Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1212: Call of the void

【Shock! Imcrc latest results, quality is no longer conserved! Perpetual motion may no longer be a false proposition! 】

Seeing the title of this line, Lu Zhou almost didn't have a blood spray.

These media-oriented work can always use his wonderful interpretation methods to discourage his nose again and again.

When did imcrc say that quality is no longer conserved? Has he heard of this director?

Is it so difficult to correctly understand the “abnormal mass expansion phenomenon of the three sets of experimental data”?

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if the physics building is overthrown, the perpetual motion machine must be a false proposition.

At least on earth!

“When these people write these things, don’t they draft a draft?”

After reading a few lines and feeling hot eyes, Lu Zhou threw the newspaper into the trash can next to him. He really took a look at this kind of report and felt that it was a waste of time.

"The paper media industry is in a downturn. It is normal to attract audiences through gimmicks..." Looking at Lu Zhou, who had just read the newspapers, the Wei Teng who came to the door couldn’t help but ask, "How? Is there a clue?"

"Don't treat me as a small jingle. I don't know more about this than you," sighed. Lu Zhou reached for the mouse and clicked on the browser to log in to his familiar physics forum. A glance.

Not surprisingly, the physics community really exploded.

At least nine of the posts in the related discussion are unbelievable emotions.

First, a professor at Stanford University said that if there was a problem with the collision plane in the month, he would eat the boxer pants and the belt tied to the waist.

Although Lu Zhou is also very skeptical, will it be a problem with the collider, or the detector will be broken at the same time, but the fault is so consistent, it is really difficult to convince this statement.

Then there was a professor from Oxford who stood up and the view was basically similar. However, he did not suspect that there was a problem with the collider. Instead, he attributed the source of the error to the statistical problem and believed that imcrc was responsible for this. The project's researchers made a big oolong, and imcrc should immediately set up an expert group to re-analyze the data collected by the detector.

On the other hand, there are already many unknown professors on arxiv, and they have begun to bet on why this phenomenon occurs.

After all, the direction of theoretical physics is too difficult.

This kind of difficulty is not just academic.

There is also the meaning of real life.

In addition, even the physics community is not only affected by the mathematics community.

Especially in the forum of cattleoverflow, there are already many mathematics giants who have begun to discuss with interest and if this is true, will it bring some enlightenment to mathematics?

Lu Zhou does not quite understand what this revelation means.

Even if the quality is no longer conserved, it will not even be subverted by the universal algorithm of 1+1=2.

Probably not.

"Before I came to imcrc, I worked at cern for at least thirty years, but this weird situation was the first time I saw it." With a coffee cup, I walked to the desk of Lu Zhou, and Witten pondered for a while. The opening said, "From the perspective of a mathematician, where do you think the quality of the excess may come from?"

"I don't know, mathematics doesn't discuss the specific existence, but I know that quality and energy cannot be increased or decreased unless it is..."

Witten: "Unless?"

"Unless from the other side of time..." After saying this, Lu Zhou opened his mouth, but quickly shook his head and vetoed his own guess. "This is impossible...this is more than the increase in quality and energy." It is not practical."

Time is irreversible, and this is one of the fundamental theorems or consensus of physics.

The curvature of time and space may change somewhere, but the direction it points to must be constant.

As for why this is said, it may be complicated to understand.

To be clear about this, we must first make it clear that, at least in the mainstream physics perspective, time is not a "thing", nor has it anything to do with the dimensions that make up the universe. Strictly speaking, it is a "scale" that appears with the Big Bang, pointing to the end of the universe,

Although it is not possible to rule out new discoveries in the future, redefine the concept of time.

But at least for now, Lu Zhou did not see such signs from the latest findings of imcrc. It can even be said that instead of using the concept of time to explain the extra quality of this part, it is better to attribute it to the void.

and many more!

Lu Zhou’s eyes suddenly slammed down.

Sharply caught the change in the expression on Lu Zhou's face, Wei Teng quickly asked.

"What did you think of?"

"A possibility...may be a bit unrealistic."

Witten jokingly said: "Isn't it more reliable than string theory?"

"Probably..." Lu Zhou thought for a moment. "If, I said, if there are n strings in the universe, there is an n+1th string, which is not in the universe we know. The life of the universe. It is like... a wall on the wall, a lake reflecting in the lake."

The latter half of the sentence was heard by Lu Zhou from a "person."

After listening to Lu Zhou’s words, Wei Teng picked up his eyebrows.

"It seems that you occasionally say something weird."

“Who else said it?”

"Nash... You may know that he is a genius tortured by spiritual pain. When he is still alive, I still like to discuss mathematics with him."

"That's a shame."

"Get down to business, about what you said... I can't rule out this possibility, but just as we can't prove it, it doesn't make sense to discuss it."

After a pause, Witten continued, "The starting point of physics is until the big bang. The things that existed before this have no meaning except the imagination. There is the end of all science, unless we can get there one day. Beyond the box of the universe, otherwise we are in the box, there is not a little bit of hope to see what you said..."

"Void," looking at the Witten that was plaguing how to describe the concept, Lu Zhou said first, "I intend to call it that."

"Void? It's an interesting name," Witten shrugged his shoulders. "But as I said, it doesn't make sense."

Does it really make no sense?

Throughout the morning, Lu Zhou was bothering about this matter.

This is no longer scientific intuition.

But the title of the task itself has already hinted at it, and where is the problem? The roots of all contradictions point to the extra dimension outside the n-dimensional, which is older than the Big Bang and more eternal than time.

However, if he writes these things on the paper, there must be people who suspect that he is crazy at a young age.

Somehow, he suddenly felt sympathy with Einstein.

It is said that the old man’s later years have been quite "miserable". This misery is not only a political suspicion and exclusion, but also because his favorite physics has already abandoned him.

People respect him, but they no longer believe him. The aura of absolute authority in youth has faded from him. Just as no one can understand what he calculated on the blackboard before his death, people no longer try to go deep into this. The old man’s almost insanity in the spiritual world is not so much concerned that he has said something more.

An advanced theory is acceptable, but if a theoretical span has risen to the point of delusion, I am afraid no one will nod easily.

Maybe he really found something, and he would say "everything is well arranged", which sounds absurd.

However, only he can prove that he did find something unusual...

I had dinner at noon.

Lu Zhou returned to his desk and sat down to open the computer.

Just then, a string of bubbles popped out from the lower right corner.

Xiao Ai: [Master, there are new mail. (??????)??]

New mail?

With questions, Lu Zhou landed in the mailbox and opened the unread mail.

When he saw the signature of the mail, he gave a slight sigh.

Nakamoto Satoshi?

There was a strange expression on his face, and Lu Zhou continued to look down on the mail.

The entire text, only a short sentence.

[I want to talk to you. 】

Is this a greeting?

Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head, knocking down a line of words and replied.

[I am sorry that I have no time recently, wait until I have finished handling things at my hand. 】

After clicking the button to send, Lu Zhou turned off the mailbox and put his attention back on the scratch paper on the table.

Letting the thoughts divergence can't solve any problems.

To find reliable clues, you must pass rigorous calculations.

Whether you can find the problem.

At least, he has to be fully prepared for the next experiment...

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