Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1173: The end of the fire!

In fact, the Samsung clerk's estimate, in the end, is still ignoring people's enthusiasm for virtual reality technology.

At the time when 50,000 helmets had been sold on site, the price of a hv-1 helmet in the second-hand market had exceeded 50,000, which was four times that of the price of 12,000. more than.

After seeing such a price, many people who sold early showed their expression of remorse, while orders that were sold at low prices were continuously cancelled by the seller and hanged at a higher price.

There is a strange picture on the entire second-hand platform.

Seeing that there is not much volume, but the price of the helmet is a step up every minute, and it is hard to be dominated by the seller.

If you say that the general product launch conference, there will be a group of oxen at the door, ask the customers who come here but return empty-handed, whether you want to buy scalper goods.

However, the situation here is the opposite. Although there are also oxen at the door, they are not aimed at the customers who are not in line, but those who have already bought their backpacks and are happy to buy them from the exhibition hall.

Whenever I see such a person, they will go up to the driver at the entrance of the train station and take the trouble to ask -

"Big brother? Will you sell it? I am out of twenty-four thousand! I doubled my hand and passed this village without this store!"

"Cut! This money also wants to buy? I am out of 30,000! Sell it to me!"

Of course, in addition to the scalper, there are some players who really want to buy.

However, who is standing here, who is not?

Therefore, no matter what kind of price those people offer, except for a few people who will hesitate, the answers given by the vast majority of people often have only a concise word -


At the same time, when the "high-priced helmet" reached the top of the hot search list, many users who had the privilege of entering the conference site not only had the helmet returned to their homes in advance, but even had already used the experience on the Internet. I have come to countless people who eat melons and envy their hatred.

For example, Wang Lihui, a well-known director, published a long blog post on his bib at the first time after the live conference, describing his feeling of using the hv-1 to fully immersive vr technology.

[First declare that this is not an advertisement. It’s so hard to get the tickets on the press conference. I spent a lot of effort to make it. I don’t need a small director to advertise for Warwick Group and Star Technology. 】

[Directly speaking, intuitively, as the world's first publicly available neural access virtual reality device, hv-1 equipped with a phantom system has rendered the virtual reality world to the extreme. Compared with other products, there are no other products on the market for reference. Now I can only do a complete evaluation of the helmets that the rice group sells at the end of the month. Compare which helmets cost more. 】

[Price, the price of 12,000 is certainly not cheap, but in fact it is the price of some high-end notebooks, spending 12 thousand to buy a world, in my opinion is completely worth it. In fact, I have noticed that some people in the second-hand market have fired their helmets at a price of 200,000 yuan. It seems that the market is also acknowledging this pricing. 】

[Of course, I don't recommend my fans to buy second-hand channels. After all, Warwick Group will have to ship a batch of helmets next month. When the supply meets the gap in the market, everyone will have the opportunity to embrace this illusory and beautiful second. world. 】

[More feelings! I can't describe this feeling in words at all. It is brand new and pioneered. It is beyond my understanding of the Internet and the virtual world! Many of you should have watched the number one player, and I feel that you are betting that its experience will never be inferior to the one shown in the movie of the number one player! Even if you can lie down, sit and play, and your eyes will never fatigue, all images are generated directly on the optic nerve! 】

[Of course, as a filmmaker, virtual reality technology has caused me to think about the future film industry. Maybe it won't take long, we will stand in the world of movies through a new, immersive way of watching...]

This article has just been posted in less than an hour, and it has been smashed on the collar, on the battle, on the circle of friends, and so on.

There are only one million helmets on the market. Online sales will not start until the early hours of the evening. However, the people who look forward to this helmet in the country and around the world are more than tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

The illusion of virtual reality technology can be said to have been around for a long time.

As early as many years ago in the sci-fi blockbuster depicting the future world, people can see the imagination of the completely immersive vr technology. And believe that in the distant future, the space in reality will no longer limit the boundaries of people's horizons, and the infinite information will broaden the mind of people into a whole dimension.

Now that this technology has finally moved from the laboratory to reality, almost everyone who turns the network into a part of life is eager to know what kind of experience this so-called second heaven is.

According to the statistics of major search platforms, the search volume of virtual reality and phantom systems, hv-1 and other keywords has steadily overwhelmed other keywords.

At this moment, people broke out of unimaginable enthusiasm.

Crazy to dig into every piece of information about it, just to embrace it before embracing this upcoming new era...


The original product launch was intended to open until 5 pm.

As a result, everyone did not expect to end early at three o'clock.

There is no reason for it. Because the price on the second-hand platform has been hitting a new high, some people even bought it from the next-door city by high-speed rail. As a result, more and more people are on the scene, and they have to start evacuating people to avoid major accidents.

The other more direct reason is that 100,000 helmets are almost sold out by three o'clock.

For those who run away, it’s hard to say that they won’t vent their dissatisfaction...

Even the Warwick Group, which hosted the conference, did not expect that the offline sales would be so hot.

Although it was expected that the world's first neuro-accessible virtual reality helmet would be sold out, and even made a special record especially in the public security, they still did not expect to exaggerate to such a degree...

The daytime release will be hot.

Ten p.m.

The headquarters of the Huawei Group is still brightly lit.

Especially in the sales department, a group of people have been sitting in front of the computer, waiting for the screen in front of them, dare not have a slight intention.

In two hours, 900,000 helmets will be hung on the official website.

It’s ridiculous that the distance is just two hours from the start of the sale, and the huge amount of traffic has already surged.

The number of visits from ip can be clearly seen, some people are constantly refreshing the webpage, as if it can be leaked in advance.

Thinking of the news from the Shanghai side during the day, the project manager in charge of the hv-1 helmet only felt that the burden on the shoulder was like a few hundred pounds of stone, even if it was a cup of drink. With coffee, there is no slight relief.

Time is like a minute and a second, the pointer finally approaches the position of twelve o'clock.

The employee sitting in front of the computer, looking at the time on the screen, said with excitement.

"Boss, time is coming soon!"

Putting down the coffee in his hand, the project manager nodded and controlled the excitement in his tone, and he looked serious and calmly.

"Let our products go online!"

Light pen

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