Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1201: No problem is that hot water can't be solved.

Bitcoin collapsed?

When I heard the news, Lu Zhou was a slap in the face.

Originally, he also planned to take Bitcoin to try the knife in his hand. The result was that he had not waited for him to start. The entire bitcoin market exploded in the same place, leaving only a chicken feather.

As for how he learned the news, it is also very interesting.

The vast majority of the losses are the teeth that have been swallowed in the stomach, and there is no way to get angry. It is impossible to kill Wall Street.

Other players who are miserable are more interesting. They took the high-speed rail plane magnetic levitation to Jinling, and found the Jinling Institute of Higher Education with the banner of "returning my hard-earned money", directly blocking the gate.

Such a slap in the face did not scare the scientific research dogs inside, many people even stood by the window to watch the excitement.

After all, the security guards in the institute are not vegetarian. The security captain took the person to the door and stood at a distance, just like a wall. Just the murderous posture allowed the people at the door to dare to squat outside and dare not take it further.

However, compared with the researchers in the research institute, the leadership of the park was not so calm. I heard that the gate of the institute was blocked, and I was scared to be sent to icu because of heart disease.

Almost all the police cars in the entire district were dispatched. I don’t know what large-scale anti-terrorism exercises were being carried out.

Originally, the documents issued by the Central Bank of China in the past 17 years have been adjusted. Bitcoin is a kind of virtual goods, denying its monetary status, prohibiting domestic financial institutions and payment institutions from providing use and purchasing Bitcoin tools.

This kind of thing that wanders in the gray area is not supported by itself. Now it is still a troublesome thing. Pulling the banner to shoot video is purely lively.

Without any discussion, as the police car rushed to the scene, the entire door was blocked, brought back to the office for registration, and asked for a coin to buy from.

Regarding the ladder to go abroad to buy, for the time being, those unqualified gray purchase channels were quickly taken by the investigation team to copy the home, and one did not let go.

Then, more interesting things came. I found out that the person who was looking for the investigation suddenly found out that it was a bit wrong. How many people are not special speculative coins?

In particular, the few who took the lead in making the most fierce, the home communication equipment turned over the bottom of the day can not find traces of bitcoin transactions.

The team leader who realized that the situation was not right immediately reported the news to the superior.

Finally, the people of Guoan also entered the task force.

When you get here, everything is finally coming out.

The last time I cleaned the spy network, there were still a few nets that were not cleaned. After losing contact with North America, this time, with the turmoil in the bitcoin market, I came up with dry food.

I thought about making a rush to apply for a zz refuge, so that the immigrants in the eyes of the paradise, the result was just a head out of the pot, and this time most of the time is to sit firmly.

Sitting in his living room, after listening to the follow-up of things from Director Li, Lu Zhou shook his head and said.

"These people are crazy."

It’s not me who is shorting Bitcoin. I’m looking for a protest with wool.

Have the ability to marry Wall Street?

He really can't figure out how long these brains are going to be, and this big pot will be buckled on his head.

"You are still good," Secretary Li said with a cup of tea and said with a smile. "You have never seen those who have gone down the price of the property next door, and they have taken the owner of the sales department. How much bitcoin will be played? Culture, pulling a banner and writing a big-character newspaper is still mild, it is to trouble your work."

Lu Zhou: "We have nothing to worry about, but it is bothering you."

"Don't mention this little thing," Secretary Li said with a smile, and said with a smile, "You don't know, the Asia-Pacific Network Information Security Summit that ended in Shanghai yesterday, how ugly the expression on the face of Wilgas ""


Lu Zhou frowned, and couldn't remember where he had heard the name.

"I remember this, I almost forgot that you don't care about this... that Wilgers is the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission," Director Li said with a smile. "I said, you should understand."

The Federal Communications Commission is directly responsible to Congress, and Congress, especially the Senate, represents the interests of the big American capitalists.

Obviously, Congress has had serious differences with the White House on the issue of communication security. Under the premise that the White House has not expressed its position on this cybersecurity summit, Congress has delegated personnel to participate in the conference through its own procedures.

As for the reason, it is also obvious that the poor performance of US stocks has scared everyone.

After all, a president has said it himself - if the US stocks plunged, the president should fly to the sun with a rocket.

Although Congress did not tie the president to the rocket to the sun, things have developed to this point, and there has been considerable restraint without turning face.

"...but to be honest, although the digital currency is unregulated and unpopular, as an attempt to decentralize finance, bitcoin falls so quickly that it may not be a good thing for us. ”

Taking a sip of coffee, Lu Zhou, who was not very interested, returned with a sentence: "Oh?"

"Economic globalization is the trend of the times, but the contradiction is that when our international society has completed the transition from the bipolar world to the multi-level world, the monetary system of the international community has changed the collateral from the precious metal to the national credit. In addition, there has been no fundamental change since World War II."

"Not only that, Keynesian economics has never been outdated. Developed countries only need to export their own inflation to the underdeveloped countries through a very simple method, so that others can bear the cost of prosperity for themselves."

"If you want to end this unequal exploitation, there is either a strong world central bank that will make the global economy as a whole to formulate monetary policy. Or it will be a world-wide, reliable, and unreliable The world currency that the central banks’ monetary policy interferes with, allows it to rely solely on the laws of the market to self-regulate, allowing central banks to buy freely as a hedge."

If you stand at the height of time, human history is the process of decentralization, and the only difference is whether the process is completed in a fierce conflict or a slow gradual process.

In 1994, Kevin Kelly used the bee colony as an example in the book "Out of Control," and proposed a distributed structure, which is probably the most intuitive manifestation of this spirit.

However, unfortunately, whether it is bitcoin or other digital currency, although this spirit continues, it has not been fully realized.

There is no real existence as a guarantee, even a credit entity does not exist. To put it bluntly is just a difficult math game, so it will be easily punctuated after the birth of the quantum computer.

Perhaps a digital currency secured by a strong credit entity would be more reliable. But then again, the characteristics of digital currency are not controlled by the mainstream economy. Is a digital currency guaranteed by a credit entity and fully controlled, can it be regarded as a digital currency?

This is a rather contradictory issue.

Lu Zhou is not very knowledgeable about economics. In contrast, the school sister and his sister are experts, so they just watched him quietly and did not speak.

It seems that it was tired of being forced to blow. Director Li finally stopped for a while, took a cup from the table and took a sip, and moistened the scorpion.

However, when Lu Zhou thought that he would change the topic, the old man did not have any warning. He suddenly said: "Do you think there is a possibility?"

Lu Zhou: "What is possible."

“Using quantum algorithms to generate a digital currency based on quantum cryptography?”

I don't know why, when Secretary Li said this sentence, the atmosphere in the living room suddenly subtly silenced.

Lu Zhou did not speak, just looked at him quietly, and then quietly sipped coffee.

Being stared at some hair, Li finally couldn’t help but smiled happily and coughed.

"...what are you looking at me? I am not curious, just ask me casually..."

Put down the coffee cup in his hand, and Lu Zhou reached out and picked up the teapot on the coffee table.

"I will help you with a cup of tea."

Seeing that Lu Zhou was going to help himself pour tea, Director Li suddenly looked at him with a flat face.

"No need to use it, I haven’t finished drinking this cup yet, I will be able to do it myself later."

Lu Zhou: "You're welcome, drink more hot water."

Director Li: "Hey! You are so kind, how can you be so embarrassed... Hey, slow down, it’s already full... all spilled out!"

Light pen

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