Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1139: "pendulum" model

The controversy about the 750gev characteristic peak and the news of the retreat of the Brookhaven National Laboratory have made a lot of noise in the international arena. However, Lu Zhou is still seeing the work of each day, commanding the collider, just like not seeing it. run.

There is no nuclear fusion on the moon. For the time being, there is no way to get the nuclear fusion. With the heat generated by the Pangu reactor, the local temperature of the nearby waters can be heated by 1 to 2 degrees. The heat removal port can be replaced from time to time to prevent excessive heat accumulation. The device moved to the moon where there is no lake and no atmospheric environment. I am afraid that it will take a few minutes to get things going.

Moreover, there is not such a large demand for electricity on the moon. Although the collider consumes electricity, it cannot be turned on all the time. The mode of operation of the collider is now powered by solar energy, which stores the electrical energy in the form of chemical energy, which lasts for three days and lasts for three minutes.

However, this model also faces a problem. The moon's cycle is about 27.3 days, half of which is dark night, and only 13 days during the day. The battery array can be fully filled four times.

In other words, the experimental opportunity of one month is actually only four times, and each experimental opportunity is extremely important.

Imcrc headquarters.

The latest experimental data was sent to Lu Zhou’s hand, Luo Wenxuan said.

“It’s the night of the night, and we can do the last experiment this month.”

After taking the documents and looking at them, Lu Zhou’s brows wrinkled gently.

Suddenly, he sighed softly and placed the documents in his hand on the table.

"If you can run a few more sets of data, then our chances of winning will be much larger."

Luo Wenxuan: "There is a way to do it... Someone suggested when I was in the last meeting. You can build a set of solar power arrays and power storage facilities next to the collider. Use space for time, probably for monthly experiments. The number of times has increased by 1.5 to 2 times."

Lu Zhou: "What about the budget?"

Luo Wenxuan said a bit: "Conservative estimates require $1 billion."

$1 billion...

Upon hearing this number, Lu Zhou couldn't help but lick his tongue.

Even if he wants to make so much money at a time, I am afraid it will be somewhat difficult.

Imcrc's fixed budget for a year is about $2 billion to $3 billion, which is shared by all countries. In contrast to the fixed budget in which cern is only $1 billion, the economy of imcrc is still ample. It is really impossible to get money.

But spending nearly half of the budget at the beginning of the year is really too risky.

After all, imcrc is such a huge research institution that it is enough not only to feed the collider, but also to use too much money.

Moreover, the addition of solar arrays will mean that maintenance costs will double, and the number of trials in a single month may sound tempting, but in the end it will not cure the symptoms.

Originally, his proposed 750gev program was already adventurous.

The index finger tapped on the table and meditated for a long time. Lu Zhou shook his head and said.

“It doesn’t make much sense. The collider pipeline needs maintenance after each experiment. Increasing the frequency of use will increase the maintenance cost of the entire unit...”

Even the service life of the overdraft device.

The high-energy particle beam is permanent to the radiation damage of the material. The higher the energy level collision test, the greater the impact, and the higher the maintenance cost.

This is not just a problem faced by the Hadron Hadron Collider. The world's high-energy collision experiments face the same problem.

"The problem is still on the money. The collision machine is open, and no amount of money is enough to burn," Luo Wenxuan sighed and said with emotion. "If you can make money from the moon, you can do it."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head.

Make money from the moon?

Not only did he think so alone, including the school sister, many people have produced this idea.

But it is clear that with the current level of development of the moon, it has not yet reached the level of profitability. It is too difficult to achieve this at least until his “land and moon control” task chain is completed.

Lu Zhou: "You still don't have to worry about money, not to mention the problem we are now encountering is not solved by just having money. Right, it will be a new year in a few days, and the last experiment is over. Go back and have a good New Year, wait until the end of the year and come back."

Luo Wenxuan made a helpless expression.

"we can only do this."


The last experiment in January 2023 ended in the "spark" of the spur of 360,000 kilometers.

With the long dark night, the collider entered the maintenance cycle and began preparing for the next month's experiment.

Although the experiment is over, Lu Zhou has not been idle.

These days, he basically listened to the reports of various research groups at the headquarters of imcrc, listened to the representatives sent by the teams to report on the data analysis of the previous month, or met with other experts at the headquarters of imcrc to discuss the last The experimental data collected in the month and the next experimental plan.

The huge amount of data determines that he can't carefully screen every piece of data, only relying on his own mathematical and physical intuition, as much as possible in each link. .

I remember that seven years ago, when everyone was doing a summary report on the experimental data, his position should be on the stage of the lecture hall.

Now, his work has risen from the local to the whole, and his identity has changed from an ordinary research dog to an academic leader who leads the future of global physics.

Thinking about it now, it’s really a feeling.

However, it is obviously not the time to look back on life.

The mountain of work makes Lu Zhou want to split himself in half, one in the conference room, and one in the office of the chairman.

11 am.

In the conference room.

Repeatedly looking at the experimental data compiled, Lu Zhou frowned.

The results of the last experiment are still not very satisfactory. From the data feedback from several groups of detectors, although the characteristic peak of 750gev appears, the confidence is still below 3sigema.

After watching the dalitz diagram repeatedly several times, watching the series of green spots below 125gev, Lu Zhou suddenly said.

“It’s not completely unproductive. At least the data we collected in the low-energy segment is consistent with the results of cern. At the same time, the characteristic peak of 750gev does have a weak letter, and the experimental evidence tells us that the characteristic peak The appearance is not an accident."

Everyone in front of the conference table looked at each other.

Compared to valuable clues, this sentence sounds more like a comfort that "this wave does not lose."

After pondering for a long time, Wei Teng said.

"What do you think will be?"

"It's just a conjecture," paused for a moment, Lu Zhou continued. "The substances that make up the elementary particles have something that we can't directly observe or understand. For look at the wall clock on the wall. ”

Looking down the road of Lu Zhou, everyone will realize the wall clock that sizzles.

After a moment of pause, Lu Zhou continued.

"...just like its pendulum, when the pendulum moves to the sides, because it is blocked by something, we can't see it, only when it appears in the center, we can use the traditional method. Directly observe it."

Witten was interested in touching the chin.

"A very interesting metaphor... What you mean is that it is possible that the treasure we are looking for will only appear at a certain time?"

Lu Zhou replied in an ambiguous tone: "Not... but it is possible that it can only be observed by us at a certain time."

Professor Frank Wilzek ​​turned to the pen and asked with a frown.

"How are you going to verify this conclusion?"

This ambiguous conclusion can't solve any problem only if it can be observed under certain conditions. They are now discussing the method of observation, rather than finding reasons for not being able to observe.

Lu Zhou shrugged: "There is no conclusion that can be verified at the beginning of the proposal, including your 'time crystal'... Of course, I will design an experiment, find a solution to this problem, and fight for it next month. Solve it before the experiment starts, at least let our collider have something to do."

Witeng hesitated and asked: "It’s the New Year’s New Year, isn’t it?”

"Small things, don't worry about me," knocked the conference table with a pen cover. Lu Zhou looked around at the conference table and continued. "This meeting will be opened here for the time being.

The meeting is over.

Lu Zhou, who left the conference room, went straight back to the office of the chairman.

The secretary was told to bring a sandwich and a cup of coffee to him. Lu Zhou took the notes he had made at the meeting from the bag and took it in his hands.

"Where is the problem?"

Thinking hard, there is already a clue in the mind of Lu Zhou, and the intuition tells him that this clue points to the result he dreamed of.

However, this clue is so vague that he did not get an answer for a long time.

Just then, in the lower right corner of the laptop, a bunch of bubbles suddenly appeared, interrupting his thoughts.

Xiao Ai: [Master! good news! (????▽??)ノ]

Looking up at the computer, Lu Zhou asked: "...What good news?"

Xiao Ai: [The master's experiment has the result! (????????????)????]


Lu Zhou slammed down and quickly reacted.

Xiao Ai said that it should not be a physical experiment.

It is another.

An experiment about virtual memory...

Light pen

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