Villa of Zhongshan International.

Lu Zhou, who is sitting in the study room, is making a video call with Xiao Yan. As soon as the phone was connected, the sound of silver bells floated from the phone.

"Brother! I heard that you have made a big news!"

Looking at the little girl in the phone with a strange expression, Lu Zhou asked.

"Even you heard about it?"

I am happy for my brother’s achievements, and Xiao Xiao said with a smile.

"That must be! The whole Princeton is discussing this matter, even if I don't want to listen, there is no way."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou suddenly smiled embarrassedly and said nothing.

Although this kind of thing is expected, but I heard other people talking about it in person, it is still a little embarrassed.

Gently coughed, Lu Zhou changed the subject and said.

"How have you been there over there? Have you made any progress in your studies?"

"It's very good. It's very boring to stay in the country for a long time. Every day, there are two points in the library and the student apartment. Then I go to the supermarket to buy the car on the weekend. It seems that there is nothing else."

"You didn't buy a scooter?"

"No, I don't like to drive," shook his head. Xiaoyan suddenly remembered something, and said with a slap in his head, "I’m right, I almost forgot the right thing. Professor Krugman asked me to take him. You say hello, he also said that the model for predicting the future has progressed, only a good mathematician -"

Hearing this unexpected name, Lu Zhou squatted slightly, and then he said strangely.

"...he hasn't given up yet."

The little girl at the end of the video, I am embarrassed to scratch my head.

"Oh... it doesn't seem to be."

Lu Zhou was silent for a while, said openly.

"Thank you for your greetings from Professor Krugman."

"That, that topic?"

I took a bite of a happy house, and Lu Zhou thought about it.

"When I am not busy, let me talk."

Obviously heard the euphemistic rejection of the old man's words, Xiao Yan made a helpless expression.

"ok, I get it."

The two then talked for a while, the main focus was on life and parents. When they learned that their parents were in good health, Xiao Yan did not continue to disturb Lu Zhou. After hanging up the phone, he yawned and went to sleep. .

At this time, the Chinese side is in the daytime, and the North American side is already turning fast.

Some people seem to be very relaxed on the surface, but they don’t know how much work is invisible to others. Although Xiaoyan never complained or complained to him, she could guess by her status, she usually Learning must be very hard.

This guy……

Especially in character, sometimes he was carved out of a mold.

Shaking his head with a smile, Lu Zhou threw the phone aside.

It feels good to take a vacation.

It is expected that there will be countless people who want to find him during this time. Lu Zhou wisely hid back to his home and started the vacation mode. Unless it is important news, he will not return.

As for imcrc, he has completely thrown it to Luo Wenxuan to deal with it.

Including the preparations for the next Board meeting, soon new research topics will be placed at the conference table for discussion. The last time I had already taken him to such a meeting, this time Lu Zhou intends to hand him over to him.

If even this little thing is not even, it will be too disappointing.

But then again, the 750gev study has finally come to an end, and the papers that have been compiled have been submitted to the "Future". He also really needs to give himself a few days off and take a good rest.

Speak up...

I have been resting for a week, and I should think about the next step.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou put down the happy water in the hands of the fat house, leaning on the sofa, closing his eyes and silently reading the system.

When he opened his eyes again, consciousness has appeared in a pure white space, standing in front of a translucent holographic panel.

At the same time, a line of light blue text then emerged from the holographic panel.

[Congratulations on the host, complete the task! 】

[Task: Take the grain in the fire! 】

[Description: The completion of the Hadron Hadron Collider will definitely become a highlight in the history of human civilization. It is like a giant space telescope, but it is not an innocent starry sky, but a mystery that is farther away than the starry sky...]

[Requirement: Discover a brand new particle]

[Reward: 1 million physics experience, 10,000 points, a purple "legend" mission card. 】

1 million physics experience!

From the "future era", it has taken another big step.

If the heart is feeling, Lu Zhouying looks beyond the series of pop-up windows on the holographic panel, directly extending the index finger of the right hand, and selecting the icon of the property panel.

a. Mathematics: lv10

b. Physics: lv8 (132.15 million / 3 million)

c. Biochemistry: lv6 (10,000/600,000)

d. Engineering: lv6 (100,000/600,000)

e. Materials Science: lv6 (163,000 / 600,000)

f. Energy: lv4 (0 million / 200,000)

g. Informatics: lv4 (0/200,000)

Points: 34335

As expected, the physics level has risen from lv7 to lv8, leaving only two levels from the full level.

It’s just the upper limit of the experience of three million. It’s really a bit desperate.

What kind of problem can you come up with so many points...

Lu Zhou thought for a long time and couldn't think of a clue.

I used to think that the mathematics level was too difficult to rise. Now that I started to specialize in physics, he discovered that the really difficult thing to do is to wait for him.

At least in mathematics, he has a general direction for the future development, but the physics is too strong, the frontier theory is conjecture, and no one knows whether these theories will be in the next second. Will be overthrown.

For example, m theory and supersymmetry theory, these two theories that ruled the frontier of theoretical physics from the middle and the last century, and now people have begun to re-examine it.

After all, supersymmetric particles have been in search for decades, and until now there has been no clue.

The only thing that is fortunate is that after mathematics reaches lv10, as long as it involves calculations, it is at least one dimension simpler than before.

Including his ability to study z particles, this ability has greatly helped him. It can even be said that if it is not because of the mathematics level of lv10, maybe he will still be able to solve this problem, but it will not be done in just one month.

"It's still a lot of effort..."

As if thinking in the heart, Lu Zhou reached out and opened the inventory, and turned his eyes to the purple "legend" mission card suspended in the inventory. The brilliant light is like a scattered diamond, and looks like a piece of art.

Although he knew it was a special effect, he couldn't help but appreciate it for a while.

Since it is a mission card, it is somewhat rewarding. The prize can still be expected.

But this purple, should be one level lower than gold?

I don't know what will come out.

Thinking about it, Lu Zhou extended his right hand and poked on the mission card.

The light particles of the diamonds are usually blasted in the air, and then they are like a firefly that dances in the air and become a lavender dialog box.

[Task: Heritage Search]

[Description: A person's line of sight is narrow in the end. Sometimes even if they are standing at the top of the mountain, we still need to use the wisdom of the sages to see the scenery we have neglected. 】

[Requirement: Recycling of the remains of Professor Grottendick. 】

[Reward: A random experience card, a lucky draw opportunity, virtual memory b2]

Neglected scenery?

Seeing this task, Lu Zhou’s face showed a strange expression.

I don't know if it is his illusion. He always thinks that this system is like a word in the words...

Light pen

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