Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1245: How many dishes do you drink like this?

A video site.

Comment area.

"This trailer is a bit of something!"

"It’s just a little something, is it a bunker?!"

"The news that was some time ago is true! They really intend to use holographic technology for the National Day celebration!"

"Impossible, the holographic projector in the video is so big as the flashlight, why do you pack the entire stadium?! I am sure it is another girl!"

"I am an engineer in the holographic projection industry. I don't know which company I am working for. The current best technical aspects of the industry are the NtT companies in Japan, only they have mastered the holographic projection in such a large stadium. The technology of the system. Although our company can also build a holographic projection system for the stage, the scale of the image or the fidelity of the picture is a whole generation of technology. The technical advantage is not based on the poster yy, it is real gold and silver 砸from……"

"But the one that was released some time ago [.] frequency... was scared to be the engineer of the ntt group?"

"People are just scared. What does this mean? I throw a fly to your face, are you still scared?"

"I want to hurry to the National Day, it is too much to look forward to!"

It’s not just the comment area of ​​major video websites in China that is hotly debated. The voice of the discussion on the external network is also a wave of waves. A long time ago, when the video of the holographic projector was just released by the starry sky technology engineer, the outside of the wall was eaten. The melons are talking about whether this technology will appear in the October celebration.

Now it seems that the netizens have really guessed it.

The National Day Celebration Office in China is not just about using holographic projection technology at the celebrations, but looking at the information revealed in the trailer, they seem to be immersing the entire stadium in holographic images.

Equivalent to the entire stadium is the stage.

How many holographic projectors can this be used to achieve this?

Whether it is an engineer working in the field or a netizen sitting in front of a computer, it is impossible to imagine.

It is precisely because of this that the heat of this celebration is constantly heating up, and even a little beyond the imagination of the celebration office and Star Technology.

Except for the tickets sent through various channels, the first wave of 10,000 tickets released was actually robbed in the first time just put on the official website.

Originally before the start of the ticket release, the European director was still joking with Lu Zhou, this ticket will not be released on the second light, the result did not expect it to be really special seconds.

The joke became a reality, and the European director was a little panicked.

After all, this kind of national celebration is mainly to show the people of the whole country a lot of fun, to make a profit, and to make money by ticket is not there.

With a hardware investment of 100 million yuan and 20 million production costs, the National Celebration Office spent a budget of 120 million rmb on this celebration.

According to the entrance ticket of two hundred pieces, even if 30,000 temporary seats were added, and he sold 110,000 tickets, it was only 22 million rmb.

If he can get two or three million sponsorships, he will die for only 50 million. Even in the most optimistic circumstances, the National Celebration Office still has to “loss” at least 70 million on this project.

This does not consider the venue rent.

But in contrast, if these 70 million people can buy a happy nation and let the country become more united and cohesive, then there is no problem of losing money, even if it costs more money.

However, the problem now is that most people have not grabbed the ticket. Not only that, the vast majority of tickets also let the experienced, advanced equipment of the cattle to take away.

The scalper ticket source has already appeared on the major second-hand ticket platforms, and the price has been turned over ten times in the same place. The ordinary ticket sold the price of the VIP ticket, and the most expensive one even reached 5,000.

This result did not discourage the director's nose.

In order to crack down on the scalper, the celebration office quickly revised the ticketing method, and released the original zero point strategy of releasing 10,000 tickets. It was changed to a real-name system placard, random horning and ticketing, and the tickets sold were bound to the ID card. One is to barely contain the yellow cattle market.

However, the relatives who want to get tickets to watch on the scene seem to have become more difficult.

Almost within an hour after the adjustment of the ticketing strategy, the number of real-name placards has exceeded 20 million, and it continues to grow, with a probability of being less than one percent.

What is the concept of 20 million?

The resident population of Shangjing City is only over 20 million.

It is conceivable how great the people’s enthusiasm for this national celebration is...


On the high-speed rail.

Second-class car.

With the help of the flight attendant sister, Lu Bangguo and Fang Mei put the luggage on the luggage rack and sat in the seat.

Perhaps it is the problem of the train model. The seat in the first row of the car comes with a table for dining. There are seats on both sides of the table, and they are opposite each other.

Coincidentally, there is also a pair of old people sitting opposite each other. They are almost the same age and Lu Bangguo. They even look like temperament.

After the train started, the idle and boring Lu Bangguo sneaked a glance at the old man across the street and found that the old man was also looking at him.

When I was not careful, the two of them looked in the line of sight and stared at the small eyes.

If I didn’t say anything at the moment, it seemed a bit embarrassing. Plus, Lao Lu was the kind of person who couldn’t keep his mouth and hands, so he took the initiative to open his voice.

The result was unexpected. The old man on the opposite side was also a talkative master. The two of them chatted and chatted. After a while, they looked like old friends who had not seen for many years.

"You are going to Beijing to do it?"

"Look at the military parade!"

"Parade? Oh, that's not something that ordinary people can see. I have never seen anyone who is watching a military parade. It is a second-class seat."

Lu Bangguo smiled and was about to dismiss it. My son could not only look at it, but also sit on the special table. He stood and looked down and watched no one. The result was not only stunned by the wife sitting next to him, but also stunned. A white eye.

"Less less trouble for your son!"

"I am……"

"What are you? Now everyone has a mobile phone. Do you know if anyone is shooting you? You want to show the big guys, how can the family of the great academicians fly?"

Hearing this sentence, Lu Bangguo couldn't help but laugh and cry. He said that some people are so chatless and open the camera.

However, when it comes to his son, he does not dare to talk back with his wife. He has to whisper and whisper, and excused himself: "This is also flying."

"This is not a big deal! Don't think I don't know, you just want to say oh!"

Watching the couple bite their ears, the old man sitting opposite the two people smiled and smiled, but they could not help but envy.

so good.

I am still so loving when I am old.

Unlike him, his wife was dozing off as soon as she got on the bus, and she was too lazy to care for him.

When I noticed that I was wrestling with my wife, I seemed to have forgotten an outsider sitting on the opposite side. Lu Bangguo, who realized this, hurriedly coughed and ended up with his wife and re-emerged the majesty of the head of the family.

"What about you?"

"Look at the celebration!"


See Lu Bangguo's expression of fog. The face of the old man suddenly showed a touch of pride, but he sighed with a false sigh and shook his head.

"Oh, my son, anything else, it is too filial! Isn't there a national celebration for the Bird's Nest? You have to ask us to play in the past, and I bought two tickets for the Bird's Nest with my wife." It is said that the VIP seat is two thousand dollars!"

"Two thousand dollars?? Then what about your seat?"

"Two hundred pieces one."


Lu Bangguo did not know what to say, but opened his mouth, and then looked at Fang Mei sitting next to him and whispered.

"Is the bird's nest going to celebrate? What kind of celebration? Didn't I listen to my son?"

Fang Mei gave him a blank speech and said.

"You don't know the news every day? I saw it!"

Lu Bangguo is embarrassed to smile.

Without the news of his son, he basically slept and slept. Maybe I saw it, but he didn't go to the heart at all. He might have forgotten after eating.

Originally, he was not interested in the things of the celebration, but once he heard that it was held in the Bird's Nest he had not been to, and others seemed to be looking forward to it, his heart could not help but tickle, so he pulled himself. A wife, whispered.

"...The parade has seen it a few times, but I haven’t been to the Bird’s Nest Stadium several times in Kyoto... or this time, why are you going to see the celebration?”

Fang Mei has some heartbeat, but his expression is still hesitant.

"Don't you have trouble with your son?"

Lu Bangguo put it down and said: "This is troublesome, only two hundred tickets, he is not bad that money. If not online tickets, I bought it myself."

"That... waited for the car to call him, he should be on the plane now."

I heard the conversation between the two people from the beginning, and the old man sitting opposite the two laughed, and there was no more expression on his face, but his heart was disdainful.

How many dishes do you drink like this?

It’s on the plane, watching the military parade, and getting a VIP ticket... I can do it.

In a word, what can you really install!


On the other side, the plane boat was also safely arrived at the airport in Shangjing.

When he and Chen Yushan greeted the Concierge, after passing through the VIP passage, a black red flag had stopped at the exit. A civil servant in a suit opened the door for him. When he got in the car, he found that the man sitting in the co-pilot seemed to be...

A little familiar?

"Chen Shu?"


Almost in unison, the two people who got on the bus made an unexpected sound.

Looking at the Lu Zhou in the rearview mirror in a complicated mood, looking at the man who made the baby daughter work overtime in the New Year, Chen Baohua, who was two frosty, was silent for a while, and he didn’t dare to say a few words. He finally sighed. Tone.

"Lu Academician, how are you?"

I always feel that this "Hello" is full of endless meaning, but Lu Zhou did not have the time to do the fine work, I am embarrassed to smile.

"Chen Shu is good."

"I am generally good, hello."

Lu Zhou: "...?"

Seeing that the two did not notice their own side, Chen Yushan looked at her father with some dissatisfaction.

"Dad, don't you say hello to me? Isn't that good?"

"Are you jealous or I am jealous, what do you say hello to you! You can say hello to me!"

"Cut, straight man!"

Looking at the way the father and the daughter squashed, Lu Zhou’s mouth couldn’t help but smile.

Speaking of it, my sister hasn’t been home for a long time.

Working in the field is really not easy.

Although it seems to be very comfortable, but for a long time, I still miss some...

At this time, Lu Zhou suddenly thought that his parents were still on the road, so he looked at Chen Shu sitting in the co-pilot position, I am embarrassed to say.

"That, Chen Shu, trouble you... can you arrange a car for me, pick up my parents? They"

Chen Baohua: "I know that on the high-speed rail, the shift g5xx, there are 25 minutes to arrive, I have let my colleagues go to the reception, you can rest assured."

Lu Zhou: " are really supernatural."

Chen Baohua finally smiled a little proudly.

"That is required."

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