Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1150: Our physics is far more than a standard model

At the same time as the voice fell, Lu Zhou had turned to face the whiteboard behind him, and the marker he had pinched in his hand moved.

As Shasha's brushstrokes walked up the whiteboard, the line-by-line calculations flowed along the blade of the knife, as if with a mysterious magic, sticking to everyone's sight.




The tip of the pen was slightly moved a half inch, and looked at the three-five-line formula that fell on the whiteboard. Lu Zhou’s eyes gradually appeared a smile, and nodded with satisfaction.

Not bad.

It feels very good, just like a foot has stepped into the mysterious void, infinitely close to the edge of truth.

Although there is such a suspicion of boasting, this is indeed the most real feeling of his moment at this moment.

It took ten seconds to relive this feeling, and took a deep breath of Lu Zhou, and once again wrote a focused color in his eyes. And the pen that was pinched at his fingertips moved again with his thoughts that seemed to connect the universe...

With regard to this elementary particle hidden in hyperspace, the real difficulty of extracting it from the snail shell of the high-dimensional world lies in the abstraction of high-dimensional space.

However, in physics, any operation involving such problems can become quite complicated.

At the same time, the related calculations involve a very complex problem-level problem, which requires a bunch of 10^38gev-level things to make a result of the magnitude of 10^2 to 10^3gev.

Whether it is a logical operation or a numerical operation, this problem is a test of the mathematical foundation of a physicist.

Fortunately, Lu Zhou was originally a mathematician.

The "macro unified theory" has also brought him a lot of help on this issue. It can even be said that the difficulty of this problem is directly reduced by one dimension.

Many abstract things can't be represented by specific graphics at all, but if they are described in a unified mathematical form, everything is simple or computational.

Of course, this may be convenient for Lu Zhou, but for most physicists who are not engaged in mathematical research, especially those who have not yet learned the mathematical theory of mathematics. These steps may not seem so intuitive...

Even some strong people are hard.

Sitting next to Professor Witten, Professor Frank Welzek’s gaze on the whiteboard has completely fallen into a sluggish state.

Although not ignorant, to be honest, mathematics has never been his strength, including the students he brings, and there are very few people who can do this part of the work.

Otherwise, at the beginning, he would not choose to cooperate with Lu Zhou, who is only an interns, to study the 750gev project.

Forbearance for a while did not speak.

Finally, he couldn’t help but talk to the Witten who sat next to him.

"What is he writing?"

Did not answer the old friend's question, staring at the whiteboard's Witten, the eyes are also filled with dignified colors.

Although he has achieved the Fields Award-winning achievement in the field of topology and partial differentials compared to others, it is a little easier to receive these theories, but the so-called easy is only relative In terms of.

Maybe in a younger case, the situation will be slightly better. But now, just keeping up with the rhythm of Lu Zhou, has spent almost all of his concentration, even if he wants to answer the confusion of Professor Frank Welzek, there is no time for Yu Yu.

In a blink of an eye, a whiteboard is full.

Taking advantage of the staff to drag the new whiteboard from the side, Witeng finally took the air and answered the confusion in the heart of the old friend next to him.

" simple terms, he used an abstract mathematical method to create an additional dimensional model similar to add. The dimension of this model is n, containing some strange properties... let's call it 'land The boat mechanism is 'good.' Through the experimental data obtained by the high-energy collider, he tested the model with extra dimensions, and then answered why the 750gev signal is so strange, and the characteristic peak frequently appears but the confidence is always insufficient. problem."

This explains that in the fog, Frank Wilzeke said scalp.

“How can I understand these things?”

Witton’s face showed a helpless expression, saying in an uncertain tone: “There may be a reference book on algebraic geometry and a thesis on the principle of mathematical unification...may be able to understand, but I suggest you give up, now It must be too late."

"...God, when did mathematics start to look like this?"

Looking at Frank Verzek, who was almost going crazy, Witten sighed and said.

"If you are referring to algebraic geometry, I am afraid it will become like this from the middle of the last century."

A brand new whiteboard was dragged onto the stage.

It took about half a minute to sort out the next thoughts, and Lu Zhou picked up the pen and continued to board the book.

Like a chanting spell, the line of obscure calculations printed on the whiteboard is also printed in the eyes of the audience in the lecture hall, just like the petrification, the whole scene is silent. The bird is silent.

At this moment, the Luzhou on the stage has completely entered the state of self-forgetting, completely immersed in his own world, as if he is integrated with nature, and even the rhythm of breathing is synchronized with the rhythm of the universe.

In the large lecture hall, in addition to the brushstrokes that the sands walked, the slightest sound could not be heard.

In this way, time passes by.

The audience under the stage also watched quietly.

In fact, although for most people, these steps may be a bit too difficult to understand, but still some people can feel the mystery.

From hard to learn, to a clear and clear understanding.

Suddenly, Edward Witten's pupils shrank slightly, and then a flash of excitement.

That light is like a spark that ignites the forest, igniting in a pair of pupils of different colors. As the steps of the argument came to an end, more and more people finally began to realize the mystery written on the whiteboard.

Even with a few points, I don’t understand it.

But it is a lot better than at the beginning.

Finally, the pen that wrote the last line was fixed on the whiteboard.


After collecting the marker in his hand, Lu Zhou turned to face a quiet lecture hall and said with a clear and steady voice.

"I may have forgotten to say that the argument for the existence of z-particles is over in the penultimate twenty-seventh line. In fact, it is quite unexpected to write here, because the contents of the twenty-seventh line behind In particular, regarding the value of the z-particles, I actually intend to spend two weeks or a month to slowly ponder."

I glanced at the calculation on the whiteboard and turned to look at the boat at the venue. I suddenly smiled.

The smile is like a breeze, blowing away the fog, and blowing away the dark clouds that are pressing on everyone's heart. All the dignity seems to be clear at this moment.

Perhaps, a happy mood can really make the problem simple, just like a good look can make the mood happy.

Suddenly, he continued.

"Dividing matter into 10^-10 meters, we can get atoms. When we first named this word, we gave it the meaning of the basic particles that make up the matter. But in fact, as physics continues to progress, we soon discover It can continue to break down."

“Soon we got electrons, neutrons, protons, followed by quarks, lepton, Higgs particles, etc.”

"Imagine what would be the material we know if we divide indefinitely?"

"I am afraid that no one can answer this question immediately. We can prove the existence of n-dimensional space by means of the phenomenological model of add, and the m theory predicts n=11, but there is nothing in this space, we know nothing. We can Knowing that we are only living in a three-dimensional world, the high-dimensional 'string' is curly for us."

"Like the 'small ball' that I originally mentioned on paper, if you just rely on your eyes, the paper people will never understand what the infinite little black spots are. Maybe the space above their heads. It is full of such small balls, and it is these black spots that fall on the paper that make them and even the world they see."

“It’s the same for promotion to 3D space.”

"Like the light we see, the air we breathe, the water in the cup... divide them indefinitely, and what we can finally see, maybe it's such an infinite little black spot."

"Including the z-particle, I don't even dare to say that what I see at the moment is its full picture. Maybe I reveal only its projection on the x-1 dimension, and it actually has a bigger secret hidden in the hyperspace. Behind it."

"Maybe, this is the limitation of 3D biology."

"Perhaps only when our civilization is advanced enough, when our physics can fully resolve all dimensions of the universe, when we can walk upright on the eleven-dimensional 'string'... then we can see that completely A small ball that broke into our world and the whole picture of this universe."

Speaking of this, Lu Zhou’s face once again showed a smile.

"As the last egg in this report, I am following other seniors here and making a bold guess."

"Perhaps one day in the future, when our civilization is advanced enough, when the solar system can no longer accommodate our physical and ambitions."

"Using the nature of hyperspace to achieve light years as a distance unit of interstellar navigation may be the best choice for us to move across the star system!"

There is no response.

Obviously, everyone is still immersed in the previous shock.

There was a slight loss for the fact that there was no applause. Lu Zhou was preparing to put the marker on the stage, and then thanked and left.

However, at this moment, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and suddenly turned back to look at the whiteboard.

"... I almost forgot an important thing."

Sorry to smile, Lu Zhou reached out in the last line of the whiteboard, and filled the number that made countless people dream.

[z(n)=0~1.25tev, if and only if n=3, z=750gev. 】

"750gev is the energy it expands in a low-dimensional space. It is not surprising that 1.25tev is the upper bound of its theoretical mass, and 0 is the static mass in three-dimensional space when it constitutes an atom."

"Slowly verify it! The steps before the twenty-seventh line have proven that it exists, and the data from the Moon Hadron Collider supports this conclusion."

"As for the 27th line, after the theoretical calculation of the z-particle quality, we will create a more advanced experimental equipment than the Moon Hadron Collider. One day you can prove that I am right."

Throw the marker on the tray of the whiteboard and look around at the quiet and silent meeting place. Lu Zhou held his hands on the desk and continued.

"In short, as you have seen, this particle is much heavier than we think."

"It's far more than the 750gev we can see."

"And our physics is far more than the standard model we are familiar with."

"Thank you."

After that, he bowed slightly and turned to the stage.

And almost at the moment he just turned around, the applause that sounded like a pouring rain fell behind him, almost blasting the entire lecture hall...

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