Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1211: Second emergency mission

In fact, Lu Zhou’s intuition is indeed accurate.

However, it was not because of the scientific facts that he had guessed.

But this observation has indeed brought them a lot of trouble.

An unexplained physical phenomenon is not terrible, but if this phenomenon conflicts with the foundations of modern physics, then the impact behind this is somewhat insignificant.

After leaving the toilet for a while, the boat on the toilet entered a pure white system space and came to the pale blue holographic screen.

"System, open the taskbar!"

There is almost no difference with the last emergency mission.

A lock is added to the upper right corner of the "Land of the Moon" task chain, and below it, an extra taskbar is added, marking the icon specific to the emergency task.

[Emergency Mission: Call of Void (Hazard Level:?)]

[Description: The road to the search for truth is not always smooth, and there are too many endless and mysterious things we don't understand in the vast universe. Be sure to listen to its call, even if it doesn't always mean enlightenment...]

[Requirement: To resolve the invasion of alien species, the means may include, but are not limited to:

1 The great spirit of the universe guides us forward. (idealism +10)

2 hundred causes must have fruit, the universe does not have a sensible language, only the truth is forever. (materialism +10)

The three major events are not controversial. Now is not the time to solve the problem. We can put the dispute on hold for the time being. (authoritarianism +10)

4 clear, eliminate (bee colony awareness +10)

【reward:? ? ? 】

Lu Zhou: "???"

Looking at the list of tasks from the beginning, the expression on the face of Lu Zhou at the moment is even more pressing than the three question marks in the column of the task reward.

Also, what is the "clear, destroy"?

Does it mean that all the physicists who discovered the problem are killed?

Of course, what makes him even more curious is what the bee colony consciousness is. It seems to have never been seen before.

In addition, there is the "spirit of the universe"...

Thinking of a similar translation seems to have appeared in the memory of the Indigo Empire, Lu Zhou can not help but frown, and fell into meditation.

Is the so-called spirit of the universe a unified translation of the "empty" in the various civilizations, religions, and cultural forms of the self-proclaimed "observer", or whether there is a certain name in this universe? The higher consciousness of the "spirit of the universe"...

Just like the higher civilization of “all-powerful”, it dominates a certain corner of the universe, or part of the material and laws, or even becomes part of nature itself.

If there is a way to learn the language of the void civilization, it would be fine.

Looking at the research materials, the most taboo is to chew what others have spit out, especially to translate such things. ,

Of course, compared with some mysterious existence, Lu Zhou is more inclined to understand the concept of "spirit of the universe" from the perspective of physics.

Even after seeing the results of such experiments, it really shakes the building in his heart...

“Does this look too unscientific?”

Looking at the boat from the outside back to the office, Luo Wenxuan, who is carrying a coffee cup, said, "If our observations are objectively correct, the building of physics may be overwhelmed by us."

The conservation of mass energy is in physics, just as Piano's axiom is to mathematics.

If someone says that quality and energy can be produced out of thin air, it is tantamount to saying that 1+1=3 is a ridiculous thing, even a primary school student can laugh at him.

However, the results of the experiment were so glaring, the quality increase after statistics was 53%. In short, after two lead ions collide with 1 unit of energy, they actually produce 2.53 lead ions.

Where does the extra 0.53 lead ion come from?

Nobody knows.

They also did not observe any signs of interference.

It is as if a strange event has occurred.

Hearing the feelings of Luo Shixiong, he has returned to the calm Lu Zhou and said calmly.

“The building of physics has been pushed down countless times, and it’s not bad this time. But people who have the idea of ​​‘this is not scientific’ are mostly ignorant of ‘science’.”

Luo Wenxuan: "... I heard your mockery of me from the last sentence."

"Your illusion, I never ridicule anyone," ignoring the helpless expression on Luo's brother's face. Lu Zhou paused and continued. "In addition, I actually prefer the explanation of 'other hidden.'"

"And there is another hidden feeling?" Luo Wenxuan raised his eyebrows, and his eyes were obviously interested. "That is, there are aliens interfering with our physical experiments? Water droplets?"

It seems that he was worried that Lu Zhou did not get his own stalk, and Luo Wenxuan followed his fingers again.

"I don't know if you have seen it, I mean... the kind inside the three bodies."

Looking at him with a caring look, Lu Zhou said with patience.

"This is a possibility. Before we catch at least one alien and interrogate it, I can't rule it out... but it must be pointed out that the possibility of this happening is probably with us. Cognition is just as small. If you can do this and have the motivation to do so, then they have at least one hundred more efficient ways to return to the Stone Age."

Luo Wenxuan shrugged helplessly.

"I am just joking and active atmosphere -"

Interrupted his words, Lu Zhou said seriously.

"In any case, we need more experimental data."

"Whether it's because of aliens, or because of a great existence, or the truth of the universe we don't understand, its appearance has indeed subverted our understanding of the universe."

“I still believe that quality and energy don’t come out of thin air. There must be something that interferes with our experiment... and now, all we have to do is prove it and give it a reasonable explanation!”

"This is not a joke, you should understand why I said so."

Silently looking at the serious face of the boat, after a while, Luo Wenxuan sighed softly, took a cup of coffee and took a sip.

After a moment of pause, he put away the frivolity in his tone and said.

“Do you want to disclose the results of the research?”

It took half a minute to consider this question, and Lu Zhou finally nodded.

"Open it."

"We need more excellent brains to get involved."


On the first Tuesday of May, there was an unfortunate event in the international physics community.

According to the latest research published by imcrc, in the collision test of the 5.12~5.22tev energy region, the collision of lead ions did not have a "quality loss" as expected, but an unexpected "quality expansion" occurred. .

The news has already burst out, and immediately set off an uproar in the international physics community.

There is no reason for this, because such a result has violated the "common sense" of physics.

In fact, the collision test on lead ions is not the first time. The collision material used by CERN to simulate the "Big Bang" was lead ion, but no one has ever adjusted the collision energy to such a high level. .

Therefore, no one thought at all that this would be the result.

The impact of this news on the physics community is not inferior to that in the second half of 2011. In the press release, Cern informed the researchers of Oprah that the neutrinos were moving faster than the neutrino experiment. The thing that the speed of light is 0.0025% faster.

And the incident happened, almost the entire physics community was chao for a half year, and finally ended with the resignation of the leader of the "Oprah" research team, Ereditato.

When I saw this, there were certainly many people who would be surprised. The cern physics temple actually had such an oolong, and the members of this research team had to be idiots.

After all, even junior high school students know that nothing can exceed the speed of light.

However, in fact, scientific research is not based on the dogmatic logic of the "examination."

First of all, the uranium about superluminal speed is not the first case. As early as around 06, Fermilab’s "main injector neutrino oscillation search" (minos) project also found signs of neutrino superluminal speed, but because of its The results were not statistically significant, so they were not recognized by the physics community.

Secondly, the researchers at the beginning of Oprah also did not believe in their own experimental results.

They even spent a few months checking the experimental equipment and repeating the experiment in order to prove that they were wrong. Unfortunately, they still could not find where the problem occurred.

In this context, they finally "bravely" announced the results of the experiment, hoping to hand over the problem to the entire physics community to judge.

In the end, such big news came out.

Interestingly, for this discovery, the attitudes of scientists around the world are also subtly different—that is, not everyone fully believes that the conclusions of the Oprah project are wrong.

For example, many Japanese researchers who are engaged in research in this field say that they have "confidence." As for the Chinese scientists, their attitudes are more ambiguous, or they are more adept at using the art of language to respond - "The study of superluminal speed may Sex must start with the essence."

Replace this sentence with "Good weather today" without any sense of violation.

As for the British and American physicists, they generally hold a firm and negative attitude.

Perhaps the most striking of the positions is the physicist Jim Ekari of the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom.

In an interview, he directly declared publicly - "If the experiment at the European Nuclear Center proves to be correct and the neutrino exceeds the speed of light, then I will eat my boxer on the live TV."

It can be seen that the oath of "eat something" is not a rare thing in academia.

In any case, the farce ended in Oolong.

The head of the "Icarus" project repeated the experiment, indicating that the experimental results they measured were exactly the same as those estimated by Einstein, and eventually rejected the results of "Oprah."

As for the cause of the error, there is a saying that the optical cable between the GPS receiver and the computer is loose, and it is said that the oscillator circuit is not connected properly, which leads to errors, but what is specific, and only the neutrino may know it.

And now, something similar happened again.

And it is not just the theory of relativity, but something closer to the foundation of the physics building.

It can be imagined that the entire physics community has to be because of this matter, what is the high chao...

Light pen

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