Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1246: Toast for a better future!

"This train is about to arrive in Beijing West, ask passengers to pack their luggage and get off in order."

The reminder of the broadcast sounded, but it did not interrupt the two old men.

The old man surnamed Liu, who is sitting opposite, is named Liu Peizhong and is also a native of Gangneung.

Although this old man seems to not believe in himself, he always thinks he is bragging, but Lu Bangguo does not care. In the public health of drinking tea and reading newspapers in the public institutions, he has already trained him with a broad heart and a good temper that is not warm.

Greening in small cities is getting better and better, roads are getting more and more spacious, life is getting better, and it is not so much in peace.

Regardless of whether you hold it or not, I pretend to force me.

The two chatted together and they were quite happy. When they talked down the road, they all said that they were brothers.

"That one……"


"Have your son got married?"

"No," Lao Lu sighed. "It’s almost thirty, I’m not squatting.”

Looking at the old Lu Hao sigh, Liu Peizhong quickly comforted a sentence: "Men still focus on career, how can a husband have no wife? Do not force the child too tight."

He said deep in his mouth, but in his heart he actually smiled.

Blowing is hard to use.

Really so capable, can not find a wife?

Liu Peizhong feels that he has mastered the ability to see the essence through the phenomenon.

However, the old man who loves to brag, but did not seem to notice that he had already dismantled his poor cowhide, still self-sufficiently "installed" there.

"Hey, I don't worry about his career. I have always told him that money is enough for this thing. It is the true meaning of life to live a life! You said that he has earned money for a lifetime." What is the use of heaping there? What are you doing for me?"

Fang Mei, who sat next to him, glanced at Lu Bangguo, and the warning in his eyes was not too obvious. It was like saying, "You don't blame me for letting you have no face in front of outsiders."

Seeing his wife lost his temper, Lu Bangguo suddenly stunned, and quickly lost a small face to appease his wife's emotions.

Liu Peizhong, who was sitting opposite, took all of this to his eyes and smiled. He almost couldn’t resist laughing.

How much money can you spend in your life?

But if you add a peanut, you won’t drink it like this!

The car arrived at the station.

Lao Lu was getting ready to take the luggage, and the two men in uniform came over.

"Mr. Lu, let me help you."

"Trouble, boy... Hey? How do you know my name is Lu Lai? I didn't seem to say it."

" have written on your ticket."


Lu Bangguo didn't think much about it. He just said that he didn't seem to be too old, and then he gave the baggage to the two young boys.

The old man sitting opposite the eyes of the two men wearing uniforms, not quite like the flight attendants of the high-speed rail, but watching the flight attendants leave them alone, it is obviously not a liar.

The group got off the bus and got out of the high-speed rail station.

Liu Peizhong is preparing to take a car to the hotel, but it is found that the black car drivers who have exported those brands are gone.


What the hell?

Didn’t the black car drivers go to work today?

Not only was the black car driver gone, he was surprised to find that the entire high-speed rail station and when he came here last time, it was like turning over a sample. Although the decoration did not change, the feeling was different.

It’s like suddenly all of a sudden, things that weren’t very standardized, all of them are standardized at once.

"The drivers of this passenger are all gone?"

"……do not know."

Lao Lu is also incomprehensible at the moment, but his inexplicable main reason is that no black car driver is squatting on the side of the guardrail, but the two "flight attendants" guys help him carry the suitcase out of the station.

If he remembers correctly, he bought a second-class seat.

Even if it is a business seat, there is no such treatment?

At the location of the taxi docking area, Lao Lu is preparing to say thank you to the two young men next to him. Let them hurry to help others. When they find a taxi, it is enough for a moment to be caught by the scene. It is.

I saw a black red flag parked on the side of the road, occupying a whole waiting area, no cars in front or behind.

A man in a tunic suit came forward. He smiled and bowed to the two old men. He greeted him. Then he took the suitcase from the hands of the two boys and left a sentence, "Work hard, give it to me." Then, the two suitcases were put into the trunk with skill.

Looking at the door that had been opened, Lu Bangguo and Fang Mei were surprised to say nothing.

The old willows standing behind the two are the same as his wife, and they all open their mouths. Especially when he saw the license plate, his face suddenly rose to tide red.

"That... Lu brother."

"Oh, hey..." Although most of them know that they are related to their own sons, the voice of Lao Lu’s speech can’t help but stutter.

"Your son... can you marry?"

"Yes... you remember this, I only talked about it five minutes ago."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lao Liu suddenly changed the whole person and excitedly pulled the arm of Lao Lu.

"I have a prostitute who works in Beijing. It is just unmarried. Isn't her parents worrying about it? You see that you are so tempted to talk about it, do you want to find a chance to match the two children? I remember that I have her business card. Come, it seems to be in the trunk, waiting for me to find..."


What Lu Zhou didn't know was that when he didn't know, his old man arranged an inexplicable "family affairs" on the small book.

But even if I knew it, he didn't have the time to take care of it.

In the town hall not far from the hotel, there was a dinner for the invited guests to pick up the dust.

As one of the important guests at the dinner, and may be interviewed by the TV station, he is now finishing a grooming image for him by a dedicated image designer.

Looking at the hairdresser Miss Sister who combed her hair in the mirror, Lu Zhou said with a soft cough.

"Actually, I think... I can just do it twice, it’s not like me."

The hair stylist Miss smiled and smiled, but the movements on her hands were not stopped.

"Lu Academician, you are laughing, where is it unlike you?"

“How long is it?”

"Just right."

" said the same thing half an hour ago."

Some toss.

It’s finally finished.

Looking at Lu Zhou, who came out of the dressing room, and Chen Yushan, who was standing at the door with his arms in his arms, his face suddenly showed an unexpected expression.

"Not bad, it feels like being a person."

Upon hearing this, Lu Zhou was not happy.

"What do you mean, I was not handsome before?"

However, the stylist who gave the guests a good look is really different from the Tony teacher in the general hairdressing salon. Originally, he still had some concerns about the rusticity of these people who had made themselves full of old cadres. I didn’t expect this big back to comb and make a dozen waxes. The whole person’s temperament was different. It’s not like doing research, but it’s a bit more... the feeling of overbearing president?

The same is true of the school sister standing in front of herself.

Although for her appearance, Lu Zhou, who has been acquainted for nine years, has long been used to it, and she can’t stand his face blindly, but at this moment she is wearing a long skirt evening dress, just like an oriental princess. Ying blinking eyes like a polished jewel, even if he is above the sky, he did not hold back for two seconds.

Sensitively caught this moment, Chen Yushan smiled and gently licked the hair under the ear, said Waner.

"It used to be handsome, but now it is more handsome. Can't you?"



It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

I am very satisfied with this answer. I don’t like Lu Zhou, who is carrying a girl’s bar. I haven’t continued to care about this little detail...

Although there were only a few steps away from the General Assembly Hall, the two were still at the invitation of the Concierge staff and sat on the black red flag that was parked at the hotel entrance.

When they got off at the entrance of the General Assembly Hall, the two met just before they arrived at Lao Lu and Fang Mei.

At first sight of his son, Lao Lu almost didn't recognize it. He stared at it for a while before he recognized who it was. However, just as he was just about to say hello, all his attention was in an instant, and he was taken away by the girl who stood next to Lu Zhou.

Lao Lu’s eyes were round and round, and Fang Mei, who was next to him, was excited and pointed to her.

I was stunned to see my old lady completely hanging herself aside. I was so excited that I didn’t know what to say. Lu Zhou opened his mouth and didn’t know what to say.

Sensitively felt that the attention of the two old people was on their own, Chen Yushan's mouth smirked a slight curvature, but did not show very clearly.

Although the mind is a little smug, it is not good if it is out of place.

Taking care of her mind, she gracefully and gently pulled the cuffs of the boat, holding a face and forcing the boat to clear the situation, and the two old men greeted each other and talked about the exchange of two. sentence.

Later, she was like a big lady who knew the book and was elegant and elegant. She took the initiative to take the two old people and Lu Zhou and walked in the direction of the town hall.

To be honest, if I haven’t seen my schoolmates in the usual way, Lu Zhou was almost cheated by her...

Inside the town hall.

Guests have been seated.

The table with the brocade was not served yet, but the porcelain wine glass was put on, and the concierge in the formal dress was poured into the wine or drink.

After the magnificent music and opening remarks, an old man with two white spots and a tunic suit went to the stage and gently reached down to hold the microphone.

After a pause, he spoke.

"In the ups and downs, we have been together for another year."

"Looking back at the past, looking back at the changes of the international community in the past, there is no lack of laughter and laughter on this road, but also full of hardships and bumps."

"But no matter how difficult, no matter how difficult, under our wisdom, our courage, and the unity of the will of the storm, nothing can stop us."

"In this day of revitalizing our civilization, on this great day, our heartfelt wishes, tomorrow will be better, the future will be even better!"

"Let us toast the motherland, the tomorrow for all of us, and the bright future!"

In the banquet hall, everyone raised the glass in their hands.


The lobby is filled with joy.

Under the emotional infection, people's faces showed a heartfelt smile.

The sound gradually stopped.

The voices of the audience were intertwined.

Several foreign guests and ambassadors also stopped talking and cast their curious eyes on the stage.

The old man standing on the stage looked around at the venue and cleared his throat and continued to speak.

"In recognition of the people who have worked hard for our common cause and for our bright future in the past year."

"I will represent the people and honor this National Medal of Honor, which symbolizes the highest honor, to the people who can best bring out this glory and glory."

"It's the winner is"

"Lu Zhou!"

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