Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1160: Mathematics is the universal language of the universe

Professor Grottendick’s tombstone was in the inconspicuous corner of the cemetery, covered with dust, and no one had visited it for a long time.

At the beginning of his later years, he was no longer in contact with people. Except for a few friends who knew his residence, most people didn't even know where he was buried.

According to the old priest, in addition to the last two months of his life, Grottendick came here to pray almost every weekend.

In the face of the old man's rumored mission, Lu Zhou simply looked down and placed the bouquet in front of the tombstone.

In his own way, he sent a blessing to the great scholar in his heart, and thanked him for leaving the precious materials to himself, and then Lu Zhou turned and left.

It is not that he does not want to stay here more.

Only he really didn't want to be embarrassed next to the director of Giacino, who made a sad and deep expression standing there.

In fact, there is nothing to be sad at all. It is human nature to live and die. You can choose the life you like to spend the rest of your life. This is something that many people are envious of. His seclusion is a big loss for the mathematics community, but for himself, it is a blessing.

After leaving the cemetery, Lu Zhou followed the old priest and went to his home near the church, seeing the rest of the pile in his garage.

The reason why the word heap is used is because the information is really a lot, just like a hill.

It is said that in the 18th century, when academic exchanges were not developed, most European mathematicians relied on letters and manuscripts to "openly" research results. Lu Zhou did not expect to see such "primitive" communication in the 21st century.

Although the information was placed here in the form of a pile, it can be seen that the old man took some effort to separate the draft from the official notes and covered it with a layer of plastic cloth to block the dust.

Seeing such a good copy of these notes, Lu Zhou fulfilled his promise and donated a million euros to the St. Lizier Church symbolically, as the documentary custody fee for eight years.

Regardless of how happy the old priest was because of this huge sum of money, Lu Zhou took out his mobile phone and called the school sister. Please help her to contact the local airlines that do logistics business in Paris and entrust them with those books. After the draft was sent back to the country, he took the car back to Paris.

The latter thing is very simple.

In the case of Star Technology, there was a price that could not be refused. The entrusted aerospace company stepped on the back heel of Lu Zhou and his entourage and came to the town of Omites. After walking the precious materials, they were sent to the special plane to Jinling on the same day, and they did not arrange for the fighters to escort.

After returning to the hotel in the evening, after a quick meal in the cafeteria, Lu Zhou returned to the room and spread the notes of Professor Grottendick on the table, opening the title page with great interest.

"Can't even solve the problem that Professor Grottendick can solve? Let me come and do it..."

It is rumored that before the seclusion, Professor Grothendieck and his student Deligne have been working on the Riemann conjecture and its promotion in the field of algebraic geometry, and the famous Wei conjecture is precisely during this period. It was solved by Deligne.

If Professor Grothendieck after seclusion is still studying mathematics, then there is a high probability that the problem he is studying is the Riemann conjecture that he has solved.

However, Lu Zhou thought that when he saw a research note on Riemann's conjecture, his eyes touched the note moment, but his eyes floated a bit.

"……What is this?"

Motive theory?


Although the abstract number is used, the motive theory he knows is not the same thing.

Continue to look down, Lu Zhou turned a page, and soon found that the things recorded in this note, completely out of their own expectations. This is not a Riemann conjecture at all, but... he has never seen or even heard a mathematical proposition that he has never heard of.

The first proposition, Professor Grothendieck has given the proof method. As for the second proposition, it seems that he does not seem to solve it.

Interested in the difficulty of Professor Grottendick, Lu Zhou took the ballpoint pen from the table, pulled a piece of draft paper, and used the algebraic geometric unity theorem to make a simple transformation on this proposition 2.

However, just as he finished the operation, looking at the results on the paper, the whole person was stunned.

Another expression of Riemann's conjecture! ?

Quickly turned a few pages behind the notes, and when I saw the back part, Lu Zhou was relieved.

"...apparently Professor Grottendick did not prove it."

Maybe he has already felt with his instincts. This proposition is actually a Riemann conjecture, but he did not give a reasonable proof.

After all, the unified theory of algebra and geometry was not solved by itself until last year.

Use a pencil to gently tap a position on the position of Proposition 2, indicating that the proposition has been solved by himself. Looking at the calculations on this note, Lu Zhou is immersed in contemplation.

"...this is definitely not just a simple math problem."

These complex propositions are sufficient even if they are published as mathematical conjectures.

Aside from the academic value itself, at least in terms of difficulty, they are nothing more than a thousand puzzles. It is not like something that one can accomplish.

Of course, the problem is here.

If you want to get an answer, Professor Grottendick can make this note public.

The current network is so developed that even if he is still in conflict with publishing his own research results, he can publish it in an anonymous form.

People are not necessarily powerful, but the chances of solving problems are always much greater than when one thinks.

The tip of the pen was gently lit on the draft paper, and Lu’s brow was gently wrinkled.

At this time, he suddenly remembered a rumor.

According to Professor Grottendick's friend, in his later years, his spirit was in a state of considerable instability, and he was addicted to the imagination of the devil.

For example, he believes that the demon has turned the beautiful speed of light, which should be 300,000 kilometers per second, into a ugly 299,792.458 kilometers per second.

Although it is not clear why an outstanding mathematician will make such a basic mistake in measuring and weighing this problem, if it is not the friend who fabricated the facts, most of them are due to reasons.

After that, the pope who retired from the rivers and lakes suddenly wrote a personal letter to his former student Professor Ilusi in January 2010, announcing that all his texts published after his "disappearance" could not be reprinted. .

This incident caused a lot of trouble at the time, because the two books "Algebraic Geometry Foundation" and "Algebraic Geometry Discussion Materials" that were revoked can be said to be the Bible of algebraic geometry, which cannot be requested by the author himself. Public offerings and translations will only make it harder for people to get them.

Recalling the words on the personal letter to myself, Lu Zhou did not really believe that a person with abnormal mentality could write those things.

What he is more willing to believe is that this scholar must have something that is difficult for him to understand.

such as……

The pupils contracted slightly, and suddenly there was a possibility in the lurking of the boat.

"...physics is the universal law of the universe, and mathematics is the universal language of the universe."

Repeatedly chewing this sentence from Dr. Ryan, looking at the mathematical calculations in the notes, Lu Zhou feels that his thoughts are like being opened instantly, the more the look in the pupil is brighter.

If his guess is correct.

This is really not a pure mathematical proposition...

Instead, a language!

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