Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1202: The cover is not super-calculated, it is a gold mine.

In the eastern suburbs of Shanghai, the locals were ridiculed by the locals who did not pull the hustle and bustle. If it was not through the subway, almost everyone would be expelled from the Shanghai by the locals.

In fact, many locals in Shanghai have not admitted that this is Shanghai.

Even if a few blocks such as smart manufacturing areas, integrated development areas, smart ecological areas, and marine science and technology are planned here, they are caused by a series of reasons such as the geographical location being too remote and the industrial foundation being weak. There has been no particularly big development in the years.

It’s like...

It is like being abandoned.

However, it has been somewhat different recently.

About two months ago, a group of people who didn’t look down at the moment came here. After taking a few laps with the drawings, they drew a circle on the map.

Soon, a group of construction teams slammed into the park and ploughed up on the land that had previously been circled.

For the residents of the pilotage area and the small bosses, this matter is undoubtedly quite topical, but no one knows what they are doing, only from the area of ​​the circled land, the project I am afraid the scale is not small.

Some people say that they are building a new business district, others say that they are developing new properties. Others are speculating which semiconductor giants intend to move the factory to Shanghai, and it is estimated that the room will rise.

Various kinds of rumors flew for more than two months. After Star TV Technology released the news of the "Xinghai No. 1" quantum computer in Shanghai, people living in the territory of the port were suddenly realized.

It turns out that this gadget is not a shopping mall, nor is it a new real estate. It is not something like a gymnasium. It is actually such a powerful thing as a quantum computer.

The only pity is that the non-labor-intensive industry such as the Supercomputer Center may not bring much jobs, and it should have no effect on housing prices...


Next to the highway on the main road of the intelligent manufacturing area, an Audi a6 was parked on the side of the road, and two men in suits walked down the car.

Looking at the dust coming from a distance, one of the men wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a slightly blessed figure licked his eyes and asked curiously.

"What are you doing over there?"

His name is Ding Rong, who is a worthy boss, engaged in the production of auto parts, mainly engaged in export trade.

His factory was originally in the Suzhou City Park. Recently, I heard that there are policy support in the port area, so I came here to visit the site to see if there is any value to open a branch here.

To be honest, he is quite satisfied with all the conditions here. The only thing that is not very satisfactory is that the position is too biased, and I am afraid that I will not be able to recruit anyone.

Hearing the inquiry from the Ding boss, the head of the project responsible for attracting investment from the park immediately said.

"There is the land that Star Technology takes, and it is said that the Super Center is under construction."

Two months ago, the news was still confidential. Even the top management of the management committee of the park did not know the truth, let alone a department-level cadre of the Investment Promotion Bureau.

But now, this matter has almost become an open secret, and the only piece of Star Technology in Shanghai is here.

“Star Technology? Super Center?”

Ding Rong slightly stunned, it seems that there is no clear relationship between these two things.

At first glance, he saw the accident on his face, and the chief Liu said with a smile.

"It was the Xinghai No. 1 in the previous period, the world's first quantum computer! It is said that the computing power can add up the super-calculation on the entire super-calculation list. If nothing unexpected, it will become the first domestic to provide 'quantum. The cloud's service park will not be as late as the Jinling High-tech Park!"

When he spoke, Liu Kechang did not forget to sell his own development zone.

After listening to his explanation, Ding Rong’s face was indeed shocked by the amount of information in it, and his face showed a strange expression.

“Is it so powerful?”

During this time, he has been busy with the new factory, even working at the time of eating, there is no time to pay attention to what happened in the frontiers of international technology.

I didn't expect this blink of an eye, even the quantum computer thing came out.

When I thought about eating in the past, I heard the technical backbone of the factory blowing the cows. What kind of industrial informationization is the trend of the times. In the future, the artificial work is not human, and his mind heats up in a flash.

Why does Star Sky Technology build a quantum computer here?

Why is it not Jinling?

The deeper he thinks, the more excited he is in his heart.

It is like a gold mine in front of him.

There was hardly any hesitation. He reached out and pointed to the open space on the edge of the construction area in front of him.

"Then I will take the factory here."

"Just, here?"

"Well, all aspects of transportation here are good. I plan to invest two billion yuan. I will open a new production line here and produce new energy auto parts..." Ding Rong suddenly noticed the embarrassed expression on Liu Kechang’s face. Can't help but squat down, wrinkled his brow and said, "Is there any problem?"

Facing the confused vision of Ding Rong, Liu Kechang smiled a little embarrassedly.

"This... I am a bit difficult here. As early as two months ago, all the land in the vicinity was auctioned out."

“All?” Ding Rong first was a glimpse, and immediately realized that his news might be behind, so he hurriedly asked, “Is it known two months ago that Star Technology will build a super-center here?”

Upon hearing this sentence, Chief Liu quickly denied.

"How is it possible, this kind of thing is that the mayor does not know!"

Ding Rong: "How come that..."

Liu Kechang sighed and said.

"It doesn't matter with the super-computing center. When people outside have heard that these construction teams are working for Star Technology, our Development Zone Management Committee has come to at least a few hundred companies in a week, all of which are asking about the land transfer situation nearby. Whether it is industrial land or commercial or residential land, it has basically been auctioned out."

Although it can also be bought from companies that have not yet had time to develop, Mr. Liu does not recommend him to do so.

After all, running a high-tech industry is not only an economic task, but also a political task. The above people are staring. The main purpose of their development zone is to attract investment, not to sizzle land prices.

If the cost of land is squeezed out of too much money, where can companies still have money to engage in production, how can they drive employment and consumption? Do you still want to live up the entire development zone?

I heard that the nearby land was sold out, and Ding Rong blinked his eyes in disbelief.

"...a piece of land is left?"

Liu Kechang: "There is of course a distance, but within a kilometer, there is really no land left..."

There is no land left in one kilometer...

This, this is too crazy, right?

Ding Rong has no idea what kind of expression he should show to face this matter.

However, although I regret that I didn't get my ideal position, I heard that the land here is so popular, but it also strengthened his determination to move the factory here.

At any time, the scale of industrial production can not be ignored. In the case that traffic is not congested, a scaled industrial park is far more attractive than a development zone.

Retreat 10,000 steps, and in such a place, even if it is a failure to close down, it can smoothly transfer the land in hand. No matter from which point of view, investing and setting up a factory here is a steady profit!

Wonder House

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