Imcrc headquarters.

No. 1 in the lecture hall was full of seats, looking at the black pressure. Among them are researchers from imcrc, physicists from other research institutions who have come here many miles away, and even scholars who have visited the Brookhaven National Laboratory in their personal capacity during the annual leave.

The report will start in ten minutes, and almost everyone is looking forward to it.

At the upcoming conference, as the director of imcrc and the initiator of the 750gev project, Lu Zhou will summarize the data collected from the experiments a few days ago, and further elaborate his theory of hyperspace, and the one hidden in hyperspace. Research on particles in the world.

Looking at the venue where there was a lot of discussion, the Witeng sitting in the room suddenly said with a feeling.

"...I don't think it's just a month."

Prior to this, he had even prepared to spend a whole year on this topic, but did not expect that this was a short month, and there has been such a significant progress.

If you want to say who is the most happy, except for Lu Zhou, it must belong to him.

He has seen the complete experimental data, and it is clear what the success of this experiment means. If this hyperspace particle really exists, his predictions in m theory will undoubtedly gain a crucial testimony.

And not only that, the most important thing is that this experiment will become the first exploration of the material in the high-dimensional world in the history of human physics, and it is no longer just to prove the existence of high-dimensional space.

This will undoubtedly have great inspiration for the development of physics in the future.

In contrast, this hyperspace particle itself is “insignificant”.

After a pause, Professor Witten continued to add a sentence with a sentimental tone.

"...Brook Haven National Laboratory is now convinced that the intestines are remorse."

When he heard the words of Professor Witten, Professor Frank Wilzek, who was sitting next to him, did not speak, but his face had a subtle expression.

In fact, it is the Brookhaven National Laboratory that regrets.

A long time ago, about seven years ago, Lu Zhou was still an intern of Cern, but he was the one who led the 750gev project. If he did not give up, the first high-dimensional particle discovered in human history may be named after his name.

For example, what is the Welzek particle.

However, it is no longer meaningful to say that now...

Ten minutes passed quickly.

Almost on the point, the boat in a formal suit stepped into the crowded lecture hall.

Almost as soon as he stepped into this lecture hall, the noisy sound in the venue was like a faded tide, and it was quiet in an instant.

Looking at the packed venue, Lu Zhou walked up to the stage and reached out to support the microphone.

Facing a pair of twins or expecting, or dignified sight, he slowly said with a clear voice.

“Many years ago, I discovered the anomaly of 750gev.”

There is no extra opening.

Lu Zhou, who went directly to the topic, continued.

"I don't think Cern abandoned my results, limited by the experimental conditions of objective lag, limited by the existing theory is not enough to support my conclusion, but also limited by my own level... In short, the experiment can not continue Going on hold is the best option."

"But I never thought that my conclusion was wrong."

"Not because of stubbornness, but because I did find an unnatural anomaly in my calculations. Maybe quantum fluctuations are a convenient explanation, but I believe in my calculations." ""

"Because of math, maybe it will go wrong, but it will never lie."

Looking around at the quiet meeting place, Lu Zhou smiled and continued with a relatively pleasant tone.

“I am honored to stand here and announce the latest research results of imcrc!”

"At the expense of countless hydrogen nuclei, we have finally found the ghost that has been plaguing us from the mystery of the quantum world."

"The 750gev is not all of it, but the part of it that is exposed to our sight. As I initially guessed, its true body is hidden in a hyperspace that cannot be directly observed."

The voices of the arguments spread out in the lecture hall.

Almost half of the scholars, especially those from other research institutions, have unexpected expressions on their faces. Although they have already seen the experimental data, most of them do not understand why Lu Zhou is so decisive in his conclusion.

At least in the eyes of most of them, there is no direct correlation between the two.

I noticed the change in the expression on their faces. The expression on Lu Zhou’s face was without any change, and she continued to say it in a relaxed tone.

"Before I start my explanation, I want to tell a story first."

“How can a paper person living in a two-dimensional world observe a sphere moving in three-dimensional space?”

“In the usual sense, we think this is impossible.”

"Two-dimensional creatures must be incomplete in their understanding of the three-dimensional world. There is no doubt that unless we are fortunate, we can use a beam of light from the three-dimensional world to barely see its projection in the two-dimensional world. However, in the absence of this light, we are not only lacking in observation means, but also lacking understanding of the high-dimensional world. What we can see is only what they want us to see... or in other words, The moment the ball fell on the paper."

“At that moment, we were able to see a very tiny 'cut point' in the position where the sphere touched the plane. And when the sphere is smooth enough, the area of ​​the tangent is even negligible. So that we feel there might be there, but it is how we can't feel it."

"This is the limitation of two-dimensional creatures." Looking at the scholars under the stage, Lu Zhou’s voice gradually became serious and continued. "They can never know that they are very small in their own world." Point, what corresponds to what is in the three-dimensional world. Perhaps it is a giant that is comparable to a planet, maybe it is just a small hydrogen nucleus."

“Think carefully if you think about it. Perhaps the basic particles we know well, in fact, in a higher-dimensional world, are actually something bigger and weird than we think. And everything around us. If you divide indefinitely, will it end up with countless such infinitely small origins?"

Looking at the front of the lecture hall, a face of meditation, Lu Zhou waited quietly for a while, giving the scholars present half a minute of thinking time.

After a pause, he smiled and continued to speak.

"Of course, studying the nature of the universe we see is not the focus of this report."

After all, Lu Zhou turned to face the whiteboard, smeared a solid circle on it, and then slid down several lines as an abstract light source, projecting onto a hand-painted plane.

"Assume a situation where if the light source that illuminates the paper is not perpendicular but is emitted from a point, then the sphere moving between the source and the plane is no longer a creature of the two-dimensional world. It is the existence of invisible shape. At least by studying the projection size, they can calculate the distance of the sphere from itself in the three-dimensional coordinate system, and even derive its physical properties according to its trajectory and velocity, even They may not be able to see it with their own eyes."

"And what we did on the Moon Hadron Collider is exactly the same thing!"

The incredible voice of the audience gradually spread.

Many people have written a bit more strange on their faces than before.

Responding to the pair of eyes full of surprises, Lu Zhou continued.

"We have collected enough data through multiple experiments on the 1250tev, 1260tev, and 1300tev energy zones."

"In the mathematical sense, no matter how many dimensions it has, even in the intuitive sense we can't understand their existence, but in the abstract sense we can take them apart."

"As I said at the beginning, mathematics is not going to lie."

After all, Lu Zhou once again faced the whiteboard and wrote a Chinese character on it.


That is his name.

And a big acronym


"Boat particles, this is my name for it."

Looking back at the silent report hall, I saw no one objection as expected. After Lu Zhou smiled, he continued with a clear voice.

"In order to facilitate writing, I will record it as ‘z’.”

"Here, I will use the data in your hands to prove its existence."

"I will write as much as possible, but even so, I can't guarantee that everyone can understand."

"So, remember to look carefully."

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