Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1161: Judah substation

The next morning, Lu Zhou followed the visiting team of Huaguo and visited the controllable fusion power station in the small town of Cadarache in the south of France.

In addition to the old man who came to France with him, accompanied by the French president, as well as the executives of the French Power Group, and the engineers of East Asia Power.

This time, it was not the academician of the king who led the team. It was an old engineer who had never seen a boat, and a group of young boys.

When I met, the old engineer excitedly pulled Lu Zhou’s hand and made Lu Zhou particularly embarrassed.

Obviously, although so many years have passed, he has not been engaged in nuclear engineering research for a long time, but the prestige in this field has not been weakened.

Even if I don't know if it is his illusion, I always feel that these nuclear power people who have not really touched him have a bit of a myth.

At least in his own opinion, at least half of the success of Pangudui belongs to the entire project team.

Not long after arriving at the destination, the group first took a photo at the gate and then walked inside the nuclear power plant under the reception of the construction party.

The design of the nuclear power plant is basically modeled after the Pangu heap, which takes three full years. Not far from it, there is the foundation of the unfinished iter project.

Because the technology used in the core trap of Pangu reactor is two different technical routes from the iter project, the French construction team is faced with the choice of either excavating the foundation for re-construction or completely abandoning it.

Considering that the former may not be cost-effective in terms of cost, and there may be no way to pass the project acceptance of East Asia Power, they chose the latter.

When the person in charge here said how French workers have overcome many difficulties with their professionalism and wisdom, and finally built the "small sun" that is destined to light up the west coast of Europe, The engineers laughed at the same time.

Have you covered this stuff for three years?

They are also so proud of them.

However, in the end, there was no extension of the construction period, and it was not until the end of next year. However, many people in the delegation were surprised and applause was finally given.

During the visit, Lu Zhou, the chief designer of the China-controlled fusion project, seemed to be a little absent-minded.

Not because he was a headache for the efficiency of these French people, but because he was studying the notes all night, and even now he is still wandering around with complicated mathematical formulas.

Even for him, it is not an easy task to solve the mathematical problems in the notes.

Especially in the form of mathematical expression, the parts involved in these problems are abstract numbers, not decimal numbers in the traditional sense. Although motive theory can be well qualified for the role of tools, if you give these themselves A sufficiently abstract mathematical form is accompanied by a more complex logical transformation. The whole problem is like a ball of wool entwined. It takes a lot of effort to clear them.

Fortunately, he has completed the unified theory of algebra and geometry, and many places in the motive theory have also been supplemented by him.

If you used the mathematical method ten years ago, it is just proof that Proposition 2 in this note is equivalent to Riemann's conjecture, and it is enough to kill countless people. And the same is true, even even such outstanding scholars as Professor Grothendieck have been stuck with this.

With advanced mathematical theory, it took less than an hour for Lu Zhou to prove this point yesterday.

However, the optimistic situation has stopped here.

It took a night to prove that after Proposition 3, facing the proposition 4 of geometric growth, Lu Zhou thought about it for an hour without thinking.

And the problem behind.

There are still ten whole...

Think about it all makes people big.

Deliberately slowed down and walked to the side of Lu Zhou. Yesterday accompanied him to visit the director of Giacino in the Church of St. Lizier, laughing and talking.

"Lu Academician, what do you think of this nuclear power plant repair?"

Lu Zhou looked up and looked around and said casually.


Director Giacino eagerly asked: "What about the Pangu heap?"

Lu Zhou: "Almost."

When I heard this sentence, the face of Director Giacino suddenly floated a touch of joy.

Looking at the expression on his face, Lu Zhou did not know what to say at the time.

As an experimental reactor, the Pangu heap full load of Haizhou is less than half of the power generation in Daya Bay, only to supply power to the provinces of Shandong and northern Jiangsu. As for the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomerations in Wuzhong to Shanghai and in the province, the newly completed 羲 and pile-up substations are now powered.

And even if it was Pangudu, it took only one year from construction to official operation, and this was done on the basis of research on the side of construction.

It took three years to reproduce an identical Pangu heap according to the drawings of East Asia Power. I don’t know what he is proud of...

Regardless of the inexplicable pride of Director Giacino, Lu Zhou finally followed the mission to complete the remaining process of the core delivery ceremony.

The price is tens of billions of euros, and the cost is only one-tenth. Producing such a core is more profitable than selling one hundred four-generation machines.

Just such an order will increase the foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank of China by two to three percentage points, not to mention the hidden value of political and economic cooperation brought about by this order. Measured.

On the French side, although it is painful, it can eliminate expensive domestic nuclear power with low-cost fusion power generation. Whether it is the pressure of public expenditure or the pressure on energy, the cost of industrial electricity will be greatly reduced. The stimulating effect on production is more direct than the interest rate cut.

For both parties, the deal can be said to be a win-win situation.

Therefore, when shaking hands, both the French president and the visiting delegation on the Chinese side have a bright smile on their faces.

After the process was over, the group returned to the car.

Just sitting down, Lu Zhou took out the unfinished notes and continued to delve into it.

Continuing his previous speculation, if this "information" does come from an extraterrestrial civilization, it would not be a proper thing to rashly disclose it without knowing the content of the information itself.

Lu Zhou is not sure whether Professor Grottendick uses the language of extraterrestrial civilization to explain this information. Considering his mental condition, it is also possible to interpret it as something like "devil's whisper."

Perhaps it is these unanswerable propositions that have become the last straw to crush his spirit.

In fact, if you can, Lu Zhou would like to discuss with him the "devil" in his mouth, but unfortunately this is already impossible.

At that time, he probably had not gotten the system for a long time. He just completed the proof of the first mathematical proposition in his life. The pope of algebraic geometry has already reached the last moment of his life.

In addition to the origins of these mathematical formulas themselves, Lu Zhou is also more puzzled. According to the "empty memory" he sees in the system space, the "empty space" that weaves this memory is obviously aware of the earth's civilization. The language can even translate it with other civilized languages.

However, the message received by Professor Grottendick does not seem to be a straightforward language. It is a password that is presented in mathematical form.

Is it...

The message received by Professor Grothendieck is not from the void? But a level lower than the void, or even a few levels, similar to the extraterrestrial civilization like "Indigo Civilization"?

This kind of guess is also possible.

Anyway, whether it is a void or a different civilization, Lu Zhou does not believe that there is something like "devil".

However, he now understands a bit. The old man’s mental state suddenly turned sharply in his later years, and he did something that was unimaginable to others.

Thinking about these things is really not an easy task for a 70- to 80-year-old man.

He also remembers Professor Delini's evaluation of Sir Attiya, and it is already a blessing at that age, not to mention what he is doing, to be awake and not to be confused.

Moreover, these complicated mathematical calculations, even in Lu Zhou’s own opinion, will feel a little spiritual pollution.

Sitting next to Lu Zhou, Wang Peng glanced at him and said.

"Your mental state seems a bit bad."

Lu Zhou: "It may be staying up late last night."

Wang Peng: "You have been staying up late for two consecutive nights?"

Lu Zhou: "Nothing, I still have enough sleep for five hours a day."

Wang Peng: "...Yan’s suggestion is that you should try to ensure that your sleep is better for eight hours every day. This is also for your body."

"Compared to my body, there are things that deserve more attention." Looking at this old friend who looked concerned, Lu Zhou gave him a reassuring look and said with a smile. "Reassure, wait for this piece." When things are busy, I will definitely take a break."

Wang Peng hesitated and looked at the notebook in the hands of Lu Zhou.

"...this note?"

Lu Zhou did not nod and did not shake his head. He just turned the pen in his hand and gave a simple and ambiguous answer.


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