Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1208: Quantum hegemony

Even though the news of quantum computer technology breakthroughs has passed a month, Professor Arik of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has not given up on his original point of view.

It is not that he does not believe in the ability of Lu Zhou.

It’s just that he can’t imagine that there’s a bit of a possibility to make quantum bits more than 100 without the quantum storage technology.

Now Google's approach is to start with software, which is the most recent quantum annealing algorithm.

However, even the best brain of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the solution that can be conceived is just to make this experimental quantum computer 80-90 qubits.

As for 524...

It’s just too sci-fi.

He is more willing to regard this as a political scam. After all, it seems to him that the idiots in Washington DC are not the first to be blackmailed by the third world countries with some strange things.

Obviously, China is exerting pressure on the International Information System Security Certification Alliance to promote their quantum encryption algorithms and quantum optical cables by demonstrating quantum hegemony.

After all, if there is no quantum computer technology, whether it is quantum encryption algorithm or quantum communication technology, in fact, it is completely unnecessary.

With the slow computing power of traditional super-calculation, even if it continues to grow, it will take a century to open the Fed's vault.

However, there are quantum computers that are different.

The exponential growth of computing power is that individuals will feel scared...

As usual, the breakfast was brought to the lab, and Professor Arik, who was sitting at the desk, was preparing to open the mailbox to check if there was a new review invitation.

Just then, his colleague Dr. Cecil was walking back from the coffee machine with two cups of coffee and placed one of the cups on his desk.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Thank you."

"You're welcome... Speaking of it, today seems to be the day when Xinghai No. 1 was completed. Are you concerned about this matter?"

"I have been paying attention all the time, but their performance has made me a little disappointed." After carefully testing the temperature, Professor Arica took a slow drink and said, "The Jinling Institute of Higher Education does not seem to be here. In the case of comments on the matter, except for the review paper, there is no paper on the quantum computer."

Dr. Cecil took a thoughtful look.

"So... it’s a bit strange."

Professor Arica looked at him and asked, "Do you have any news?"

"I don't know if it counts, it is seen on their official website," Dr. Cecil thought about and continued. "It is said that they intend to prove the computing power of Xinghai No. 1 by calculating the pi."

Drinking a sip of coffee, Arica smiled.

"Oh, how many digits do they plan to count after the decimal point?"

"It seems to be a hundred times of ten."

At the moment of hearing this sentence, Arik, who hadn't swallowed a cup of coffee, almost didn't squirt it directly.

One hundred directions of ten? !

This is really a bragging draft!

"Come on next year!"

Coldly sarcastically, Aric put the coffee cup aside and held the browser with the mouse turned off the mailbox.

Originally, he did not care much about the ribbon-cutting ceremony of Xinghai No.1.

However, they actually prepared such an interesting event for this ribbon-cutting ceremony, but it was beyond his expectations.

He had thought that the Chinese people would wear this "old emperor's new clothes" all the time. I didn't expect this lie to be compiled at the end and they all believed.

Calculate a hundred directions to ten decimal places?

Ha ha!

But also, since they take the initiative to jump out, don't blame him for not feeling sympathy when he hits his face.

Immediately, d-wave3x will be completed. If those Chinese people think that they only need to count more than one trillion yuan on the original basis, then they can fool the past by making some data.

He will let them know the cost of lying.

For d-wave3x, it may not be realistic to calculate the 3.14x10^100 bit after the decimal point in a short time, but it is not a problem to refresh the record to 3.14x10^15.

However, when Arik smugly opened the browser and looked at the screen, the whole person was there.

He has not even registered in the official website of Star Technology.

I saw a few eye-catching headlines and posted them in the most prominent form in the first column of the news column:

[Epoch-making computer! Xinghai No. 1 passed the Guinness certification and refreshed the pi record! 】

Los Angeles Daily.

Arik: "???"


It’s obviously not just Arik who is scared by this news.

Almost shortly after the Guinness World Records included this new record, discussions about Xinghai No. 1 have been screened in Facebook and Twitter communities.

[Google is not studying quantum computers yet? Why are there no results? ! 】

[I was very disappointed with this White House. Even if we faced the Soviet Union, we still have the upper hand! But now, the first is controllable fusion, and then the moon space station... We seem to be easily surpassed. 】

[Approving East Asia Telecom's acquisition of Sub is the most stupid decision! This is how we lose the advantage in our hands in the appeasement again and again! 】

What is amazing is not only that Xinghai No. 1 counts the pi to 3.14x10^100 after the decimal point, but it only takes less than a minute to do this!

what does this mean?

It is difficult to describe it specifically.

But if you pass an intuitive comparison, you can fully understand how exaggerated this horrible computing power is.

Prior to this, Google's engineers took 121 days to complete the 3.14x10^13-bit record with 25 virtual machines, not to mention the fact that it was based on an algorithm optimized for calculating the pi.

If it's just a pi, it's nothing, but obviously it's not just that simple.

Soon, a professor of information engineering called ED Derfin, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, stood up and posted his thoughts on the subject on his personal blog.

Or, it is a warning to the authorities.

[With current computer technology, it is almost impossible to calculate the pi to 3.14x10^100. Even if you use the latest Longteng carbon-based chips, you need a chassis as large as the White House, and a professional team of at least ten people to design a specially customized algorithm for it, and then look at it for a hundred years or even Two hundred years old. 】

[If I use the Summit Supercomputer of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, I regret to tell you that this may have been counted since we were still robbing the site with Neanderthals. At that time, it was almost impossible to complete the matter that Xinghai No. 1 completed in a minute. 】

[I must remind us of experts from the Ministry of Defense, as well as information security consultants. Although the Cold War era has already passed, new crises have emerged. 】

[Quantum hegemony will become a more terrible and deterrent than nuclear hegemony. With the powerful information processing capabilities of quantum computers, people who control them may only need a few small satellites or high-altitude drones. Or a cleansing cleaner can make a civilization that we have spent more than a century building fall apart overnight. 】

[Nuclear warhead? Intercontinental missiles? Maybe we have the ability to counteract from the physical level, but we have to let them fly out of the missile well. 】

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