Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1145: New year spent busy

The New Year of 2023 is earlier than in previous years.

Just after mid-January, the year-round will come in a hurry.

Just after the New Year's Eve, the experimental building of the Jin Da Yuan Yuan appeared to be somewhat deserted.

Sitting in the office, Academician Lu Jianshen looked at the academic magazine in his hand and drank the freshly brewed hot tea.

Turning over, a line of headlines will come into view.

[A large number of Chinese scholars have withdrawn from Shanghai, imcrc has been in a lockout, and the 750gev characteristic peak is hard to find! Where will the future of physics go? 】

At the moment when the line of sight and the title of the line were opposite, Lu’s academician couldn’t help but smile.

"The media now is really a set of nonsense, and they are all going home for the New Year, and they are still posing."

I heard the old friend’s smile, and the old man sitting on the office sofa smiled and said.

"Lao Lu, I’m worried about the New Year’s Eve. Are you planning to retire when you are?”

Sitting opposite the academician Lu, is an academician of Liu Guangzhao of the Jinling University Institute. However, although the academician Liu is also a physics, it is not a high-energy physics, but a condensed matter physics. The research results are basically focused on the three directions of atomic clusters, low-dimensional quantum systems and nanoscience and technology.

Because they are all people of an age, the two old professors are also old acquaintances. Even if the research direction is different, the friendship between the two has always been very good.

Did not care about the old friend's teasing, Lao Lu smiled and put down his hand.

"I am still early, at least ten years is no problem."

Academician Liu said with a smile: "Is it still early? You are not young."

Academician Lu smiled and said: "People live for so many decades, so eager to lie down and dry up? Don't worry, I have a few hearts."

"I don't worry, I am worried that you are so tired," he sighed. Academician Liu paused for a moment and continued. "Speaking, what happened to the 750gev project you studied recently? I heard that It seems not very optimistic?"

Academician Lu: "This has been done four times. I am optimistic and optimistic where to go. I can't eat hot tofu, you can safely look at it. I am quite confident about this subject."

"I just asked, your high-energy physics, I really studied it is half a layman," Liu academy smiled and took a sip of the tea in the cup, and suddenly there was a surprise in his eyes. "This tea is Very good, where did your old guy come from?"

"What is going on, the students send it! The average person you want to buy can not be bought," said the academician Lu, with a little pride in his eyes, said with a smile, "I can’t finish it alone, if you If you like to take it back, don't give it to me."

"Oh, your old man and I show off all day, not to accompany you," put the tea cup back on the table, Lao Liu stood up with a cane and sighed and said, "Hey, I can only be with you." Similarly, I also teach a few outstanding students to come out, and I will retire soon."

When I heard the old friend’s envious complaint, Luton laughed happily.

"Haha, it’s late! Let’s just polish your eyes in the next life!”




Villa of Zhongshan International.

In the study, the boat in front of the desk was frowning at the piles of drafts and drawings on the table.

The New Year's Eve is just over, and the dumplings of his mother's bag have not been digested, and he has already returned to work. It is not that he does not want to rest, but there are so many people waiting for him, so that he can not afford to rest.

If it is normal, no matter what kind of subject, he will try to finish the problem before the New Year, try not to let the work affect life.

However, this year is unfortunate. The time of the completion of the Moon Hadron Collider was originally stuck at the end of the year, and this year's New Year's Day is coming earlier than in previous years.

Fortunately, the family understands him very well.

Including his old man, he only cared about him at the dinner table of the New Year's dinner, and he didn't say anything more about him. As for Xiao Yan, he was too busy with academic matters and had no time to harass him.

Taking a deep breath of warm and dry air, Lu Zhou got up from the desk and walked to the window to push the window away.

The cold wind blew in the air, letting his hot brain cool a little, and blowing away the accumulated fatigue and tiredness.

Controlling the drone, Xiao Ai swayed to his side, and a line of text floated on the hanging small TV.

Xiao Ai: [Master, are you not cold? 0.0]

Lu Zhou shook his head: "Not cold."

It would be better to say that the heating is too full, but it makes him feel drowsy and unable to concentrate.

Xiao Ai: [The master owner, need Xiao Ai to help make a cup of coffee? (????????????)????]

Lu Zhou, who had this intention, clicked.

"Thank you, trouble."

Xiao Ai: [Received, wrapped in Xiao Ai. o(*≧▽≦)ツ】

Not waiting for a long time, the fragrant coffee fragrance quickly drifted into the study.

I took a coffee from Xiao Ai’s "hand" and took a sip. I felt that the boat that had gradually disappeared closed the window and returned to the desk to sit down and watch the unfinished calculations on the sheets and draft paper. Once again fell into meditation.

I don't know if it is his illusion. I always feel that I have to rest for a little while, and the idea seems to have opened up a lot.

"Sure enough, I still have to pay attention to rest..."

Feeling the warmth of concern in his hand, Lu Zhou shook his head with a smile, put down the coffee cup, and reached for the pen from the table.

After a moment of indulging, he continued to write on paper.

He has been studying the signal of the 750gev characteristic peak for some time. He has also done countless kinds of conjectures about its various possibilities.

However, it was not until he started the collider that he really felt the arduousness of it.

The erratic signal is like a ghost, floating in the spectrum of energy, so that he even began to wonder whether there were aliens or something else that interfered with his experiments.

Somehow, Lu Zhou suddenly appeared in the mind of a boat.

To be precise, it is described as a strange substance that is as large as a pen, and the pen is in the Imperial Chamber, and is held in the hands of Dr. Ryan.

The pen in his hand stopped and stared at the calculations on the paper. Lu Zhou’s brows were tight together, and suddenly he whispered a word from his mouth.

"... Is it related to hyperspace?"

Can't be observed in a three-dimensional world, or only part of it can be observed, and where is the part that cannot be observed?

If his previous guess is true, then at least part of the time and space is distorted. The part that is not observable is hidden in this incomplete space.

Just like pushing the door of the new world, the thoughts in the chest suddenly became clear.

The tip of the pen that pinched at the fingertips trembled slightly, just like the excitement of Lu Zhou at the moment.

He has a hunch.

My own discovery, I am afraid it is even more amazing than he originally imagined!

Time passes by one minute.

Until the sun outside the window, it gradually fell.

Stopped the pen in his hand and looked at the pile of drafts in front of him. Lu Zhou’s mouth finally evoked a smile.

“It’s finally finished before the deadline.”

Looked at the calendar in the lower right corner of the desktop computer.

Two days later, the second round of experiments began.

If it was just a few hours ago, he was still upset about not having enough time.

But now, he is increasingly looking forward to the day when the experiment began.

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