Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1154: I have been holding you all the time.

After leaving the system space, Lu Zhou stood up from the sofa and was about to make a phone call with Professor Carlson of the Cray Institute. A bunch of bubbles popped up on the phone.

Xiao Ai: [Master, there are guests coming. ??(^??^*)]

The guests?

Who will visit him at this time?

Lu Zhou questioned his eyebrows, but did not ask, got up and changed his clothes to see the clothes, and then walked to the entrance.

Standing outside the yard, Director Li is reaching out and preparing to ring the doorbell. The iron door in front of him is slamming himself and letting out the path leading to the main entrance.

Not far from the door opened, Lu Zhou stood at the door and smiled and said hello.

"Director Li? What kind of wind has blown you?"

After picking up his hand from the doorbell, Director Li said with a smile.

"I heard that you have returned to Jinling from Shanghai. I am not here to see you? Walk around and go in and say, don't stand and talk outside."

Looking at the director who circumvented himself and consciously went to the house, Lu Zhou squatted slightly.

Although there is nothing wrong with saying this, I always feel that my line has been robbed...

After returning to the living room, Lu Zhou went to the kitchen to have a cup of coffee and a cup of tea, put it on the coffee table, and then sat opposite the director Li.

Just when he was planning to ask the old guy to take a trip from Jinling to Jinling to find out what he was doing, Director Li was laughing and talking to him first.

"Every time I come to you, I want to ask, is your door high-tech, isn't you afraid of making a mistake?"

Rest assured, even if you admit the wrong person, Xiao Ai is absolutely impossible to admit mistakes.

In the heart so silently spit a sentence, Lu Zhou smiled and said.

"Now the face recognition technology is quite advanced... Is there anything?"

He didn't believe that this guy went to Jinling to run this trick to see himself.

Director Li smiled and said: "Are you busy now?"

"Not busy... or busy, what is the relationship?"

In fact, after completing the subject of z-particles, Lu Zhou basically took a break, not only was not busy, but even planned to go to France.

However, when he had just said half of it, he noticed the kind smile on Director Li’s face and immediately changed his mouth.

I have been so familiar with this old man for so many years.

As long as it meets, Bacheng is having trouble asking for help.

After trying twice, he failed to make a successful statement. Director Li made a helpless expression and said frankly.

"Well, then I will just say, this is the case... Didn't you say that at the end of last year, you are busy with the plan to get the whole good thing out? Can you tell me what it is?"

Lu Zhou: "...?"

good stuff?

What a good thing.

Looking at Director Li slyly, Lu Zhou hesitated, and asked.

"Is there something about this?"

When I saw Lu Zhou actually did not accept the account, Secretary Li suddenly rushed, and said busy.

"That must be! You forgot? When I came to you at the end of last year to talk about imcrc, you told me, and told me to keep it secret, you don't want to fool people."

When I heard that I was looking for something about imcrc at the end of the year, Lu Zhou immediately remembered it, and then I was embarrassed to smile.

It seems that there is really something about it.

But to be honest, in fact, he was thinking about this task to get 30,000 points, I am afraid that I can exchange a lot of good things, so I just said a word, mainly to send him away.

The virtual reality technology that was last made has not been completely digested. I really didn't think about it this time.

"Oh, that thing, I think about it - not right, how can I forget such an important thing," Lu Zhou coughed, and looked at Li Xiao, who was crying and laughing, continued, "But research. How can I be so fast, I have to prepare for a while, and I will tell you when I have news."

Director Li said with a smile: "Academician, you are selling a little bit... a bit too much, at least tell me what it is?"

If I know that I still need to sell it with you?

Although I thought so in my heart, Lu Zhou certainly could not say so.

"For a variety of reasons, please allow me to keep this secret for the time being. In short... you will wait for a while, and won't let you wait too long."

Nor did he give Li Secretary the opportunity to continue speaking. Lu Zhou followed the turn of the front and opened the topic to the place of 100,000 miles. He said with a smile.

"Right, I just thought of one thing when I said it. Recently I am going to go to France. Can you look over it... Can you help me arrange it?"

Director Li: "..."

After doing this position for so many years, he was the first to see such a shameless...


In Paris in February, although the winter is nearing the end, the chill in the air has not yet dispersed. Most pedestrians on the street wear down jackets, or they use scarves to wrap themselves tightly.

Especially in the suburbs where there is no one to smoke.

Because the street outside the window is too quiet, it makes the air here colder.

However, for Molina, this quiet environment is no better.

In the old house that looked at some years, wearing a black goose down coat, she stood in front of the oil painting on the wall and looked like a sculpture.

"Thirty years soon..."

From the morning until now, it took a long time to spit out this sentence from the mouth. She continued to talk to herself with a nightmare voice.

"Please, please tell me, what should I do next?"

For the entire seven years, she has been struggling with the goal of Riemann's conjecture.

Although I know that the effort does not necessarily have a result, I have not been able to see the psychological preparation for this problem to be solved in this life, but she did not expect that everything is over.


everything is over.

She does not know, at this moment, what kind of mood is there.

Throughout the proof of the paper, she couldn't see a little bit of her own results, as if the methods she had tried to figure out were not the same.

However, when those formulas were written on the whiteboard, it was so smooth and taken for granted that she had the same feeling for the seven years.

After returning from St. Petersburg to France, she locked herself in this house. She did not return to Princeton, nor did she contact Princeton’s friends. She only asked the dean for a long vacation. The whole person seemed to be from the mathematics community. It disappeared, and there was no news.

In fact, is there any relationship with myself?

She has thought about it more than once.

After all, the results she made, anyway, now seem to be nothing more than irrelevant...

The hand that was held together was in the sleeve, looking at the back of the granddaughter. The old man in the nightgown leaned against the handrail of the stairway. The muddy eyes were full of complexities and a hint of guilt.

As if I had been doing a long-term ideological struggle, he finally made up his mind to bite his teeth, and he always said that sentence, but he never said anything.

"...there is something, in fact, I have been holding you all the time."

Without looking back, Molina said in a calm voice.

"... If it's the story of you and Grandma Anisha next door, you don't have to say it, we actually know."

"No, not that," the old man was red, and the old man coughed. The silence lasted for a long time. Finally, he said, "... In fact, our family is not a descendant of Niels Abel."

When she heard the words of her grandfather, Molina had a touch of warmth in her eyes.

"I know that you are comforting me, I am fine, don't worry about me."

Grandfather: ", actually, I am telling the truth."

Serious eyes on my grandfather.

This time, Molina stunned.

Although the instinct did not believe, but seeing that it was not a joke or an old-fashioned look, she gradually began to realize that this may not be lying or comforting her.

She swallowed hard and asked with a trembling voice.

"...What do you mean?"

Now that he has made up his mind, the old man no longer hesitates and tries his best.

"This secret was originally intended to be brought into the coffin. In fact, our family has nothing to do with Mr. Abel. I have never been to Norway, my father and grandfather have never been to... I just retired. I was going to go there, but I finally gave up."

Molina: "Then my last name..."

"I really belong to Abel... but the French surname Abel actually has a lot of people? I remember that when I was in high school, there were two in our class. You are also, you are also, how are you so straight? Abel died only after he lived in his twenties. He has been in his life. This is something written in the history of mathematics. Do you not study mathematics?"

The expression on Molina’s face seemed to be mad, and she looked back at the oil painting on the wall and her eyes were big.

"The painting is also fake? There are those notes in the collection room..."

The old man screamed and whispered: "Those things are not fake... After all, it is not a famous work. It is not worth much. It includes the math notes he made when he was young, and the hard things he wrote. When I was young, I bought it from a collector. I originally planned to donate it to the museum, but I encountered various accidents and finally shelved it."

After a half step back, Molina shook her head and looked at her grandfather. She collapsed and said: "...I don't understand, why are you lying?"

Why have you lied to me for so long?

"When you did not have a good grade in mathematics, I pointed to the oil painting and said something casually. You really shamed our surname, and then did not know how, his mathematics score suddenly suddenly collapsed. I am It was very boring at first, but it was a good thing anyway, so I didn’t pay much attention to it. Until one day he suddenly found me and asked if my family was the descendant of Professor Abel, I... I didn’t. Take control of your mouth."

It seems to be ashamed of his lies, watching his granddaughter, the old man lowered his eyes and sighed heavily.

"It turns out that there are no good lies in this world, lies are lies, and a lie is made up of countless lies. No matter how perfect it is, how seamless it is, it will ultimately pay a price. Sorry, I was really It’s just a casual talk, I didn’t expect things to develop like this...”

"If you want to hate, hate me."

Looking at the mural on the wall, Molina felt like something was broken, and the whole person collapsed instantly...

Light pen

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