The situation of offline sales is extremely hot.

The online sales channel opened after the zero point has released people's purchasing enthusiasm to the extreme.

Hundreds of thousands of helmets have just been hanged on the official website for less than two minutes. The server of the website has been almost collapsed by this huge amount of traffic. In just a few breaths, 900,000 helmets were robbed. There is nothing left.

Suddenly looking at the sales data on the screen, project director Li Guangwen Zhang opened his mouth and did not speak for a while.

But this did not kill him.

The employee sitting in front of him spit out all the words he wanted to say for him.

"It's terrible... It was just two minutes on the line, and 900,000 helmets were all robbed."

"Looking at the data returned by Star Technology, the registered users of the Mirage system have exceeded 300,000."

Li Guangwen frowned and asked.

"How come this?"

The employee sitting in front of the computer replied.

"There should be some users who have bought more than one."

After all, online purchase is not as good as offline purchase. Even if you set a threshold for each user to purchase one, some users with ulterior motives can still bypass the threshold set by their fake mobile phone number and identity information and ip replacement. .

An employee sitting next to him stared at the background data and suddenly said.

"Do you say that there will be oxen in the stock?"

"80% is like this," Li Guangwen nodded, but his expression did not change. He smiled and clap his hands. "But nothing, I am not afraid that they will disrupt the market. The new factory in Jiangcheng Industrial Park is about to be put into production. It is said that the production capacity. More than doubled, when the production capacity went up, they welcomed all the goods, just to help us digest the stock!"

When I heard the words of the project manager, the employees in the office laughed at the same time.

The sales department is full of joyful atmosphere.

Although they do not seem to have much effort in planning sales, but the launch of the hv-1 equipment, there is no doubt that it can be said to be selling.

The bonus that belongs to them is absolutely indispensable!


Jinling University.

201 hostels.

Even if you can't afford it, it doesn't hinder some people who are eating melons, paying attention to the price of the soaring second-hand platform, and the high chao with the boiling people.

Looking at the number on the screen of the phone, Yang Shuang felt that his hand holding the phone was shaking. After a while, he squeezed a word out of his dry throat.

"It's too crazy... the price of a helmet has been fired in the second-hand market to 100,000 units!"

One hundred thousand one...

If you buy it for 12,000, the backhand is 100,000!

He has already begun to regret some of it. At that time, he did not ask for a vacation to queue up in Shanghai.

Sitting in a chair and brushing the mobile phone, Wu Dijun, who heard this sentence, stood up from the chair and put his head in front of Yang Shuang’s mobile phone screen, and his eyes were wide open.

"One hundred thousand one? Is this Nima a person to buy?"

Two people discussed the hv-1 that Warwick Group was about to launch one night last night. At the time, they were still feeling that the price of this one-two-two was really not close to the people, and the cost of living for one year was not necessarily affordable.

It seems that it is purely that they think more.

Want to buy the money that comes out of the living expenses?

It is simply living in a dream.

Yang Shuang: "Don't say it, the thief is selling this fast... It is said that there are overseas buyers who have come to our online shopping."

Wu Di: "Do you know this?"

"Isn't this someone taking a drum sound? Several foreigners are sitting in the airport's waiting hall, and they use the airport's wifi to brush the official website there. The most screaming is that the wolf is crying in the early morning, one is I didn't grab it."

I have been sitting there listening, and I heard that Duan Siqi couldn’t help it anymore, and interrupted.

"... is it crazy? I heard that only the virtual reality network that matches the StarCraft cloud computing service can run the Mirage system. They buy a helmet and go back to have a hairy use. It's not as good as vr glasses."

During this time he has been studying vr related knowledge, and still knows some about the running logic of the phantom system. The researcher of Star Technology is also very happy to talk to him about these things. Once I can't talk about sensitivity, secondly, I have already registered a patent, and there is no leak, and it is impossible to tell him about the business secrets.

Yang Shuang shook his head and said.

"Ghost knows, riding a motorcycle? It seems that you can't see it when you put it on... Anyway, the thinking of the rich man is incomprehensible. You said that you have the money to fly by plane. Let's buy it here. Is that bad?"

Wu Di sighed and said.

"mmp, it's awful!"

Just here, Yang Shuang suddenly thought of something, and asked.

"Right, Duan Zong, don't you say that Star Technology has sent you a helmet?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Duan Siqi squatted down, feeling that the eyes behind him were somewhat jealous and subconsciously went back.

I saw two roommates looking at their own eyes and simply letting out the green light.

Subconsciously hit a spirit, Duan Siqi said quickly.

"Don't even think about it, our helmets are limited edition commemorative models for the test! The sale is impossible! I want to pass on the family treasure."

“Flat test commemorative money?” Yang Shuang took a phone call and said with excitement, “It seems like I saw someone hanging out and selling it yesterday. I will check it... 嘶—”

Looking at this guy's tactical back, his face full of exaggerated expression, Wu Di standing next to him quickly asked and asked.

"how much is it?"

"……thirty million."

The entire bedroom was quiet for a moment, leaving only the buzz of the laptop fan.

The right hand trembled, and Yang Shuang felt that he could not hold the phone a bit, and changed his hand.

"Nima, is this a Lamborghini?!"

Wu Di also swallowed.

"...a suite in downtown Shanghai."

"Insane! The world is crazy!"

At the moment of hearing this 30 million moments, Duan Siqi’s heart also twitched and slammed. Even when it fell, it almost lost its elasticity and did not bounce back.

The ballpoint pen in his hand slammed on the table, and he stretched his trembling fingers for a long time and didn't pick it up.


That thing is a helmet! ?

There are a few days when he plays, he has to vomit!

Don't you sell such exaggerated prices? !

In fact, according to his understanding, even if the player's commemorative money is sealed, it is only a sign of the test medal on the first personal account registered when logging in to the phantom system. You can choose whether to display it.

To say that there is any use, that is, some games or built-in programs can be hung up to show off, they have participated in "game development." In addition to this, there is no use of eggs, and there is no such thing as the so-called test player privilege transmitted online.

Spend 30 million to buy such a medal.

Duan Siqi feels that the world is not the world he knows.

As the buddies in his bedroom said.

It’s crazy...

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