Lu Zhou originally thought that this hourglass-shaped building was so sloppy that there should be many floors. However, I did not expect that a large amount of building space was wasted in the space between the floor and the ceiling.

The ceiling that continues to extend upwards is like the sky without a cloud cover. The sense of oppression from the space makes the interior of the entire hall look extraordinarily solemn and majestic.

It’s like this is not a conference hall, but a place like a court.

In fact, not only the design of this hall, but the high-end conference table also gives people the same feeling.

The entire conference table is horseshoe-shaped, like an unfolded folding fan that extends diagonally upwards.

Sitting below is a general member of parliament. The higher the status and status of the higher, the higher the highest is the minister, the speaker, and even the authority of the imperial power of the highest authority - the supreme governor.

Strange civilization.

Obviously, it is a materialistic value, but the political/governing form does not give a feeling of high efficiency or convenience at all, but instead gives a sense of majesty in the religious sense.

Lu Zhou speculated that this may be related to the special philosophy and aesthetics of the Indigo civilization.

As a subject of sociology, it has to be said that this is a very interesting phenomenon and deserves further study. However, unfortunately, Lu Zhou is not a social science, so he quickly turned his attention to a place worthy of his attention...

The meeting soon began.

Standing on the side of the main hall together with General Sainz, as two sculptures merged with the guards beside them and the walls behind them, Lu Zhou waited quietly for about five minutes, sitting at the top of the conference table. The official eyes calmly stared at Dr. Ryan, who stood in front of the conference table, and finally slowly spoke.

"You are Dr. Ryan?"

Dr. Ryan slightly decapitated and said politely.

"Yes, distinguished lord of the governor."

"There has been a rumor about ‘God’ in the ring world recently, and according to intelligence agencies, all causes seem to come from you.”

With a sense of incomprehensible pressure in his eyes, with an unquestionable tone, the indigo person with a high weight insisted, "I want to know why you want to give the empire, bring yourself this way." Big trouble."

"Either the parliament or me, and the people of the empire, need an explanation."

Faced with a full-fledged line of sight from the conference, Dr. Ryan tried to calm his tone as much as he could.

"Lord, I have to correct your rhetoric."

"First of all, ‘God’ is not a rumor, our civilization is indeed facing an unprecedented crisis. Secondly, as a scholar, I am responsible for every point I make, and I am not guilty.”

There was a commotion in the hall.

Except for the high-ranking people who are sitting at the top, the overwhelming majority of the members face each other and whisper each other, even from time to time.


If it was three centuries ago, there might be a market for this kind of argument. At that time, the doomsday theory was very rampant.

But now the ring world has been completed, the empire has ushered in unprecedented prosperity, and according to the current population growth rate, it is no surprise that this period of prosperity can be maintained for several centuries without any problems.

They have solved all the crises once and for all.

It is undoubtedly quite ridiculous to move this argument out now.

The chin lifted up slightly, and the governor’s face hangs a touch of playful laughter. The look in the eyes can't be said to be contemptuous, or simply just looking at a very funny joke, he continued to say.

"So Dr. Ryan, tell me, what is your so-called crisis, is it your so-called argument about aliens?"

"Yes, not."

Given an ambiguous answer, looking at the brows of the consul's slight wrinkles, Dr. Ryan explained his own statement.

“I am not sure if the crisis comes from them, but the cause of everything is really related to them.”

The turmoil sounded again at the conference table.

Looking at the crowded conference table, the scholar continued.

"The first thing that must be made clear is that our universe is not as lonely as we imagined. Even if it does not find any traces of other civilizations within five hundred light years, it does not mean that the situation outside 50,000 light years is also The same. If we scale the distance scale to the entire universe as the background, only we are a special existence, but it is a very low probability accident."

Looking at Dr. Ryan, who was arrogant in the audience, the consul said casually.

"This argument has been very popular many years ago. I am not interested in discussing it with you here. If they exist, if they exist on the scale of time, they will never meet, then they exist or not, Prosperity or not, what about us?"

Indigo civilization is not a civilization that is keen on expansion.

They are more keen on the unity within the race and the cohesion of the empire than the outward expansion of the empire. It is precisely because of this that they can complete the unity in the early days of the space age, in order to create a sturdy star-shaped giant structure project.

Alien civilization?

Although they were keen on the first intimate contact in the early days of the space age, this trend of thought was abandoned only at the end of the early days of the space colonial era.

Regarding the consul's statement, Dr. Ryan agreed to nod and agreed to continue.

"In an ideal situation, glorious isolation is a virtue and a wise choice. We really don't need to talk to ants tens of thousands of light years. But the problem is that this time they contacted us actively. Instead of taking the initiative to find them."

The noisy voice suddenly calmed down.

Just like the sound was suddenly turned off, the whole hall was silent.

In the eyes, there was a strange surprise, and the speaker sitting next to him exchanged a line of sight. The consul continued to look at Dr. Ryan under the stage, Shen Sheng said.

"Don't be alarmist! What is your evidence?"

“I have already explained my findings in a paper published 127 light days ago, but it is because of this paper that it has brought me a life threat... Thanks to General Sains and his Marines, If it weren't for them, I am afraid that the thugs and drones of the militants have been sent to see the spirit of the universe."

General Inns, who stood in the corner of the conference room, bowed slightly and politely responded.

"You're welcome, Dr. Ryan, your rights are protected by the Charter. No matter whether you will face a legal trial in the end, it will not change this."

Nodded and thanked again, Dr. Ryan re-directed his attention to the conference table.

Responding to the sight of the road that looked at him, he continued to speak.

"To make it easier for you to understand, I will show my research here again."

He said, from the security guards on the side, he took the suitcase that had passed the security inspection procedure and took out a thumb-sized vertebral body from the inside.

As his index finger is gently pressed on the square vertebral body, the blue light is emitted along the tip of the square vertebra, and the blue interlaced light creates a giant image in the space.

Holographic projection?

Lu Zhou’s face showed a look of interest.

And still naked eye holography, and contactable interaction!

A little something, how did this happen?

He felt that he was like a countryman who had just entered the city. He couldn't help but be surprised for a while.

Except for Lu Zhou, everyone in the Chamber did not feel any strangeness to the scene in front of him, just quietly watching the unfolding image, waiting for Dr. Ryan to continue.

"...we all know that there is a substance between the black hole and the neutron star in this universe, we call it the strange drop. It consists of the upper quark and the lower quark and the strange quark, only the size of the rice, There are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of tons."

Using the index finger and thumb to make a small movement, Dr. Lane continued.

"In order to study how to release the materials we need from black holes, the research on singular drops has always been a frontier topic in physics research. In the past, we were fortunate enough to lock a 23,000 light through the analysis of gravitational waves. Bizarre drops outside the year..."

"And its size, almost... at least as big as the holographic pen in my hand."

Hearing here, Lu Zhou’s face suddenly showed a shocking look.

Bizarre drops!

And it still exists under natural conditions! ?

For the physics of human civilization, "singularity" has always been a substance (or state) that exists in conjecture.

The theory of its existence can be traced back to the conjecture that Wei Teng proposed in the 1980s about "the big strange quark may be the ground state of a strong system." As for its causes, there are also speculations such as the early cosmic qcd phase transition, supernova explosion, the collision of strange quark stars, and so on.

However, the conditions under which singular drops exist are too harsh. In theory, its contact with any matter can lead to annihilation and release more horrible energy than the annihilation of antimatter.

Therefore, no matter whether it is astrophysics or high-energy physics, there has been no evidence to prove that they do exist.

The only speculation at present is that the total energy of the particles is higher than the extremely high energy cosmic rays of about 10^19 ev, and may contain a small amount of singular drops. However, how difficult it is to capture this cosmic line, and see how hard it is to collect the “slightly cheaper” neutrinos.

Now, Dr. Ryan, "telling" him in a positive tone, there is a strange drop in the universe that is large enough to be seen with the naked eye.

If all this is true, the entire geophysical community will be sensational...

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou could not help but be excited.

However, this excitement did not last long.

Because he soon thought that even if he knew the existence of this strange substance, there seems to be no way to prove it to others.

Can't you always use the "game" setting as evidence?

He didn't even figure out where this indigo civilization was, and still was gone.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou’s emotions just excited, can’t help but fall into depression.

It would be nice to be able to determine the specific coordinates of this singular drop, or to get a complete observation technique.

But if you want to come, this part of the memory should not contain this part.

Most, only let him see it...

"... gentlemen, you think about how excited we were at the time. It was a strange drop that was visible to the naked eye, even under natural conditions!"

“What's the use of this?” Dr. Ryan, who was excited to see the tone, said one of the parliamentarians. “Even if it is the most advanced research ship of the empire, it can't reach 23,000 light years to investigate it.”

The sound of this sentence is not small, just drifting into Dr. Lane's ear.

Looking at the member, he said seriously.

"Any theory is useless when it is just researched, but the point is... if we don't understand it, there is no way to make it useful."

"In short, the project I am responsible for is to study this strange drop. At first we thought it was still, until we solved the gravitational wave, we got a series of soap bubbles separated from each other... This is not abstract The metaphor, but something that is intuitively reflected on the image. Do you know what it means? It means that the strange drop is indeed static in the concept of motion, but in the concept of space, it is jumping, Follow the hyperspatial path to the center of the Milky Way!"

The governor coughed and said seriously.

"Speaking the point, here is the Imperial Chamber, we are not interested in your physics theory."

"...the point is that the latter discovery directly subverts our previous speculations," accepting the advice of the consul from the good, Dr. Ryan paused, and continued to say seriously. "This strange drop is definitely not natural. Forming."

“It’s because other civilizations have made it.”

"And the civilization that made it is probably more advanced than us."

Light pen

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