Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1199: The end of the cryptocurrency

Because the secret algorithm has been updated ahead of schedule, the news of the commercial quantum computer technology has not had any impact on the security and order of communication in China.

Except for the small chaos caused by the initial panic, and the old lady who did not know the truth went to the bank to toss a circle, basically did not cause any substantial impact.

However, compared to the scenery of the Chinese side, other countries are not so lucky.

P2pfoundation forum.

In the world's most well-known blockchain community, geeks who are proficient in cryptography, as well as those who do not know the truth, are talking about the impact of this matter.

However, at this time, a quiet and long-term account suddenly came to the surface and participated in the discussion.

[Title: The end of cryptography. 】

[Bitcoin is just an attempt at decentralization of finance. It has been successful in the past fifteen years, but now it is no longer safe. 】

[Maybe we can only rely on new tools and new methods to solve this problem, as for now...]

[If you see it, please accept it. 】

After this post came out.

The entire forum was silent for a few seconds.

Then, in less than half a minute, the entire forum was like being thrown into a bomb, and the pot was blown up in an instant!

If this post is something that other people have sent, don't say what is causing the reaction, and if it is not allowed, it will lead to two or three sarcasm.

The problem, however, is that this account is obviously not so general.

Its owner, the world-famous mathematician and cryptographer, the man who invented bitcoin

Nakamoto Satoshi!


Almost at the same time, in a certain office of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, a man of about 50-year-old Jewish face put down his newspaper and spoke to the white assistant standing opposite the desk.

"Bitcoin is not so safe."

His name is Baruch, a professional manager of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group, responsible for managing the Trust Fund for key clients of the CME Group, with over $50 billion in funds.

After seeing the Wall Street Journal's first-hand report on quantum computers, he immediately made a judgment based on his previous understanding of quantum computer technology, and the price of bitcoin must have been unable to support it.

So, he took less than a minute to think, and he ordered to say.

"Ready to sell short."

When he heard the instructions of Baruch, the white assistant nodded and asked seriously.

"According to what principle?"

Baruch thought about it and said.

"Play on the $100 line."


As the "victim" of quantum computer technology, the first to be hit is the Bitcoin players.

The Chicago Board Options Exchange, which first launched the Bitcoin futures variety and has improved its bitcoin short-selling financial instruments, has hanged billions of dollars in short-selling orders for Bitcoin in less than a day.

The so-called short selling operation means that when an investor or a group of people believe that the market price of Bitcoin will fall in the future, they will borrow Bitcoin and sell it at the current price, and then repay it at a certain price in the future.

If it is judged correctly, it will be profitable, and vice versa.

The total market value of global bitcoin is only more than 100 billion US dollars. The short-selling of tens of billions of dollars is almost equivalent to 10% of the total market value. Considering the accounts that are sold out because of the decline, the results can be imagined. .

In fact, it is plain, including bitcoin, the essence of almost all cryptocurrencies is a bunch of "special solutions" generated by complex algorithms.

Just like the special solution of a system of equations, each special solution can solve the equation, and each special solution is unique.

If you use the banknote as a metaphor, bitcoin is the crown number of the banknote. When you know the crown number on a banknote, you have the banknote.

The process of mining is to seek a special solution of this equation group through a huge amount of calculation.

This cryptographically designed currency, although due to decentralization, has a hidden advantage that can circumvent regulation.

But in contrast, this kind of virtual asset without any credit subject as a guarantee, in the face of a quantum computer, such as a large killer that uses various passwords, is like a draft paper thrown into a shredder. It is simply unbearable.

Obviously, it is not just the professional trust manager Mr. Baruch who sees this.

Almost as soon as his company began selling short bitcoins, more than a dozen investment banks and financial companies quickly entered the battlefield.

As the volume of transactions continued to enlarge, massive sales orders were released, and the transaction price continued to fall. Less than half a day's effort went from the top of the tens of thousands of dollars to all the way down the floor of a hundred dollars, from the entire plate of market value of 100 billion. Hundreds of dollars have been taken in the middle.

Obviously, whether it is Baruch or the influx of investors, the impact of quantum computers on Bitcoin is obviously underestimated.

Seeing the closing price of the last screen, Baruch was grinning with some dissatisfaction.

He thought that his reaction was fast enough. He didn't expect the action to be slower. He came to the back with more and more peers, and the shipment became more and more difficult. The trust fund he managed only earned less than one billion. The entire bitcoin market in the US dollar has collapsed.

Facing the k-line chart that falls like a waterfall, he said.

"Please fill in the short list below $10."

"Don't wait any longer?" Looking excitedly at the massive empty list, the assistant sitting in front of the computer looked back and asked Baruch. "I feel like waiting, we can even get under $1. The bitcoin that melted is coming back."

"If you see it, you will receive it," Baruch said calmly. "We are betting that it is not gambling that Professor Lu really uses quantum computers to print money."

"Well, maybe you are right."

Honestly, according to the manager's instructions, the assistant hangs out the bid below $10 and begins to pick up the chips they had previously thrown on the top of the mountain.

Just by moving their fingers, they ransacked nearly a billion dollars of wealth from the hands of countless nine dishes around the world, which is almost faster than the Fed's printing machine.

The only regret is that this kind of opportunity is hard to come across once in a lifetime.

The harvest is over.

Looking at the funds deposited in the account, the assistant sitting at the desk showed a sigh of expression on his face.

What is in front of him is the money he can't earn in his life. If he can look at it for a little longer, it will be fine.

However, so much money is deposited in the account, and every minute is losing invisible costs.

Looking back at my boss, the assistant asked.

“What about the money that is being returned? How to deal with it?”

After hearing the instructions from the subordinates, Baruch died after a moment, he said.

"Buy bonds."

Assistant: "All?"

Baruch: "All."

Bonds are considered to be better safe-haven varieties. When the economic situation is sluggish, especially when faced with systemic financial risks, whether it is various trust funds or other central banks, the purchase of US debt will be used as an alternative operation for hedging risks.

Although it is only a kind of hunch, the experience of the trust fund manager for many years has made Baruch a more professional sense of smell than a hound.

Now, his professional sense of smell is telling him that behind the seemingly calm financial market, there is an undercurrent that may be more terrible than he imagined.

This undercurrent is being driven by emotions and irritatingly biting it all.

The scene that took place in the bitcoin market was just a glimpse of this turbulent undercurrent...

Baruch took a cigarette from his pocket and prepared to go to the window and point it to himself.

However, at this moment, the phone in his pocket rang, so that he had to put the smoke back and take out the phone.

He pressed the button on his ear and said that he was in a good mood because of his good mood.

"Clement? Why did you suddenly think of calling me, my old friend."

"Do you still have a mood to laugh? God..."

The voice on the other end of the phone was full of anxiety and unbelief, but Baruch, who was on the spur of the moment, did not notice the unusualness in the tone of these old friends, only as if he had just made a sale than a loss. Haha smiled and comforted.

"You don't know what happened just..."

However, in Baruch, he is preparing to tell me carefully how he relied on the qualities of both visionary and heroic courage to kill the Quartet market. His old friend interrupted him. if.

"Yes, you don't know what happened just now, I suggest you go and see the Dow Jones index! Damn, my God! It's a wrong decision to talk to you!"

The phone hangs up.

Barucher frowned and moved the phone half an inch, watching the disconnected call on the screen, the uneasiness of his heart, and the uneasiness was eroding all the positive emotions in his heart.

Thinking of the anxious tone of his old friend, he suddenly realized what.

Did not dare to hesitate, quickly stepped back to his desk and sat down, Baruch quickly opened the trading software, logged into his management account.

However, just in the moment when the line of sight was on the screen, he was stunned, and the cup resting on the table was hit by the bang.

Hearing the noise from the boss, the assistant quickly stood up and looked at him.

"What happened? boss."

There is no response.

I saw his boss sitting at the computer desk, like the petrochemical technique, sitting there motionless.

Looking at the red scene of Wanli, the old face of Baruch was instantly red, and then the blood color slowly faded, eventually becoming a pale wall like a cement wall...


It’s already late...

Everything is over.

Just as they smashed the Quartet in the bitcoin market, a financial tsunami swept the entire Nasdaq sector, driving the Dow Jones index to fall by 8 points in the market, and the market value of trillions of dollars evaporated.

And the account he manages...

The money he just earned is probably not enough to fill in a fraction he has just lost.

Suddenly there was some embarrassment in front of him, and Baruch was ready to stand up, but the hand holding the handrail suddenly seemed to have lost all his strength and was suspended from the weight.

A fart. The stock sat back in the chair, his **** eyes suddenly black.

Just before his consciousness was about to fall into the darkness, there was a vague cry from the ear.

"The boss fainted and called the ambulance!"

"You pressed his chest, I will give him artificial respiration!"


Then, he couldn’t hear anything...

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