If you want to universalize the cable of China's optical network and want to redefine the central node of the world's Internet, you need not only advanced communication technology, but also a strong sea power and political power as a guarantee.

Fortunately, the miniaturized controlled nuclear fusion technology that was completed a few years ago provided the foundation for the former. The expansion of the cross-regional power grid in Southeast Asia has at least won ASEAN’s chariot called “Unconditional Security Cable”.

Of course, although the foundation for promoting the global optical cable system has already been made, it is not always smooth.

Due to the non-cooperation of the United States, the submarine cable project originally scheduled to depart from Shanghai to Los Angeles was forced to temporarily change the route of the paving, and replaced the Los Angeles by Panama City, becoming the global submarine cable trans-Pacific section in the Americas. Landing point on the mainland.

However, although it was decided to circumvent the North American territorial waters, the bandwidth of the submarine cable was still tendered in accordance with the standards of the Asia Pacific No. 2 submarine cable.

Obviously, the Trans-Pacific Submarine Cable Commission still has not “abandoned” the United States.

Even if they did not plan to get on the bus, they still gave them a seat on the high-speed rail.

Just wait until the time to buy a ticket, I am afraid it is not so cheap now...


The second week of the tender information announcement.

The only tender was sent to the Taiping Submarine Cable Committee.

There was hardly any suspense, and East Asia Communications defeated its non-existent competitors and easily got the project.

Faced with such a result, the subcom company, which has been pushing the No. 3 Asia-Pacific submarine cable, has raised doubts. In particular, his ceo Markati even publicly stated in an interview with CNN that he had the phenomenon of power rent-seeking and claimed that the so-called quantum communication was just a blind man.

"...I admit that the current security of network information is facing serious challenges, but it is far from threatening the extent that China's information security department advocates."

"Yes, in theory, quantum communication technology can achieve maximum confidentiality. The combination of quantum channels and traditional channels can also solve the problem of transmission speed. But I still doubt whether this makes sense. ”

“There are too many ways to secure communication in the world, but they have chosen the most troublesome and costly one, and whether they really solve the quantum repeater that makes research institutions around the world difficult. The problem, even if they did, I don't think this is a good time."

After listening carefully to Markati’s complaints, the host continued to ask: “Why do you think that Chinese people should do this?”

"This is a kind of political capital."

Markati replied in a serious tone.

“They create panic, spread panic, then use panic, and finally achieve their ulterior motives, such as... building a network that serves only them on the free Internet and exporting their values ​​to other countries.”

Moderator: "...this sounds familiar."

"Yes, it's just fear. The terrorists!" Markati angrily hammered his knee, but he quickly realized his behavioral disorder, and said, "Sorry, this paragraph is lost."

"Good Mr. Markati." The host nodded to the photographer in the studio, then looked at Markati and continued, "except for the output of values, expanding their hegemony on the Internet... and Other reasons?"

Marcati said without hesitation.

"Of course, compared to those long-term goals, the most direct role of this submarine cable is to set a threshold for a fair competition in the submarine cable market, as well as to allow other countries' communications companies and taxpayers to be their immature technology. Pay the bill!"

After cnn’s interview was broadcast, it caused a lot of repercussions on the Internet.

Especially in the industry.

Almost no one is optimistic about the submarine cable that China is leading the construction of, and almost no one is optimistic about the quantum communication technology of East Asia Communications.

This is also understandable. After all, more than 90% of the market share is in the hands of the US subcom, Japanese nec and European Alcatel-Lucent. Most scholars and research institutions engaged in research in this field have more or less funding sources. There will be a certain connection with them.

With short hands and short mouths, even if they don't speak for them, these research institutions have absolutely no reason to speak for East Asia.

Not to mention that the quantum cable technology from East Asia Communications is shaking their jobs...

However, even though most people are not optimistic about East Asia Telecom's quantum communication technology, this has not had any impact on the Trans-Pacific cable project.

In fact, with the exception of several **** allies in the United States, most countries in the Asia-Pacific region have no position on this issue. Since China is willing to pay more, they are certainly happy to adopt this type of communication.

As for confidentiality...

To be honest, there is nothing in them that deserves to be remembered.

Especially in countries covered by cross-regional grids, the position on this matter is even more subtle. Under the premise that China is willing to bear most of the cost of cable laying, the communications companies in Southeast Asia have almost no hesitation, and they have gotten into the car.

Customers who have traded once will always be more likely to re-sell than those who have not.

Especially on the premise that they have enjoyed the benefits of the technical dividend brought about by controlled fusion from China, they have no reason to refuse.

If Huaguo intends to help them upgrade the communications industry, it will be...

Then let those Chinese people toss it up.

Anyway, it’s much cheaper than their own toss...

In this way, no one cares about the dissatisfaction of the subcom company, and all the work is carried out step by step.

Even North American official research institutions continue to publish research reports, questioning the security of this means of communication, and wondering whether it is as reliable as described by East Asia Power and has no impact on the entire project.

At the same time, after more than a month of adjustment, the quantum encryption algorithm developed by the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies finally changed the ras algorithm originally used in the domestic financial and communications industries.

The upgraded encryption algorithm will be able to resist the violent cracking of 2000 qubits of quantum computers, and is theoretically the most advanced encryption algorithm in the world.

Seeing that China has fully promoted this algorithm, other countries that are still hesitant, as well as international financial institutions, have begun to sway.

After all, if there is a major security risk, it is impossible for China to promote it as a national secret encryption algorithm. There are mistakes in this kind of problem, and the risk is not a joke. It is no exaggeration to say that an economic crisis is enough to detonate...

Seeing that the 20th Asia-Pacific Network Information Security Summit hosted by the OECD in Shanghai will be held soon, it is no surprise that the Chinese side will bring this algorithm to Amway at the summit. National research institutions have begun to take seriously. From the research, can this algorithm be able to withstand 2000 qubit cyber attacks as claimed by the Chinese research institutions...

In this way, time passes by.

Finally arrived the day before the 20th Asia-Pacific Network Information Security Summit.

When the representatives of the Asia-Pacific countries went to Shanghai to prepare for a meeting, the semiconductor industry suddenly had a big event.

There is no hint of a warning, and there is no little defense.

In the main issue of "Future", a review paper was published, introducing the "latest" research results of the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies - a 524-qubit supercomputer based on carbon-based processor technology.

Author of the paper -

Lu Zhou.

In the first issue of the latest issue of "Future".

The world is boiling!

Light pen

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