Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1140: Fully synchronized

Since the completion of the magnetic levitation orbit of the Jinhu section, the time of taking the maglev train from Shanghai to Jinling has not even taken the subway from the city center to the airport for a long time.

In less than two hours of commuting time, Lu Zhou has arrived at the underground laboratory of the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies from the office of the director of imcrc and put the helmet on his head.

In order to facilitate the operation, after the improvement of the technicians of Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, the new holographic helmet equipped with the phantom system has added the interactive interface of the built-in curved screen. This will make it easier for the user to operate the phantom system independently, instead of being the same as before, wearing a helmet and it will be dark and invisible.

"Little Ai."

Xiao Ai: [What is it, master? (>▽<)】

Lu Zhou: "I need to play it again according to the Raiders in a while?"

Xiao Ai: [No, I guess that it is impossible to play through the master's salted fish operation even if it is played according to the Raiders. (≧??≦)??]

Xiao Ai: [So Xiao Ai developed a special synchronization mode based on the original program. Through the method of 100% synchronization of customs clearance operation, the owner can directly transition to the plot part with the first person view. Of course, in the process of watching the game, the owner can also cancel the synchronization at any time, but once you cancel the synchronization, you want to switch back to the synchronous mode, you can only come back from the beginning.ヾ(????`o)]

Lu Zhou: "...I thank you."

Xiao Ai: [诶嘿嘿(/w\*).........(/w??\*)]

Although there is a feeling of being mocked by artificial intelligence, but on the part of the little guy who helped him develop such a convenient function, Lu Zhou decided not to compare it with this time.

After calling out the startup interface, Lu Zhou read a linkstart, and the curved screen in the field of view began to darken gradually. Then the touch of the potential contact from the back neck quickly entered the virtual space...


The id of the customs clearance player is: Professor Lu’s little brother.

Seeing this id, Lu Zhou suddenly became a red face, so I was embarrassed for a while.

But what surprised him was that the first pass of this copy was actually not a middle-aged addiction.

Although I didn't check Li Gaoliang's game id, I think it is impossible for the guy to take such a "disgusting" name.

Synchronization begins.

Lu Zhou, who completely entered the perspective of a "real fan", followed the team captain Sainsi to board the vehicle. After receiving Dr. Ryan, he was unexpectedly attacked by a group of unidentified armed forces.

As was the case at the time, the **** team was divided into two teams, one team continued to move forward, and the other team fell to meet the height. After a fierce five-minute gun battle, two huge support drones arrived as scheduled, and the light rain of the plot fell from the sky.

Then, the scene that made the scapula of the boat numb occurred.

Just like the card is at the point in time, the player who operates the body does not look up, and comes straight to the bottom of the car.

With the energy shield at the top of the car body blocking the first wave of light rain, and then the action smoothly rolled out from the other side of the sparkling body, he picked up the emp launcher that fell from the friendly hand on the ground, backhanded There is an energy bomb in the sky.

The light blue light curtain instantly spread a spherical giant net. The two drones fell like a bird that had been cut off from the neck. The vehicle that was previously used as a bunker finally could not hold on. Exploding in a series of blazing sparks.

The explosion of the smoke screen over the tactical mask, the whole set of movements in one go, just like stepping on each beat, complete all the correct operations. Even a half second or a half second slower in this may lead to a gameover ending.

This set of operations is not just a glimpse of the boat, even the generals of General Inns not far away, and even the opposing hostile forces are watching.

"...¥#@%, who are you?"

There is no translation in the string of dialogues in the communication channel, which is probably a tone of speech similar to the lying trough.

Looking at the direction of General Sains, the player who controlled the character did not stop, and placed the rifle on the bunker, shooting the bullets and rain to the remaining remnants.

Although I am not playing by myself, this feeling of experiencing the whole battle from the first perspective and passing the explosion is really so good.

At this time, Lu Zhou’s brain suddenly disappeared.

He has always been thinking about the mature vr technology, in what form should the film be presented, and the kind of excellent and shocking presentation is not in front of you?

After memorizing this flash of inspiration, Lu Zhou continued to turn his attention back to the battlefield.

After suffering heavy casualties, the other party quickly chose to retreat.

After this battle, the "Lu Zhou" that shot down two drones was appreciated by General Sains. Since the previous ride was scrapped in battle, General Sains allowed him to do his own car and join the team in front.

After experiencing two thrilling battles along the way, Dr. Ryan was sent to the Imperial Chamber of Justice in amazement, and Lu Zhou finally saw the main story he expected.

And the sly imperial council.

To be honest, Lu Zhou did not have much expectations for the artistic cells of the Indigo Empire. However, after seeing this embarrassing building, he was still amazed.

Two pyramid-shaped black buildings with towers facing each other, one on the surface and the other on the ground. Overall, the whole building is like an hourglass, symbolizing order and equality, corresponding to the upper and lower houses of the Imperial Parliament.

Anti-gravity technology? !

Looking at the inverted pyramid, the heart is full of strange Lu Zhou, can only understand this.

At the foot of the pyramid, looking at the building, Dr. Ryan relieved with relief.

This is the safest place for the entire empire.

And his mission has finally been completed.

Stopping and looking at Lu Zhou behind him, Dr. Ryan smiled and extended his right hand.

"Thank you, thank you very much... pay tribute to you, soldier. Just now, you saved our civilization...say, I haven't asked your name yet."

In the later battles, thanks to the series of sao operations of the player who controlled the body, he was safely escorted to him, and it was because of this scholar's goodwill.

Otherwise, if it is normal, a distinguished imperial scholar, in any case, will not take the initiative to speak with a regular soldier at the bottom.

In this civilization called "Indigo", the barrier between social classes is as strong as a fortress. In general, occupation means identity and status, while the latter almost determines what kind of house a person can live in, how much material is allocated, and all aspects of rights.

As for why the soldiers will be at the bottom of the empire, Lu Zhou’s guess may be because the Indigo Empire has been peaceful for centuries, and this civilization’s army has changed from the traditional army and evolved into a kind of Special and marginalized existence.

Seeing that the player who manipulated the character did not have any action, Lu Zhou estimated that the player probably played this memory as a game, but he was waiting for the story to skip quickly, so he quickly ended the synchronization mode and took control of the body. Right, politely replied.

"Lu Zhou, this is my name."


Dr. Ryan looked up and down the road with a curious look and continued: "Very strange pronunciation, I have not heard of such a name in the c-12-01 section for so many years."

Combining his own understanding of the Indigo civilization, Lu Zhou tried to compile a reason: "Because I am from a remote agricultural planet, there is us... this nomenclature is very common."

Dr. Ryan is interested: "The colonial customs? Interesting, I know a friend who studies colonial history may be interested in talking to you about your hometown... If you want, I can introduce him to you."

Lu Zhou: "In contrast, I am more interested in physics... Can I discuss the mystery of physics with you?"

Like what was funny, Dr. Ryan laughed and said: "Physics? This proposition is too broad and too esoteric. Before discussing with me, I suggest that you go through the system first. Learning, it is best to find a research direction of interest. If you are interested in physics after the end of military service, you can come to the district center physics research institute in c-12-01 area, and report it directly to you. The name is fine."

Lu Zhou still wants to continue to work with Dr. Ryan, but General Sains has already come over here.

Looking at the highly respected scholar, the officer said with respect.

"Dr. Dr. Ryan, the authentication has been completed, the Archon invites you to enter the Chamber, and the meeting for you is about to begin."

Dr. Ryan said sincerely: "Thank you, thanks to you on this road, and hope that you can report my experience to the Imperial Army. I never thought about it before. Our empire is still so daring." Gangster."

General Sainz said solemnly.

"Our intelligence department is already collecting clues about how the heavy fire weapons have flowed into the hands of the militants, and I believe that there will be results soon."

Dr. Ryan nodded and did not continue to say anything. He turned and walked to the main entrance of the main hall.

After looking at Lu Zhou, General Inns thought for a moment and said.

"You come in together too."

At the moment when General Cyins said this sentence, Lu Zhou noticed clearly that the soldiers next to him had an envious expression on their faces.

Looking at the envious eyes, Lu Zhou probably guessed that this should be an act of appreciation in the Imperial Army to the superiors.

So he did not hesitate, and naturally followed the generals of General Ins, and handed the arm of his body to the guards at the door of the Chamber of Deputies. As the generals of General Sainus, they followed the footsteps of the two men to the main entrance. Go.

This is the center of the Empire Center.

The highest level of confidentiality of the Indigo civilization is here.

With excitement, Lu Zhou followed the footsteps of General Sains in the same way and stepped into the hall of this hustle and bustle.

He has a hunch.

Soon Dr. Ryan will unveil the shrine here.

And he will soon know what the system wants to convey to him through this memory.

Light pen

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