Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1207: The strongest boot screen in history!


The reporter Miss Sister is obviously a glimpse.

Just as she was planning to continue to ask Lu Zhou, in the end, when she was going to show the performance of Xinghai No.1 through the pi, she saw that the academy had bypassed her and her colleagues and went to the scene of the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Looking at the ceremonies that stood there waiting for a long time, Lu Zhou extended his right hand.

"Scissors give it to me."

Originally, the master of ceremonies also intended to publish some long-formed theories, but when he saw that the academicians of the army had reached out, the director Sun was also mad at himself, so he quickly took the scissors out of the box next to him and handed it to Lu Zhou.

There is no nonsense.

Lu Zhou, who has never liked to waste time on the fine details, picked up the scissors and cut the red ribbon tied to the door of the building. Then he threw the scissors in the exquisite box.

"Xinghai No. 1 is a complete completion! Thank you for your hard work!"

"We are engaged in scientific research, and we don't want to talk about it for a long time. If it is redundant, we will not say it."

"Directly, start to get to the point."

After all, Lu Zhou turned to the inside of the building like the Obelisk, as the partner who was invited to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony and the reporters around the scene.

Just as he stepped into the building, he saw that he had taken off the flat-panel glasses that had been drawn from the collar for a long time, and opened the door.

"Little Ai."

A light blue matrix pattern appears on the glasses, followed by a line of text.

[At, master. (????w??`)]

Lu Zhou: "Open our new computer."

【Roger that! (????????????)????]

Almost at the same time that the text appeared, the entire building made a slight current sound. When the current of each circuit unit is gradually increased to the maximum, the electronic device in the vicinity is affected to some extent more or less.

However, not many people have noticed this detail.

Because of their sight, they have been completely taken away by the scene.

I saw the surface of the building like the obelisk, and the glass of the ink was lightly lit by the cool colors. Just like a piece of liquid crystal screen, from the top all the way down, like a wave, push a beating character.

Such a sci-fi scene shocked the eyes of everyone on the scene, and even after a dozen kilometers, you can see the "boot screen" that can not be ignored.

"I am going! Is this a display for every light-shielding glass? How much is this special?"

“I listened to the construction unit that installed the glass in the building. It said that this thing is the latest research on the photosensitive semiconductor material of the Jinling Institute of Advanced Research! It can convert solar energy into electrical energy during the day and can be used as a large screen at night.”

“There are nuclear fusions, but also solar energy?”

“Ghosts know, maybe promote low-carbon and environmentally friendly renewable!”

Almost everyone is watching the cool splash screen on this building, and there is a lot of excitement. However, the topic of their discussion is not over yet, and the pattern that shines on the surface of the building has changed.

A string of numbers converges in the direction of the spire, eventually returning to calmness, followed by a series of numbers followed by a series of spirals that are pushed downward from the spire.

Looking at this scene, everyone squatted, not too clear about what Starcraft is doing. Until the person with the sharp eye saw the number at the top of the spire through the magnified camera function of the mobile phone, it was pleasantly called out.

"3.1415926... is the pi!"

"Phase? Why is there a pi? Here is what the academician is going to do?"

The person who asked this sentence did not leave time for thinking.

Lu Zhou -

Or say Xinghai No. 1 and answer the questions in his heart with action.

I saw it at the bottom of the building, using scientific and technical methods to record the number of bits of the pi.

I saw that the number continually climbed, just like the data flow that was pushed down from the spire, and the eyes of everyone were pinned with simple characters.

In a blink of an eye, this number has broken through 3.14x10^13!

And this is already the current world record!

By Google engineer Emma Ivo through 25 Google Cloud virtual machines, with the y-cruncher software, running the chudnovsky algorithm designed to calculate the pi, it took 121 days to get the results!

Now, many people have counted their fingers, and Xinghai No. 1 broke through this ceiling even without a minute.

Whether it is Director Sun, a professor of information engineering at a nearby university, or a senior engineer at a software company, his face is full of strange and incredible expressions.

Because this tangible reality is too ridiculous.

So many experts who work in this field subconsciously believe that this may be the data originally stored in the library, and now just call it out.

However, this explanation simply cannot be said...

Because the operation is still going on.

Looking at the index that is constantly beating, almost everyone's heart is lifted up.





Just when everyone thought that Xinghai No. 1 was going to be at the end of the world, the running quantum computer stopped, and the index of the operation was fixed at 100.

That is, the pi is calculated to be 3.14x10^100 bits after the decimal point.

Compared to the previous 31.4 trillion (3.14x10^13) records, the current record almost broke the original record by an order of magnitude! And still the order of magnitude!

Before this, in the decades after the birth of the super-calculation, this record was in the range of 10^9~10^13.

Standing in the hall of the building, watching the data on the holographic glasses, Lu Zhou suddenly has a feeling of controlling the world. In fact, it is true. He is almost omnipotent to stand here. In theory, it is possible to make the world fall back to the 19th century.

It is only necessary to use the huge computing power of Xinghai No. 1 to break into the back door of each node of the global Internet. Whether it is systemic collapse or physical overload in software, it can be done.

If there is no protection of quantum communication technology, until the performance of Xinghai No. 1 is increased to more than 2000 qubits, its power will not be inferior to any weapons of mass destruction.

Even the defense line built by the genius cybersecurity experts is as fragile as paper paste in front of it. Just like the infantry phalanx in the face of the tank, there is nothing to do.

At this time, the words appearing on the lens interrupted Lu Zhou’s thoughts.

Xiao Ai: [Do you want to continue counting? Φ(≧w≦*)??]

After returning to God, Lu Zhou thought about it and said.

"Just to 3.14x10^100, here, it's convenient to make it all together."

What is recorded is a cloud, although calculating the pi can get something interesting, but getting this string of numbers is far more meaningful than calculating it.

He only needs to show the world that Xinghai No. 1 has the ability to add up the world's supercomputers and hang a circle.

The pi is 3.14x10^100 after the decimal point...

This is already a record that traditional supercomputers have not been able to surpass for a century.

Xiao Ai: [Hey, but the moment that Xiao Ai talked with the owner, it seems to have exceeded. Σ(°△°|||)_]

Lu Zhou: "... Then press a few backspace keys to delete it."

Xiao Ai: [No, it’s a master, so smart. (*??????)ゞ】

Lu Zhou: "..."

Purely because you are too smart.

On the other side, the scene of the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Before the ribbon-cutting ceremony began, Star Technology invited the Guinness World Records Certification Officer to record this shocking moment.

And when the news spread through the world through a series of channels such as televisions, computers, mobile phones, and live webcasts.

The entire field of information engineering has been shaken by this news...

Light pen

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