual words.

As part of the former Manhattan program, Brookhaven National Laboratory is directly managed by the US Department of Energy and is jointly managed by the Brookhaven Science Society, a joint venture between Stony Brook University and Battle Labs.

Equivalently, the Brookhaven Science Society is the top boss of the Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the Brookhaven Science Society is responsible to the Department of Energy.

If the news released by Professor Whittle is conclusive, things will become interesting.

Regardless of whether there are political factors behind it, one thing is certain, the Brookhaven Science Society is ready to read jokes.

With regard to the characteristic peaks of 750gev, they already have enough theory to explain, it is just an ordinary quantum fluctuation.

Looking at the scene of an awe-inspiring press conference, and the excitement of the reporters who seemed to grasp the big news, Whittle’s mouth could not help but provoke a slight arc.

If he must touch a gray nose on this wall, then he should go.

Once the characteristic peaks of the 750gev have not been found, they have enough reason to hold the board of directors accountable through the board of directors, even to launch impeachment.

It is certainly not enough to rely on the strength of their side alone, but it is really hard to say that if they are also dissatisfied with the other practices of Lu Zhou, or even other research institutions with a neutral view.

After all, it is difficult to support the operation of imcrc, a large scientific research institution, in the talent pool of the Chinese physics community. Ultimately, the two sides will compromise each other and reach a balance that will continue to maintain cooperation.

Moreover, whether or not the Luzhou can be taken down from the position of the chairman, this failure is enough to make this guy famous.

The abacus in Whittle’s mind was very loud, and he had already planned when he took the proposal to the Brookhaven Science Society and lobbied other members to support himself.

Now he is sitting on the first class.

The next step is to wait quietly, and it will be enough to see the joke in the end.

Light pen

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