It is Maruh who fainted.

Throughout the day, the incidence of heart disease in Manhattan Island increased by almost 10 percentage points.

The bleak stock market, like the pessimistic expectations of the North American economy, fell through the last psychological line of defense like a waterfall.

The resulting chain effect quickly swept the global financial market, as dominoes generally pushed the Pacific Ocean from the Pacific Ocean and then from the stock market to the futures market...

What does it mean once the existing cryptosystem fails?

This is not just the risk of password theft, the bank run is as simple as that.

It means that all financial products will lose their guarantees due to the failure of a series of algorithms such as rsa.

The first to be affected is the digital cryptocurrency of Bitcoin. The online merchant platform that originally opened the Bitcoin payment channel has closed the interface to the Bitcoin wallet and no longer supports digital currency payment, trying to clarify the relationship.

The next collapse is a series of financial derivatives.

Once the existing encryption rules are confirmed to be unreliable, the impact on the credit-based financial market is not inferior to the impact of quantum computers on bitcoin.

In the context of the stock market and the bond market, the entire Wall Street is a bleak cloud.

But then again.

The threat of speculation across the Pacific all day is that they are transferring their own domestic contradictions to them. They are also the ones who slam the cyber security issue to the Chinese network warfare forces.

Although China did not do anything, and it was tantamount to taking the initiative to provoke an information war that was not good, but there is no doubt that this time they really have the ability to win this war.

The chaos under the panic is nothing but the expected fulfillment.

And this is also a self-defeating evil...

At the same time, the 20th Asia-Pacific Network Information Security Summit was on the stage, looking from the stage to the stage, and the crowds were swaying.

Representatives from more than 20 countries, as well as dozens of non-profit international organizations and institutions, are quietly sitting in their seats, waiting for the meeting to begin.

Although the US was absent from the meeting as usual, the seats were still reserved at the conference table, and even two bottles of mineral water were placed.

Standing in front of the stage, Vice Minister Yang from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China delivered a speech on "Creating Internet Information Security" and "Quantum Encryption Algorithm and Quantum Communication".

Although just a short two days ago, the vast majority of participants had a casual expression on their faces, but after experiencing the financial turmoil caused by the United States yesterday, almost everyone played the spirit of one hundred and twenty. I listened attentively to every word that the Deputy Minister Yang said, and I was afraid to miss every detail.

The speech lasted for fifteen minutes and finally reached the questioning session.

Vice Minister Yang stopped talking and looked around the tiered meeting room, then handed the opportunity for questions to the audience.

Soon, a dozen hands were raised and brushed up.

He randomly picked a questioner in the front row and nodded to him, indicating that he could stand up and ask questions.

"I would like to ask Mr. Yang, does the quantum cryptography algorithm mean that we can solve the security risks brought by quantum computers once and for all?"

The question raised was that Clark, the chairman of the International Information System Security Certification Alliance, had been assessing the risks that quantum computers might pose to existing communication rules and financial order when he first arrived in Shanghai.

Changing the encryption algorithm is not an easy task, and it is true for any country or organization.

If you have to change it, he has to figure out at least how long this algorithm can support.

"Unfortunately, quantum cryptography does not solve this problem forever. In essence, it still belongs to computing ciphers. It is not unconditionally safe. If it is a quantum computer with more than 2000 qubits, it may take only one day to crack its password. ”

Looking at the cautious Chairman of the Board of Directors, Vice Minister Yang continued.

"To really solve this problem once and for all, what we need is ultimately an unconditional and secure means of communication. In fact, the quantum submarine cable project we are advancing is precisely for this purpose."

"As for the quantum encryption algorithm, its real meaning is not to solve the problem once and for all, but to help us through the chaos of technological change and to fight for time."

Upon hearing this reply, Chairman Clarke nodded and sat back thoughtfully.

Then, the representative from the United Kingdom stood up and said with a skeptical tone.

“Why not strengthen the regulation of quantum computers? At least limit the scope of its use. Your country does not seem to have considered it at all. Suddenly publicizing such news may have an impact on the existing Internet and financial order. Of course, I have absolutely no In speculating that China is deliberately causing the current global financial market turmoil, I just think that everyone will have such questions... Have you not considered this will become like this?"

Although there was absolutely no word on the mouth, the British representative did not write the word "trust" on his face.

After hearing this sentence, the whispering voice gradually spread in the conference room.

Yesterday's financial turmoil was not only happening in North America, but almost all of the world was hit, including even China itself. Only relatively speaking, the impact of China is probably the smallest, even negligible.

After all, a stock has been squatting there, and it hasn’t gotten up...

In the face of questions from the British representative and the sight of the audience's inquiries, Vice Minister Yang smiled faintly and looked at him.

"Considered, but have we reminded you?"

This sentence is said to the representative of the United Kingdom, but also to the audience of the audience.

At the moment of hearing this sentence, the expression on the face of the British representative was clearly solidified, and a sly expression appeared. The faces of other participants also showed embarrassed expressions, and they looked away from the face of Vice Minister Yang who stood on the stage.


I really reminded.

But all of them are not too serious.

After all, no one thought that everything came so suddenly, the semi-dead quantum computer technology actually completed the breakthrough of key technologies in just a few months, and went straight to the stomach in computing power.

524 qubits...

The special thing is to add up the super-calculations that are not on the list and string them into a string. They have to be stepped on the dirt. If you know that there is such a powerful technology, how can they not desperately update the encryption algorithm.

"As for your previous question," paused for a moment, Vice Minister Yang said with a smile. "In theory, this can indeed be done in our country. In fact, we are also doing it. You can rest assured."

Upon hearing this sentence, the British representative felt that the pressure on his shoulders had been removed from the majority, and he was relieved.

Fortunately, the Deputy Minister Yang gave him a step.

"We sincerely thank you for your efforts on this issue... and we look forward to your ability to shoulder more responsibilities. Of course, we will also cooperate..."

After leaving two high-profile guest words, he quickly sat back.

Then, the Japanese representative was up.

Just standing up, he couldn't wait to ask.

“Is your Congress considering exporting this technology? Or in any form of cooperation, allowing quantum computers to enter the market in a free form...”

Just as he asked the question, almost everyone on the scene erected his ears.

Including the British representative who had just sat down, almost no knee reflexes stood up again.

In the face of the eager sight of the audience, Vice Minister Yang did not change much on his face, and he replied as usual.

"Not for the time being, but we do not limit the use of quantum computers to provide non-military computing services to offshore institutions and enterprises, such as satellites or submarine cables. If you are interested in your country, our company must I am happy to discuss specific cooperation matters with your company."

Upon hearing this sentence, the Japanese representative’s face showed some embarrassing expressions.

Computing services provided by offshore servers...

If it’s just a general factory or a small and medium-sized enterprise, it’s good for Canon, Mitsubishi, and Toyota, which are related to the lifeblood of the national economy, and some laboratories involved in sensitive research, how can they safely put their own The core competitiveness is connected to a computer located outside the country.

Sensitively seeing the changes in the expression on the face of the Japanese representative, Vice Minister Yang did not say anything to death, said with a smile.

"... Of course, nothing is absolute. After we complete the reform of the domestic information industry, perhaps the semiconductor companies in China will consider their own development needs and open up the open market. Of course, this is pure market behavior, we will not Intervene and even encourage them to do this!"

After hearing this sentence, many people in the conference room spent a lot of effort to resist the impulse to roll their eyes.

Pure market behavior?

Ha ha.


However, even if they are aware of this, they have no way.

It is necessary to be beaten behind, and this has been the case since ancient times. Just like the current controllable nuclear fusion, a small core makes it impossible to know how many evil thieves have become hyenas.

Even the Americans who have always been so arrogant have to make compromises on certain issues, especially in the face of the patent flow of Star Technology. The behavior is even more helpless, they can only watch their heads in their own high-tech enterprises. Crazy output, and finally ask if the express delivery of East Asia Power can be faster, the fusion reactor in Los Angeles has been waiting for too long...

The representative of the Japanese country had just sat down and had not waited for the next representative to get up and speak. The door behind the meeting room suddenly opened.

Participants in the stair meeting room turned back and had an unexpected expression on their faces.

There is no need to guess who is coming in.

There are only two empty seats and two unopened mineral waters in the entire conference room.

Looking at the US representative who walked into the hall and sat down in front of the conference table, Vice Minister Yang slightly stunned and a smile appeared on his face.

Didn't you say that you are not good?

Is it really so sweet?

Light pen

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