Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1144: Hyperspace secret

After getting the observation data, Lu Zhou spent a whole day and a night, almost all of this data, but still did not find clues about the strange drops.

"From the memory of the indigo civilization, it can be inferred that the higher civilizations mastering the strange drops, called the "empty" civilization, should have mastered some kind of hyperspace technology that allows matter and information to spread beyond the boundaries of speed of light."

Closed the notebook in his hand, Lu Zhou licked some sour eyebrows, and some self-talking.

"But how they did it."

Super light speed.

It seems easy to say, it can be said that all kinds of sci-fi blockbusters are standard, but in fact, it is difficult to achieve this.

Unlike controllable fusion, which was proven by physicists decades ago, how to make objects move at the speed of light, not even the imagination of high-energy physicists can think of it. From what angle to achieve, even theoretically proved that it is impossible.

This theory can be traced back to the end of the last century.

As early as 1992, Professor Stephen Hawking, a conservative folk scholar who commented on the subject, proved by mathematical methods that in the general theory of relativity, if the topology of the space changes within a bounded region, then this change occurs. The time-space range exists in the closed class curve.

Translated into the vernacular, in the general theory of relativity, the wormhole is contrary to the law of causality. (But it is very interesting that the creator of relativity, Einstein, supported the wormhole theory and proposed that "it is a space-time thin tube that connects distant regions of the universe." It can be seen that even if one is always correct, there is absolutely no shortage. Those who oppose the views, and similar examples are too numerous to enumerate. After all, academics do not serve the authority, but serve the truth.)

According to the memory of the Indigo civilization, their method of achieving superluminal speed navigation and communication is to use the gravitational link between the star system and the star system, that is, a naturally formed thing similar to the hyperspace channel, to achieve between the stars. The speed of light travels.

From an abstract point of view, this seems to be in line with Einstein's theory.

As for the specific principle, it is not mentioned in that memory. Lu Zhou also made some possible assumptions only through limited knowledge and only a piece of information.

For example, the huge gravitational field tears a crack in a higher dimension, and by entering the crack through a special method, the movement between the star and the star can be realized.

The point of the image is like playing checkers.

But no matter whether it is based on the physics theorem that is not known by human civilization, it can only be attributed to the miracle of the universe itself, not the miracle of artificial creation. At most, a group of intelligent people use it.

However, the "empty" civilization is different.

Lu Zhou understands very well why everyone in the Chamber of Deputies is so panicked.

It's not just artificial singular drops, but also the way to completely ignore the movement of the hyperspace channel and the way the communication jumps. No matter which one is, it can't be done with their technology, and even the understanding can't be understood.

"...the problem is that if the broadcast is for the entire galaxy, and there is some way to let the gravitational wave ignore the distance scale of the light year, it doesn't make sense to hear a little 'sound' on the earth?"

Is the broadcast already over?

Still, as he initially speculated, everything about the radio and the indigo empire was buried in the long river of time, and what he saw might be a farther past than he had imagined.

The index finger gently tapped on the table. Lu Zhou finally shook his head, stuffed the closed notebook into the drawer, then stood up from the chair and pulled out the phone to beat Wang Peng.


"Give me a trip to Jinda."

"Roger that."


100,000 bonuses.

For a student, it can be said that it is a huge sum.

No, it’s more than a student.

According to the average salary of Jinling, even if it is a general working class, it is enough to be busy for a whole year.

However, compared to how to spend this "big money", Duan Siqi is now worrying about something more troublesome.

Intuition tells him that the increasingly mature virtual reality technology will be filled with unlimited business opportunities in the future, and now he is the first person to eat crabs.

Although he has always been a small mouse, he used to treat this as a part-time job, but after he tasted the sweetness, he obviously would not be satisfied.

Do you want to change a major?

More than once, he came up with the idea.

In fact, he did not intentionally or unconsciously start to read books and literature related to programming, composition, and vr technology in his spare time.

Learning these things took up a lot of his spare time, but unexpectedly made him feel happy.

Unlike mathematics, at least learning this thing, there will not be a roommate who is rushing to beat his self-confidence every day. And no matter how many things have been learned, what I have learned is not helpful for the exam. The sense of accomplishment brought about by the accumulation of such knowledge is still very pleasant.

One day, on the way to the library, suddenly someone stood in front of him to stop him and talked to him.

"You are... the player who cleared the customs?"

Duan Siqi, who stopped at the footsteps, raised his head subconsciously.

When he saw the man in front of him, his expression was suddenly shocked.

Lying in the trough?

Lu Shen? !

This feeling is probably like taking a bottle of mineral water into a convenience store and discovering that Jayen is buying milk tea next to it.

In fact, this probability is almost the same.

Although Lu Zhou has a number theory course at Jinling University, even if he is a student in his class, he will not see this fascinating Professor Lu in a year, let alone other people.

Duan Siqi subconsciously planned to nod, but suddenly thought that he could get the id, and his expression suddenly smashed.

"Don't misunderstand...that, my id is taken by hand, the real fans are not me."

"This topic will stop," Lu Zhou quickly raised his hand and coughed and said, "It’s too embarrassing."

With a look of expression, Duan Siqi nodded quickly.

"Okay, okay...what are you looking for?"

"Nothing special, just want to talk to you about the last copy... If you have time, I can ask you for a cup of coffee."

"Free time is a must," Duan Siqi said with a smile, "What do you want to know?"


This is a big slap in the face of the principal.

If you don’t say anything, even if you say two more words, you will be familiar with his future development. Such an opportunity for others to encounter does not necessarily touch, he naturally can not let go.

Looking at the expression on the student's face, Lu Zhou smiled.

Although I can see the tension that was deliberately concealed, I can still see what the kid is thinking about with his experience.

However, even if he saw it, he did not say much, but said in a tone of ease.

“I know that there is a nice coffee shop at the school gate. When I used to go to school, I used to take me with me... let’s go and talk.”

Looking at Lu Zhou who turned and led the way, Duan Siqi quickly followed.

Along the way, the two had a chat without a ride, and the topic of conversation was really just a matter of "game." This is somewhat beyond the expectation of Duan Siqi. On the one hand, he did not expect the academician of the army to be so approachable. Secondly, he did not expect that they had so many common topics.

Perhaps it is because the position gap is too big, so that he selectively forgot, the age of Lu Zhou is actually not much bigger than him...

"What do you think about that game?"

"The difficulty is too bt, and there is no archive mode, which leads to many places to repeatedly brush dozens of times to pass the customs, almost forcing obsessive-compulsive disorder."

When thinking about the encounter in which copy, Duan Siqi could not help but have a headache.

It was just the drone's pass, he brushed it no less than twenty times, and even got the position after the car was accurate to the second level, only barely opened the past.

For the classmate's statement, Lu Zhoushen took the spot and nodded.

If it is not the difficulty of this bt, he feels that he does not need to ask for "deal" to reach the end.

"What about other aspects?"

Duan Siqi thought for a moment and said, "I think the world view can be dig deeper. I am not the ring world, but the border planets of the indigo population... I feel that if I expand the world view, for example, Online games or online games like eve are definitely more interesting than pure stand-alone machines."

Lu Zhou nodded.

"In terms of your opinion, I will compare it with the product manager... I am more curious about your feelings about the plot."

Duan Siqi sighed: "The plot?"

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded. "About that god, there is a natural disaster, are you not curious?"

"The games are all the same." Scratching the back of the head, Duan Siqi said with some uncertainty. "It’s really curious to say curiosity, but the story is gone, I am helpless."

Lu Zhou: "... According to the clues in the game, what do you think the natural disaster might be?"

"Maybe it is a disaster that swept the whole universe, insects? Ai out of control? But I feel that this level of threat does not seem to threaten them... Sorry, my imagination is limited, I can't guess the latter. What is the plot? Can you give me a spoiler?"

Looking at the curious classmate, Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head.

"Unfortunately, the script is automatically compiled by ai, and the subsequent part is still being written. Even if I don't know the follow-up. I may have to wait a while before I can reveal it to you."

"It's still being written..." There was a trace of regret on his face. Duan Siqi continued, "I really recommend that you change this game into an online game. It is best to expand the degree of freedom. The story ends in the Imperial Chamber. When the alien scholar was just taken away, I thought that the next story was to save him. The result was over. Without saying anything else, I think at least can be a free mode after customs clearance?"

Suddenly I heard a trace of unusual things from this sentence, Lu Zhou gently frowned.


"Yeah," Duan Siqi looked at Lu Zhou strangely. "You don't know?"

Lu Zhou: "... After the customs clearance, follow General Sainz back to the barracks. After returning the equipment, did you unlock the free mode?"

"What military camp?" Duan Siqi looked at Lu Zhou with a stern look. "Is it not blacked out if it is taken away?"

Lu Zhou: "You didn't inherit the property of Dr. Ryan?"

Duan Siqi: "...???"

Seeing this classmate's face with a stern expression, Lu Zhou responded in an instant, what the **** is going on.

When he arrived at the Chamber of Deputies, if he did not trigger a dialogue with Dr. Ryan and got his goodwill in the conversation, then in the next story, the big probability would not inherit his legacy.

In other words, what he saw was actually the "true ending"?

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou’s face could not help but float a strange expression.

So, is this the only person who sees the finale?

Who is the real high play, it’s really hard to say...

I have been observing the change in the expression on the face of the landing boat. Duan Siqi whispered and asked: "I should not... actually there is no customs clearance?"

Will the bonus be recovered?

What he really wants to ask is actually this, but he is not very embarrassed to say it.

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou squatted slightly and then laughed.

"No, this copy is over, forget about it."

Without giving him time to continue thinking, Lu Zhou opened the topic without any trace.

"Next, I want to experience what copy, I want to hear your opinion."

Upon hearing this sentence, Duan Siqi suddenly brightened his eyes.

"How about the Matrix? When it comes to virtual reality, there are no such classic action movies!"

“The Matrix? It sounds very interesting,” Lu Zhou’s eyebrows lifted and said with great interest. “Looking back, let the project team’s technicians study it...”

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