Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1197: Information change!

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Looking at the journal in his hand, Professor Arik’s face was full of disappointment.

Finally, I couldn’t help it, screaming with an angry voice.

"It’s just nonsense!"

"The quantum computer with 524 can it be done!"

As a professor of physics and quantum information engineering at the University of Southern California, and a research associate at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Quantum Computer Project, and a consultant to Google's "d-wave" project, he has a myriad of halo, no one compares He knows more about quantum computers.

Even the famous quantum annealing algorithm is his participation in research and development.

Although the academic community is controversial about whether the quantum annealing algorithm can be called a quantum computer, after all, everyone has not been able to find the so-called "quantum acceleration" evidence, but it is undeniable that d-wave2x is still the highest qubit record. Keep it.

Currently, Google and Nasa are working on the development of d-wave3x, a computer running in an ultra-low temperature environment that will redefine the world's understanding of quantum computer technology.

Even so, their expectations for this d-wave3x are only 100 qubits.

However, some people now claim to have researched the 524 quantum graduated quantum computer and published the paper in a world-class journal such as Future.

In addition to feeling insulted in his IQ, he felt amazed anger at this irresponsible article.

Every piece of unrealistic paper overdraft is the industry's confidence in new technologies. This irresponsible research destroys not only the scholars who study it, but also the entire industry.

Moreover, this is not the first time!

The last time it seemed to be the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in the past few months, there have been reports of breakthroughs in quantum computer technology across the Pacific.

Looking at the angry Professor Arik, as his partner, he sat in the office and he was hesitant to look at Dr. Cecil, who was looking at the paper, and said.

"But... the author of this paper seems to be Professor Lu."


"The original "Future" will also publish some interesting research. I also naively thought that it might become the world's third largest journal, and brought some different changes to our academic community. I did not expect that I would still look at them. Finally...."

As said, the disappointment of Professor Arik’s face is becoming more and more obvious.

Finally, he couldn’t stand it anymore and threw the journal in his hand into the trash.

"... In the end, it is still a propaganda tool for the official institutions of China."

Looking at Professor Arik, who was disappointed, Dr. Cecil opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

In fact, his point of view is actually closer to Professor Arik.

Before the quantum memory came out, he couldn't think of any possibility to make the performance of quantum computers reach more than 100 qubits, let alone 524 such exaggerated numbers.

The technical span of this is not as simple as adding and subtracting, but exponentially increasing!

However, the contradiction in his mind is that he does not believe that the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies can really lead them so much in this technology, and that the person may lie...

"In fact, you don't have to be so angry."

“How can I not be angry!” Professor Arik said angrily. “They are consuming the confidence of the industry in quantum computing technology! The consumption is the future of those of us who really do research!”

“It’s not so pessimistic, the confidence of the industry is so fragile,” Dr. Cecil said comfortably. “Nasa has invested a billion in the d-wave3x project and will make additional investments in the future. Plus soon immersed Vr technology is about to enter North America, and Google is a must for quantum computing technology."

Professor Arik shook his head and sighed.

"I really envy you when you are still optimistic at this time."

In the face of his peers, Dr. Cecil smiled bitterly.


Is it really?

He is also unclear, which side is optimistic.


The news of breakthroughs in quantum computer technology has set off an earthquake in the semiconductor industry.

524 qubit computer...

This has almost surpassed the sum of the qubits of all public research results today.

If this paper appears in other places, most people in the industry will laugh and laugh, but she is listed in the world-class top magazine "Future."

And not only that, the author of the paper is Professor Lu.

Adding these two factors together, no matter how fascinating the content of this article seems, it becomes impossible to ignore.

The impact quickly spread from the semiconductor industry to other areas.

Almost all Internet-related industries are assessing the breakthroughs in this technology, which will have positive and negative impacts. Not only that, almost everyone wants to know if this is true, or an oolong or a joke...

On the eve of the 20th Asia-Pacific Network Information Security Summit.

A five-star hotel near the Shanghai International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Hansa Klek, sitting in the window of the Executive Lounge, was watching the news on his tablet, his face full of worried expressions.

As the world's largest non-profit organization for network, information, software and infrastructure security certification, the International Information Systems Security Certification Alliance (ISC2) shoulders the important responsibility of maintaining world Internet security.

He is the chairman of isc2 and one of the organizers of this network information security summit.

This news about quantum computer technology completely exceeded his expectations and completely disrupted his original plan. If the description of this 524-qubit quantum computer is true, then the Chinese initiative to promote quantum cryptography must be seriously considered.

Sitting opposite the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the face of Mr. Rupert, the secretary-general of isc2, is equally dignified.

Just ten minutes ago, he called an expert in the field of information engineering and consulted him about the news. For the time being, it is not considered whether this is a smoke bomb released by the Chinese people, and it is only discussed from a technical point of view.

Once 524 qubits of computer technology really emerge, the blow to today's international standard encryption algorithms will be devastating.

Before the adoption of more reliable encryption algorithms, all industries that rely on information technology, from the financial industry to the manufacturing industry, will enter a security vacuum period, and all secrets will no longer be kept secret...

"The time of publication of this paper is really special. The publicity of the content of this paper by the Chinese media also makes people wonder whether there is any special motive behind this."

Clark did not look up, still staring at the tablet in his hand, and asked casually.

"What do you think?"

Looking at the light outside the window, Rupert's index finger gently clicked on the table and said after a moment of contemplation.

"Two possibilities, either the Chinese people are building momentum for this Asia-Pacific Network Information Security Summit, or it is true."

“What is the possibility?”

"the latter."

Chairman Clarke’s eyebrows were gently lifted.


Knowing that the chairman of the board is asking his own theory, Rupert whispered.

“The reason is very simple. The author of this paper is Professor Lu.”

"Just because of this?"

Chairman Clarke smiled faintly, and although the expression on his face was not changed at all, the tone was somewhat intriguing.

"... Under the premise that the former possibility exists objectively, Professor Lu’s signature does not explain anything. He comes from a country that pursues collectivism. For the national interests of China, he may not say something that is against his heart."

Rupert: "Has this happened?"

The turbid pupil didn't move away from the flat from beginning to end, and Chairman Clark said thoughtfully.

"No... but not before, it doesn't mean the future."

Rupert continued to ask.

"So, do you think this possibility is worth gambling?"

This time, Clark was silent.


That's the problem.

Whether they don't believe it or not, there is no such possibility to gamble.

Information security concerns the lifeblood of all orders of the global economy, military, and even politics. It is about information security. They can only consider the "worst" situation.

Just then, the phone in Rupert’s pocket suddenly rang.

"I will pick up the phone."

Looking at Rupert who had already got up, Chairman Clarke nodded and gestured to him.

Going aside, Rupert took the phone out of his pocket and put it to his ear, pressing the button that was connected.

Still sitting in the original position, Clarke has been observing the expression on the face of the secretary, trying to see something interesting from his expression changes.

In fact, Clark did see it.

In the past, one minute and a second, I saw that the expression on Rupert’s face was getting more and more dignified.

Finally, the phone is finished.

Putting his phone back in his pocket and returning to the table, Rupert took a deep breath, his face filled with deeper dignity than before, and a hint of concern.

He did not wait for Clark to ask, he said first.

"bad news."

"I think... we may not have to guess here that the paper is a smoke bomb thrown by a Chinese."

Slightly stunned, Chairman Clark’s brow wrinkled lightly.

"what's going on?"

"My old friend in the field of information engineering - that is, the person I had previously consulted about his opinion of quantum computer technology in the industry..." Dunton continued, Rupert continued. "Just just now, he hit a Call me."

"Star Technology intends to build a super-computing center in the Shanghai area to provide operational support for their virtual reality networks in East China. According to the news they posted on the official website, the processor used in this super-computing center..."

Speaking, Rupert said in a difficult tone.

"It seems to be quantum computing technology."

Light pen

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